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Week 4
Main concepts to be covered
•Multiple inheritance
Abstract classes and methods
• Abstract methods have abstract in the
• Abstract methods have no body.
• The presence of at least one abstract
method makes the class abstract.
• Abstract classes cannot be instantiated.
• Concrete (i.e. non-abstract) subclasses
complete the implementation.
The Animal class
public abstract class Animal
fields omitted
* Make this animal act - that is: make it do
* whatever it wants/needs to do.
abstract public void act(List<Animal> newAnimals);
other methods omitted
Further abstraction
Selective drawing
(multiple inheritance)
Multiple inheritance
• Having a class inherit directly from multiple
• Each language has its own rules.
– How to resolve competing definitions?
• Java forbids it for classes.
• Java permits it for interfaces.
– No competing implementation.
• interface
– A Java programming language keyword used
to define a collection of method definitions
and constant values. It can later be
implemented by classes by means of the
"implements" keyword.
Interfaces as method specifications
• Interfaces specify method signatures only
• Each method signature is followed by a
semi-colon (;)
An Actor interface
public interface Actor
fields omitted
* Perform the actor's daily behavior.
void act(List<Actor> newActors);
other methods omitted
Features of interfaces
All methods are abstract.
There are no constructors.
All methods are public.
All fields are public, static and final.
Multiple interfaces
• Because interfaces simply specify method
signatures, a single class can implement
several different interfaces in order to
ensure more methods can be
Classes implement an interface
public class Fox extends Animal implements Drawable
public class Hunter implements Actor, Drawable
Implementing an Interface
• When a class implements an interface, it is
essentially signing a contract.
– Either the class must implement all the
methods declared in the interface and its
superinterfaces, or the class must be declared
– The method signature in the class must match
the method signature as it appears in the
interface. A class that implements the
ActionListener interface must contain the
method ActionPerformed
Interfaces as types
• Implementing classes do not inherit code,
but ...
• ... implementing classes are subtypes of
the interface type.
• So, polymorphism is available with
interfaces as well as classes.
Interfaces are useful for the
• Capturing similarities among unrelated
classes without artificially forcing a class
• Declaring methods that one or more
classes are expected to implement
• Modelling multiple inheritance, a feature of
some object-oriented languages that
allows a class to have more than one