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Learning Objectives
 Overview of Inheritance
The super keyword
 Inheritance Models
The “Is-A” Relationship
 The extends keyword
Abstract Classes
 Extension, Overriding
and Overloading
Chapter Overview
 Now that we’ve gotten a better
sense of Java programming we’ll
return to the idea of inheritance
and look at it more closely
 After reviewing the basic ideas,
we’ll introduce three important
new ones:
- overriding
- overloading
- the super keyword
 We’ll also look at re-factoring,
take another look at abstract
classes and introduce casting
Inheritance Overview
 An inheritance relationship is one of the fundamental mechanisms
for code reuse in object-oriented programming
 Inheritance allows classes to be derived from an existing class
 The class which inherits is called: the subclass, the derived
class or the child class
 The class which is inherited from is called: the superclass, the
base class or the parent class
 A subclass inherits variables and methods from its superclass and
all of its ancestors unless those elements are scoped as private or
Inheritance in Java
The general form of subclass:
class subclassname extends superclassname
variables declaration ;
methods declaration ;
The keyword extends signifies that the
properties of the superclassname are extended
to the subclassname
 If a class does NOT include the extends keyword, it
is assumed to extend java.lang.Object
 All Java classes ultimately inherit from Object
 This means that all classes in Java share the
methods found in Object. Take a moment to
examine some of these methods in the online
Inheritance in Java (con’t)
Multilevel Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance allows several levels of superclass
In Java a class can only extend from one other class
– A is superclass of B
– B is superclass of C
– This works in Java: B and
C each have only one
Inheritance in Java (con’t)
Hierarchical Inheritance
 Hierarchical Inheritance has
one superclass and many
– A is superclass
– B and C are subclasses of A
– This works in Java.
An Example Superclass
public class Car
private int speed;
// The default Constructor
public class Car() {}
// A constructor that sets speed
public Car(int s) {this.setSpeed(s);}
public int getSpeed() { return speed;}
public void setSpeed(int s){speed = s;}
An Example Subclass
public class StationWagon extends Car
private int cargo_weight;
public void setCargoWeight(int w) {
cargo_weight = w;
public int getCargoWeight() {
return cargo_weight;
Implications of extends
 The subclass becomes a specialization of the
existing class through one or more of the following
three mechanisms:
 The subclass adds new data members and/or
 The subclass “overloads” existing methods
 The subclass “overrides” existing data members
and methods
 Overloading and overriding are covered in the next
set of slides
Overloading Existing Methods
 An overloaded method has the same name as
another method in the same class (or in a parent
class) but has a different parameter list
 An overloaded method provides specialized
functionality by accepting a different parameter list
Overloading Example
 In our SportsCar class we want the option of setting
the speed more precisely via a double
public class SportsCar extends Car
double preciseSpeed;
//overloading setSpeed(int) from Car
public void setSpeed(double s) {
preciseSpeed = s;
Overriding Existing Methods
 An overridden method is a method, in a subclass,
that has exactly the same signature as a method
in a parent class
 You can overload methods in the same class
but you can only override methods in a
Overriding Example
 Our StationWagons are not allowed to go more than
50 miles per hour. We enforce this via an overridden
setSpeed method
public class StationWagon extends Car
//overriding setSpeed(int) from Car
public void setSpeed(int s) {
if(s >50)
s = 50;
speed = s; //what’s wrong here????
The super Keyword
 When you override a
method, the code in
the parent’s class
method is no longer
available to the subclass
 If you want to access
the parent’s code you
can use the super
keyword. To call
setSpeed in Car for
StationWagon you
would do this:
public class StationWagon
extends Car
public void setSpeed(int s) {
if(s > 50)
s = 50;
Overriding Existing Data
 It is also possible to override data members
 This is not considered good design practice. You are
subverting rather than specializing the original
 Inheritance should not be used to wipe out features
that you don’t want in a subclass
Constructors and Inheritance
 A constructor may include the super() statement to
call the constructor of the superclass from which it
 In a constructor, super can only be the first statement
in the constructor’s code block (comments excepted!).
This is okay…
public StationWagon() {
…this is not.
public StationWagon() {
Constructors and Inheritance (con’t)
 To call a specific constructor in the superclass, the
super() statement should be provided with
parameters that match that constructor:
public class StationWagon extends Car
//All StationWagons start of going 40.
public StationWagon() {
The protected Modifier
 If an attribute or method is declared as protected
then its visible to all subclasses
 This visibility also extends across package
The “Is A” Relationship
 Inheritance should typically be used to model an “is –
a” relationship between Superclass and Subclass
 StationWagon is a Car
 Penguin is a Bird
 Factory is a Workplace
 While “is a” is a matter for philosophical debate on
occasion it is a good metric for building a well
engineered inheritance relationship
When “Is-A” Breaks Down
public class Bird {
public void fly (int altitude)
{ /* code here */}
public class Penguin extends Bird
public void fly (int altitude) { /* ??? */}
A penguin clearly “is-a” bird but not all penguins can fly!
What NOT To Do – Version 1
 One (bad) solution is to let Penguins fly() but create a fly method
that doesn’t do anything:
public class Penguin extends Bird
public void fly (int altitude) {}
 If someone tries to make a penguin “fly” they are probably
expecting it to work – somehow. But nothing will happen: (1000); // nothing happens (1000); // fly to 1000 feet
What NOT To Do – Version 2
 Another (bad) solution is to give Penguins a fly() method
which actually means something else. Perhaps fly() for a
penguin should be swim!
public class Penguin extends Bird {
public void fly (int alt){ /* swim code here */ }
This makes the purpose of the code difficult to understand – objects
may respond to methods in unexpected, inappropriate ways! (1000); // swim 1000 feet in depth (1000); // fly 1000 feet in height
Solution : Refactor the Relationship
 Refactor the hierarchy into Bird, FlightlessBird
and FlyingBird!
