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Oscar Schindler
Facts: Oscar Schindler
Womanizer, alcoholic, bad businessman,
adulterer and German spy.
Had two children out of wed lock, with whom he
had no relationship.
Saved 1,098 Jews during the holocaust.
Spent his personal fortune to keep them alive with
food purchased on the black market.
Pawned the gold ring the Jews gave him after the
war. They gave him a replacement.
Schindler's factory at Kraków in 2006
Office workers from the “Emalia” factory.
The Holocaust
The signs read: "Germans! Defend yourselves! Don't buy from Jews."
Greek word for burned.
Defined as a sacrifice consumed by fire.
Hatred against the Jews.
Hitler institutes the Nuremberg Laws
Jews stripped of German citizenship
No civil or economic rights
The Final Solution
"Selection" on the Judenrampe, Auschwitz, May/June 1944. To be
sent to the right meant slave labor; to the left, the gas chambers.
The joy at the end of the war in Europe was
overshadowed by stories of German
Concentration Camps.
1.4 Million
The systematic killing of a whole national or
ethnic group.
Genocide was coined by a historian after
World War II.
The word comes from the Greek root geno,
meaning race, and cide, meaning to kill.
German policemen tormenting a Jew
in Rzeszow, Poland.
A man is about to be
shot sitting by a mass
grave in Vinnitsa,
Ukraine, in 1942.
Present in the
background are
members of the
German Army, the
German Labor
Service, and the Hitler
Youth.The back of the
photograph is
inscribed "The last
Jew in Vinnitsa".
Two Procedures for Killing the Jews
1.) Killing Centers
Transformed factories into extermination centers
for physically and mentally disabled.
Code named Aktion T4
1st focused on newborns and very young children
Wives/Doctors registered children up to age 3
who showed signs of mental retardation and
physical deformity.
Death was by 3 doctor’s based on questionnaire.
No examination.
2.) Concentration Camps
Stripped, forced into special chambers, and
Bodies burned in specially constructed ovens.
6.5 million killed
April 12, 1945: Lager Nordhausen, where
20,000 inmates are believed to have died.
A child dying in the streets of the crowded Warsaw
Ghetto, where hunger and disease killed 43,000 in 1941
How long could a person live without
Placed in tanks of ice for 3 + hours.
Cut off body parts to see if they could reattach it.
Freezing, castration and starvation.
"Cold water immersion experiment at Dachau
concentration camp presided over by Professor
Holzlohner (left) and Dr Rascher (right).
Romanian children in Auschwitz,
victims of medical experiments.
Children of the Holocaust
Zyklon B
Pelets dropped into shower stales.
Death within 15 minutes.
Buchenwald, 1945. Wiesel is on the second row
from the bottom, seventh from the left.
Escorted by American soldiers, a large transport of children survivors of Buchenwald
file out of the main gate of the camp, April 27, 1945. They are being taken to homes
and medical centers in France. Eli Wiesel appears as the fourth child in the left
Starving prisoners in Mauthausen camp, Ebensee,
Austria, liberated by the U.S. 80th Infantry Division on
May 5, 1945.
Corpses in Auschwitz
Human remains found in the Dachau concentration
camp crematorium after liberation. Germany, April
Dr. Fritz Klein, a
former camp doctor
who conducted
medical experiments
on prisoners, stands
among corpses in a
mass grave.
The valuables
displayed here were
confiscated from
prisoners by German
guards at the
concentration camp
and later found by
American forces after
the liberation of the
camp. Buchenwald,
Germany, after April
A U.S. solider surveys a German
concentration camp
It is a matter of history that
when Supreme
Commander of the Allied
Forces, General Dwight D.
Eisenhower, found the
victims of the death
camps, he ordered all
possible photographs to
be taken, and for the
German people from
surrounding villages to be
ushered through the
camps and even made to
bury the dead
He did this because he
said in words to this effect:
'Get it all on record now get the films - get the
witnesses - because
somewhere down the
track of history some
b*****d will get up and say
that this never happened'
'All that is necessary for
the triumph of evil is for
good men to do
Edmund Burke
American Response
Limited immigration – due to lack of jobs
Thought reports on Final Solution were
Focus was elsewhere