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Literate Programming
Introduction to javadoc.
Documentation comments.
Documenting java source code.
Generating HTML documentation using javadoc.
Customizing javadoc output: doclets.
Preview: Further OO concepts.
Lecture 3
Literate Programming in Java
 Literate programming is the combination of documentation and source
together in a fashion suited for reading by human beings
 It is an easy way of creating reports and documentation at the same
time as the program itself, and usually produces nice-looking code as
 Java supports three kinds of comments:
 /* text */ A traditional comment:
 // text A single-line comment:
 /** documentation */ A documentation comment:
 The text enclosed by the ASCII characters /** and */ can be processed
by a separate tool to prepare automatically generated documentation
of the following class, interface, constructor, or member (method or
field) declaration.
 Before discussing how documentations are produced let us first
describe the java tool used for the task.
Lecture 3
Program Comments and javadoc
 The Java Development Kit from sun Microsystems provides
a utility called javadoc to generate documentation that
can be inspected by a web browser
Before javadoc can generate HTML files, you must insert documentation
comments in your source program.
 Like other commands, documentation comments are not translated into bytecode.
 Because javadoc generates HTML, documentation comments can contain HTML
 Like HTML tags, javadoc tags (which begin with the @ symbol) can be inserted
into documentation comments.
 Documentation comments are placed on the line before a class definition, an
interface definition, a constructor, a method, and a field.
Lecture 3
Some javadoc Tags
Identifies the author of the class
Specifies that a class member is deprecated
Identifies an exception thrown by a method
Documents a method's parameter
Documents a method's return value
Specifies a link to another topic
States the release when a specific change was introduced
Same as @throws
Specifies the version of a class
Lecture 3
@see Tag: Some Details
The @see Tag: In the previous slide, we have seen various uses of the
@see tag. This tag may be used in any documentation comment to indicate
a cross-reference to a class, interface, method, constructor, field, or URL
such as:
@see java.lang.String
@see String#equals
@see java.lang.Object#wait(int)
@see, String)
@see Character#MAX_RADIX
@see <a href="spec.html">Java Spec</a>
The character # separates the name of a class from the name of one of its
fields, methods, or constructors. One of several overloaded methods or
constructors may be selected by including a parenthesized list of argument
types after the method or constructor name. A documentation comment may
contain more than one @see tag.
Lecture 3
@author Tag: Some Details
The @author Tag: The following are examples of @author taglines, which
may be used in documentation comments for class and interface declarations:
@author Mary Wollstonecraft
@author Hildegard von Bingen
@author Dorothy Parker
The information in an @author paragraph has no special internal structure.
A documentation comment may contain more than one @author tag.
Alternatively, a single @author paragraph may mention several authors:
@author Jack Kent, Peggy Parish, Crockett Johnson,
James Marshall, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat,
Robert McCloskey, and Madeleine L'Engle
However, Gosling et al. recommend specifying one author per
@author paragraph, which allows the documentation processing tool to provide
the correct punctuation in all circumstances.
Lecture 3
@version Tag: Some Details
The @version Tag: The following is an example of a @version paragraph,
which may be used in documentation comments for class and interface
declarations: @version 493.0.1 beta
The information in a @version paragraph has no special internal structure.
A documentation comment may contain at most one @version tag.
The @param Tag: The following are examples of @param paragraphs, which
may be used in documentation comments for method and constructor
@param file - The file to be searched.
@param pattern - The pattern to be matched during the search.
@param count - The number of lines to print for each match.
The information in a @param paragraph should consist of the name of the
parameter followed by a short description. A documentation comment may
contain more than one @param tag.
Lecture 3
@param and @return Tags: Some Details
The usual convention is that if any @param paragraphs are present in a
documentation comment, then there should be one @param paragraph for
each parameter of the method or constructor, and the @param paragraphs
should appear in the order in which the parameters are declared.
The @return Tag: The following is an example of a @return paragraph,
which may be used in documentation comments for declarations of methods
whose result type is not void:
@return the number of widgets that pass the quality test
The information in a @return paragraph has no special internal structure.
The usual convention is that it consists of a short description of the returned
value. A documentation comment may contain at most one @return tag.
Lecture 3
@exception Tag: Some Details
The @exception Tag: The following is an example of an @exception
paragraph, which may be used in documentation comments for method
and constructor declarations:
@exception IndexOutOfBoundsException the matrix is too large
@exception the file does not exist
The information in an @exception paragraph should consist of the name
of an exception class (which may be a simple name or a qualified name)
followed by a short description of the circumstances that cause the
exception to be thrown. A documentation comment may contain more
than one @exception tag.
