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8th Grade Jeopardy
World War
Depression II Leaders
World War
Civil Rights
Final Jeopardy
Great Depression - $100
The Great Depression occured in what decade?
The 1930’s
Great Depression - $200
A drought that occured in the midwest during
the Great Depression
The Dust Bowl
Great Depression - $300
The Great Depression was began by what
Stock Market Crash
Great Depression- $400
President at the beginning of the Great
Depression who did nothing
Herbert Hoover
Great Depression - $500
U.S. President who enacted the New Deal
Franklin Roosevelt
World War II Leaders- $100
The Dictator of Germany
Adolf Hitler
World War II Leaders - $200
The Dictator of Italy
Benito Mussolini
World War II Leaders - $300
The Dictator of the Soviet Union
Joseph Stalin
World War II Leaders - $400
Military leader of Imperial Japan
Hideki Tojo
World War II Leaders - $500
The English Prime Minister during the war
Winston Churchill
World War II - $100
The turning point of the war on the Eastern
World War II- $200
This is the hatred of the Jewish Race
World War II - $300
The murder of 11 million Jews
World War II - $400
German for “lightning war”
World War II - $500
The name of the old British guy who saved
Jewish children and the spy who killed Nazis
with her bare hands
Nicolas Winton and Nancy Wake
Civil Rights People- $100
Wrote Letter from a Birmingham Jail
Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil Rights People- $200
Sat on a bus
Rosa Parks
Civil Rights People - $300
Murdered for whistling at a white woman
Emmet Till
Civil Rights People - $400
Broke baseball’s color barrier
Jackie Robinson
Civil Rights People - $500
Signed the Civil Rights Act in 1965
Lyndon Johnson
Civil Rights - $100
The bus boycott began in which city?
Civil Rights - $200
These are tests designed to keep black people
from voting
Literacy Tests
Civil Rights- $300
To sit peacefully in the white section of the
restaurant and ask to be served
Civil Rights - $400
What is the name of the idea that the races
should be kept seperate
Civil Rights - $500
To peacefully break a unjust law
Civil Disobedience
Final Jeopardy
Who invented the atomic bomb?
Robert Oppenheimer