* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
International Polar Year Packaging and Marketing AJ Grant, Environmental Communications Assoc., Inc. StormCenter Communications, Inc. The Face of International Polar Year • Branding/image, logo, name • Messaging: finding the hook • Understanding who cares and why: our audience • Applying tone, personality and attitude (extreme, cool, real) International Polar Year - Marketing • Image: Does it pass the “in - an - instant” test ? • Name: What word is most important? • Interest Level: Does IPY have what it takes? (short run - long haul) Getting Attention in a World of Clutter • Get on the radar screen • Activate the active people • Use multi-media: mainstream, web, blogs, buzz and more • Package the message • Be creative and courageous Putting the Marketing Edge on Science • Science gets cool • Funders notice - people notice • Have a plan and coordinate Foundations NGOs, Groups Science Community Educators IPY Business Gov’t Agencies Funders Media And now, some of the memorable greats …. Smokey Bear World Wildlife Foundation Keep America Beautiful