Lecture 3
javadoc Utility
A documentation comment satrts with a/**, a special comment
delimiter used by the javadoc utility, which automatically extracts and
formats documentation. For each method parameter, you supply a line
that starts with @parm, followed by the parameter name and a short
explanation.. Finally you supply a line that starts with @return,
describing the return value
/** Tests whether two floating point number are equal, except for
roundoff error
@param x a floating-point number
@param y a floating- point number
@return true if x and y are approximately equal
public static boolean approxequal (double x, double y)
{ final double EPSILON =1e-14;
double xymax=math.max(math.abs(x),math.abs(y));
return Math.abs(x-y)<=EPSILON * xymax;}
Lecture 3
An HTML page produced by the javadoc Utility
From a command shell, you invoke the javadoc utility with the command
javadoc then it will produce MyProg.html in HTML format, javadoc
automatically provides hyperlinks to other classes and methods
Lecture 3
Documentation Comments: Example 2
* This class demonstrates documentation comments.
* @author ICS201 Instructor
* @version 1.2
public class SquareNum {
* This method returns the square of num.
* This is a multiline description. You can use
* as many lines as you like.
* @param num The value to be squared.
* @return num squared.
public double square (double num) {
return num*num;
Lecture 3
Documentation Comments: Example 2 (cont.)
/** This method inputs a number from the user.
* @return The value input as a double.
* @see IOException
public double getNumber() throws IOException {
// create a BufferedReader using
InputStreamReader isr = new
BufferedReader inData = new BufferedReader(isr);
String str;
double d;
str = inData.readLine();
d = Double.parseDouble(str);
return d;
Lecture 3
Documentation Comments: Example 2 (cont.)
* This method demonstrate square
* @param args Unused.
* @return Nothing.
* @exception IOException on input error.
* @see IOException
public static void main(String [] args) throws
IOException {
SquareNum ob = new SquareNum();
double val;
System.out.println("Enter value to be squared:" );
val = ob.getNumber();
val = ob.square(val);
System.out.println("Squared value is :"+ val);
Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Generating HTML with javadoc: Some command-line options
usage: javadoc [options] [packagenames] [sourcefiles] [classnames] [@files]
-overview <file> Read overview documentation from HTML file
Show only public classes and members
-protected Show protected/public classes and members (default)
Show package/protected/public classes and members
Show all classes and members
Display command line options
-doclet <class> Generate output via alternate doclet
-sourcepath <pathlist> Specify where to find source files
Provided by Standard doclet:
-d <directory>
Destination directory for output files
Include @version paragraphs
Include @author paragraphs
-link <url>
Create links to javadoc output at <url>
Lecture 3
Adding Documentations: Points to Note
javadoc will run on .java source files that are pure stub files with no method
Placing an import statement between the class documentation and the class
declaration is a logic error. This causes the class comment to ignored by javadoc.
Each tag should start on a new line. The tag comments can extend into multiple
lines if necessary, but there should be no blank lines in between tags.
Defining several fields in one comma-separated statement with a single comment
above that statement, will result in javadoc using that comment for all the fields.
To produce proper javadoc documentation, you must declare every instance
variable on a separate line.
Lecture 3
Customizing javadoc’s Output: Doclets
A doclet is a program written with the doclet API that specifies the content and
format of the output to be generated by the javadoc tool.
You can write a doclet to generate any kind of text-file output, such as HTML,
If you do not supply a custom doclet, javadoc uses the default doclet provided by
java to generate HTML.
Alternatively, you can subclass appropriate classes in the standard doclet and then
add or override methods as necessary to produce the output you want.
A doclet is a program of the form (compiled using javac and passed to javadoc
using the –doclet option):
import com.sun.javadoc.*;
public class MyDoclet{
public static boolean
start(RootDoc rd){
Lecture 3
Writing Doclets: An Example
import com.sun.javadoc.*;
public class ListClass {
public static boolean start(RootDoc root) {
[]ClassDoc [] classes =
for (int i = 0;
i<classes.length; ++i)
return true;
} }
 We must imports the com.sun.javadoc package in order to use the doclet
 The start() method takes a RootDoc parameter that carries information about
any options specified on the command line when javadoc is run, and also about
the classes and packages upon which javadoc is operating.
 RootDoc defines a classes() method that returns a ClassDoc array whose
elements represent the classes that javadoc parses.
Lecture 3
Writing Doclets: An Example
 The doclet API classfiles are in the file lib/tools.jar in the Java 2 SDK, and
you therefore need to include tools.jar on the compiler's classpath, as in this
C:\>javac -classpath C:\jdk1.3\lib\tools.jar
 We now run javadoc on using the ListClass doclet as:
C:\>javadoc -doclet ListClass -classpath C:\jdk1.3\lib\tools.jar
 Note that this command also requires tools.jar to be on the class path.
 For further details on this check the javadoc documentation in your JavaCD.
 Exercise: Explore the javadoc documentation and try to create your own custom
Lecture 3