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Instrument Status
HM/AIA Science Meeting
February 13, 2006
Barbara Fischer
HMI Deputy Program Manager
[email protected]
HMI/AIA Science Meeting – February 13, 2006
Page 1
A year in the life of HMI development
HMI assembly progress
HMI testing progress
Near term events
Schedule summary
The last time we met, we had finished CDR and were
starting structural model testing.
HMI/AIA Science Meeting – February 13, 2006
Page 2
HMI Assembly Status
Structural model testing completed
ETU oven testing completed
Received flight metering tube
Completed telescope alignment
Alignment mechanism completed
Started optical alignment of HOP
HMI/AIA Science Meeting – February 13, 2006
BB HEB fabrication completed
SUROM acceptance test completed
mission CDR
Received flight structure
Start alignment on GSE bench
BB HEB and EGSE ready
Shutter & F/C wheels completed
Internal harness completed
Received flight Michelsons
All flight optics in house
Hollow core motors completed
Received DM cameras
Received 4 grade zero CCDs
Lyot completed
Internal mechanisms tested
Focal plane completed
Oven completed
First image
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HMI Assembly Status
Internal Harness
(Flight, not complete)
BDS Fold Mirror
Alignment Mechanism
(Flight, hidden in view)
BDS Beamsplitter
Oven Assembly
(Flight, hidden by shutter)
(Flight, hidden by detector)
Parts to replace:
E1 and E2 in Lyot
NB Michelson
Painted housing
Detector Assembly
Oven Controller
ISS Beam Splitter
(Eng Model)
ISS Mirror
(Non-Flight, DM1)
Limb Sensor
Polarization Selector
Limb Pre-amp Box
Focus/Cal Wheels
(Flight, not complete)
W/ legs and heaters
CCD Fold Mirror
Front Window
HMI/AIA Science Meeting – February 13, 2006
Optics Package Assembly
Primary work after Sun testing:
• Bond optics in place
• Replace painted parts (including the oven)
• Replace one HCM and focus/cal optical mounts
Page 4
HMI Testing Progress
“HMI is Alive”
First Image
Laser dot
Before holiday
No relay lens
No Lyot
No frt Window
“Special Target”
First Lamp Image
“Ready to Test”
Instrument All Together
Special target
Lamp - stim tel
Lyot installed
Temp mnt for relay lens
Not fully aligned stim tel
“No More Moon”
Better Laser Image
“It’s a Beautiful Day”
First Sun Image
Air Force target
Lamp - stim tel
All together
Laser intensity improved
Tests Performed:
Initial set up w/ lamp
Focus test w/ lamp
Distortion, field curvature and MTF w/ lamp
Focus test w/ Sun
Filter wavelength dependence w/ Sun
HMI/AIA Science Meeting – February 13, 2006
Just sunlight
With air/vac corrector
Tests In Progress:
Filter wavelength dependence w/ laser
Field curvature and MTF w/ Sun
Polarization calibration w/ Sun
Page 5
HMI Testing Progress
First Magnetogram
HMI/AIA Science Meeting – February 13, 2006
First Dopplergram
Page 6
Upcoming Events
Near term key hardware items
Continue Sun testing
Continue ISS testing
Complete rebuild of oven
Replace Lyot E1 and E2
Replace narrow band Michelson
Replace one wave plate mount and focus block mounts
Bond optics in mounts
Install flight focal planes and align CCDs
Further out
In air calibration
Mid April – May
Vacuum calibration
June – mid July
HMI/AIA Science Meeting – February 13, 2006
Page 7
Schedule Summary
Complete initial testing
Complete instrument integration
Except flight camera electronics box
Pre-Environmental Review
Instrument calibration
In air
Need brassboard camera interface board
Use demonstration camera electronics box
In vacuum
April 06
April – July 06
April – May 06
June – July 06
Mid-stream install flight camera electronics box
HOP vibration & acoustic test
Comprehensive performance test
Feb 06
April 06
July 06
Aug 06
With flight HMI electronics box
Instrument EMI/EMC test
HMI electronics box vibration test
Thermal vacuum cycling and balance test
Comprehensive performance test
Alignment with instrument module panel
Pre-Ship Review
Ship to Goddard
HMI/AIA Science Meeting – February 13, 2006
Sept 06
Oct 06
Nov – Dec 06
Dec 06
Jan 07
Jan 07
Feb 07
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