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My Favorite Fish:
The Angelfish
• The origin is the Amazon region of South
• They are found in the rivers and lakes of
tropical South America. They are also
found in the shallow tropical waters of the
Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.
Food Chain
• Angelfish eat small fish, bloodworms,
black worms, living insects, brine shrimp
and insect larva.
• Larger fish, water birds, alligators, and
sometimes humans, eat angelfish.
• The appearance of genital papillae shows that
an Angelfish is about to reproduce. The genital
papillae or nipples are used for depositing and
fertilizing eggs.
• After they pick a breeding area, they clean it for
a few days before reproducing.
• The female Angelfish lays about 1000 eggs on
the surface of plants, rocks, submerged logs or
flattened leafs.
• The eggs hatch in about 24-36 hours.
Behavior and Genetic Traits
• Angelfish have flat bodies which allow
them to hide among roots, plants, and
vertical surfaces.
• Angelfish have the capability of growing as
long as six inches.
• The lifespan of an Angelfish is 10-15
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