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COMENIUS 2013 - 2015
ITALY, 2014
The city of Malbork is located in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland.
Both the castle and the town were named after their saint patron, the
Virgin Mary. Malbork lies on the Nogat River (Vistula's arm) and is
dominated by a Teutonic 13th century castle which was
inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1997.
The Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork is
the largest castle in the world by surface area,
and the largest brick building in Europe.
The defence center of
Malbork was built in a place of
unique natural defensive
capabilities. It was built on the northern end of the narrow
peninsula, surrounded by the both sides by the river
Nogat and an extensive marshy valley. Only by the south
side there existed convenient entrance, which was limited
by building the centre of defensive walls and moats.
The highest landmark was located in a place of modern
High Castle. Here exactly, in 1278, the Teutonic Order’s
knights begun raising the castle.
The Teutonic Knights or the Teutonic Order of the
Hospital of St. Mary in Jerusalem, were known in
Poland as Krzyżacy on account of the black cross they
wore on their white coats. Established in 1190 to
protect German pilgrims in the Holy Land, the order
was later transformed in order to fight heretics.
In 1226 the Teutonic Knights came to Chełmno in
Poland, invited by Duke Konrad I of Mazovia to convert
the pagan Prussians.
They conquered Prussia,
exterminated the locals
and founded a state with
Malbork as its capital.
In 1278 the Teutonic Knights started to build a castle
and an adjacent town on a high Nogat bank. Within less
than 30 years a square convent house was completed.
When, in 1309, the Grand Master transferred his
headquarters from Venice to Malbork, it became the
capital of one of
the most powerful
states on the
Baltic's southern
Malbork Castle, becoming the headquarters of the Grand Master
and the Chapter of the Order, received the grand design of
sculpture and painting. Castle testified about the power of Order
and were supposed to impress guests from Western Europe. In the
Castle Museum of Malbork, you can find among others:
High Castle
St. Anna Chapel
Castle Church of the Blessed Virgin
The refectory of the Convention
Middle Castle
Great Refectory
A medieval heating system
An exhibition of weapons and armaments
The cellars under the Palace of the
Grand Masters
An exhibition of amber: Halberd Hall
Palace of Grand Masters
During the thirteen years' war the complex was sold to the Polish king
– Kazimierz Jagiellończyk by the prize of 660 kilogrammes of gold. On
the 7th of June 1457 the emperor with his company arrived to the
In 1618, the castle church was taken over by Jesuits and later its
inside was renovated in baroque style.
In 1626, the castle was attacked and canqered by the Swedish army.
However, ten years later the occupants left the complex and it became
the residence of Polish kings again.
The renovated castle’s roof was burnt
in the following years. However, in the
years of August II’s reign it was
repaired.13th September 1772 the
castle was taken over by Prussians.
Overtaking the castle by Prussians caused significant
deterioration of the castle – almost all of the gothic
ceilings were destroyed, a lot of gates and walls were
demolished on purpose of gaining timber. In 1817 there
was made a decision about reconstruction of the castle
which took about 120 years. During the second world
war about 50% of renovated castle was demolished,
therefore after the ending of the conflict, people started
considering demolition of the whole complex.
However, the decision
was changed and another
reconstruction of the castle has
begun. Now conservators also are
trying to restore its medivial
Malbork Castle, a symbol of power and cultural
tradition, is the most important monument to the
monastic state of the Teutonic Knights, a unique
phenomenon in the history of western civilization. The
Castle is at the same time the
major material manifestation
of the Crusades in eastern
Europe, the forced baptism of
the Baltic people, and the
colonization of their tribal
territories, which played a
vital role in the history of
The castle in Malbork is open for tourists, there
are also organisated events of many kinds:
 visit the castle at
Knight’s battles shows;
 historical games;
movie adventure;
 hall rental;
 visit the castle with a Polish or
an English guide
 Martyna Sobczak, 1d
 Agata Bielenica, 1d
 Julia Zamojska, 1c
Małgorzata Kosińska - Project coordinator, English teacher (text & translation)
Bogumiła Bajbak - Ąrt teacher (project)
Nicolaus Copernicus Middle School
no. 2. in Olecko