 Then build your specific class abstractions!
Abstract Classes Revisited
 To close out this chapter, we’ll revisit abstract classes
 Although we’ve already covered this, abstract classes
bear a rather subtle relationship to our next topic:
 A review now will help you better understand the
material in the next chapter.
 For our review we will consider items (Books, VHS
tapes and DVDs) being lent from a library
Abstract Classes
 An Abstract class is a class that may not be
 An abstract class may include:
 Attributes
 Abstract Methods – these methods have no code
 Methods – these methods have code blocks
Abstract Class Example
public abstract class Car {
protected int speed;
protected boolean engineState;
/* Other attributes omitted to save space */
// We’ve decided to not provide a
// default way of setting speed.
public abstract void setSpeed();
public boolean getEngineState () {
return engineState;
/* Other methods omitted to save space. */
Concrete Class Example
public class SportsCar extends Car
int horse_power;
public int setSpeed(int new_speed) {
if(new_speed > horse_power*1.7)
new_speed = horse_power*1.7;
this.speed = new_speed;
/* Other methods omitted to save space. */
Abstract Class Syntax
public abstract class Car { … }
 A class that is abstract must be declared using the
keyword abstract
 This indicates that it may NOT be instantiated
Car x = new Car();
This will cause a compilation error
Abstract Method Syntax
public abstract void setSpeed(int new_speed);
 The keyword abstract in a method signature indicates that the
method must be implemented by an extending (or “concrete”)
 If a class does not provide an implementation for an abstract
method it inherits it must also be declared abstract – or the
code will not compile
 Note: it is possible for an abstract class to have no
abstract methods!
Building a “Concrete” Class
 A Concrete class extends an abstract class and provides an
implementation for all inherited abstract methods:
public class SportsCar extends Car {
int horse_power;
public int setSpeed(int new_speed) {
if(new_speed > horse_power*1.7)
new_speed = horse_power*1.7;
this.speed = new_speed;
public int getHorsePower(){ return horse_power;}
/* Other methods omitted to save space. */
Key Design Implications
 An abstract class can provide general functionality
and data fundamental to all concrete subclasses
through implemented methods; however such
functionality may not make sense on its own
 Abstract methods collectively specify a list of
methods that all concrete subclasses must
Using Abstract References
 It is possible to assign concrete objects to abstract references
Car mySportsCar = new SportsCar();
 However, in this example, mySportsCar only has access to
the attributes and methods defined in Car. Methods defined in
SportsCar are NOT available to it:
boolean x = mySportsCar.getEngineState();
// no problem this is a method in Car
int hp = mySportsCar.getHorsePower();
/* this will not compile – Car doesn’t have a
definition for getHorsePower() – it’s a SportsCar
method! */
Using Abstract References (con’t)
 This enables us to write what is often called
polymorphic code, the ability for unrelated classes to
respond to common messages - we’ll address this is
detail later
 BUT this technique allows us to group objects that
are similar as long as we work only with the attributes
and methods they have in common
 See the example on the next slide
Using Abstract References (con’t)
 The method below will accept ANY class that extends Car.
This includes SportsCar, Cargo, SUV and StationWagon
 All classes that extend Car are required to have a
setSpeed() method. So we know that the line
aCar.setSpeed(55) will work
public void travelAtSpeedLimit (Car aCar) {
Casting: An Introduction
 In Java, classes are arranged in a strict hierarchy. Every
class – except class Object- has one superclass and
can have any number of subclasses
 Our SUV class for example inherits from Cargo, which in
turn inherits from Car which inherits from Object
Java guarantees that:
SUV will have all the attributes and methods of
Cargo, Car and Object
Cargo will have all the attributes and methods of Car
and Object but not SUV
Car will have all the attributes and methods of
Object but not Cargo or SUV
 Because of these guarantees Java allows us to
regard a class as any one of the classes from which it
 So we can choose to regard an SUV as a Cargo
object, a Car object or even just a plain old Object
 When we do this we lose access to the attributes and
methods in the subclass
 Regarding a class as one of its superclasses is called
Upcasting Syntax
 We’ve already seen one way to upcast:
Car myCar = new SportsCar();
 But what if we already have a SportsCar and want
to create a Car reference to it? Well, we’d do this:
SportsCar mySportsCar = new SportsCar();
Car myCar = (Car)mySportsCar;
 As we continue through this class we’ll see a variety
of ways in which this is useful
 Downcasting lets us take a class which has been
upcast to a more general class and switch back to
regarding it as a more specific class
 For example:
// Create a SportsCar and regard it as a Car
Car myCar = new SportsCar();
// Now create a new reference to regard myCar
// as a SportsCar
SportsCar mySportsCar = (SportsCar)myCar;
Issues with Casting
 In many cases Java can check at compile time to
ensure that you’ve got the correct type
 But this is not always so. As we will see in the
chapter on Collections, Java will not always be able
to determine that you’ve specified the right types
when it compiles your code
 So, if you make a mistake you may encounter a run
time error
Any Questions?
 After discussing this
chapter with your
instructor please
complete the exercises in
Lab 5
 These exercises will
focus on abstract classes
and casting