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Dr. Philip Cannata
Dr. Philip Cannata
Dr. Philip Cannata
Java Upcasting and Downcasting
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Dr. Philip Cannata
Java Upcasting and Downcasting –
class Animal {
static int value = 100;
class Cat extends Animal { int value = Animal.value + 1; }
class Dog extends Animal { int value = Animal.value + 2; }
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cat c = new Cat();
Dog d = new Dog();
Animal a = c;
Object o = c;
// System.out.println(o.value);
a = d;
// type(a.value);
Dog d2 = (Dog) a;
a = c;
Dog d3 = (Dog) a;
public static void type(Animal a){
System.out.println("I am a " + a);
Dr. Philip Cannata
Java Upcasting and Downcasting –
class Animal {
static int value = 100;
Textbook Chapter 24
In languages like Java, programmers think they have the benefit of a type
system, but in fact many common programming patterns force programmers
class Dog extends Animal { int value = Animal.value + 2; } to employ casts instead. Casts intentionally subvert the type system and leave
checking for execution time. This indicates that Java’s evolution is far from
public class Test {
complete. In contrast, most of the type problems of Java are not manifest in a
public static void main(String[] args) {
language like ML, but its type systems still holds a few (subtler) lurking
Cat c = new Cat();
problems. In short, there is still much to do before we can consider type
system design a solved problem. . . .
Dog d = new Dog();
Types form a very valuable first line of defense against program errors. Of
Animal a = c;
course, a poorly-designed type system can be quite frustrating: Java
programming sometimes has this flavor. A powerful type system such as that
Object o = c;
of ML, however, is a pleasure to use. ML programmers, for instance, claim
// System.out.println(o.value);
that programs that type correctly often work correctly within very few
a = d;
development iterations.
Types that have not been subverted (by, for instance, casts in Java) perform
several valuable roles:
// type(a.value);
• When type systems detect legitimate program errors, they help reduce the
Dog d2 = (Dog) a;
time spent debugging.
a = c;
• Type systems catch errors in code that is not executed by the programmer.
Dog d3 = (Dog) a;
This matters because if a programmer constructs a weak test suite, many
parts of the system may receive no testing. The system may thus fail after
public static void type(Animal a){
deployment rather than during the testing stage. (Dually, however, passing a
System.out.println("I am a " + a);
type checker makes many programmers construct poorer test suites—a most
undesirable and unfortunate consequence!)
class Cat extends Animal { int value = Animal.value + 1; }
Dr. Philip Cannata
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