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How do scientists know that
different kinds of plants &
animals lived in the past?
Preserved remains/traces of living things
Clues to the past
Usually found in sedimentary rocks
Bones, shells, teeth, seeds, woody stems
become fossilized
• It is rare for the soft part of an organism to
become a fossil
• Fossils provide information for:
– What the environment looked like
– Climate
– Shape of Earth’s surface
How do fossils form?
• Living things are buried by sediments
• Slowly harden into rock
• The shape of the organism is preserved
Who studies fossils?
• Paleontologists!
Kinds of Fossils:
Petrified fossils
Carbon Films
Trace fossils
Petrified Fossils
• Petrified means “turning into stone”
• Minerals replace all/part of an organism
Molds & Casts
• Mold is a hollow area in sediment in the
shape of an organism/part of an organism
• Cast is a copy of the shape of an organism
when a mold is filled with mud, ash, lava
• Most common types of fossils
Carbon Films
• Extremely thin coating of carbon on rock
• Carbon comes from living things buried
• Carbon can preserve delicate parts of
plants & insects
Trace Fossils
• Provide evidence of the activities of
ancient organisms
• Ex: footprint, burrows, trails
• Some processes preserve the remains of
organisms with little/no change
• Ex: tar, amber resin, freezing
How are fossils classified?
• Paleontologists classify fossils in order in
which they lived from earliest to latest into
a fossil record
• Fossil records show how organisms have
changed over time
How do geologists use fossils to
decide how old the rocks are?
Relative age
Absolute age
Law of Superposition
Index fossils
Relative Age
• The rock’s age compared to the ages of
other rocks
Absolute Age
• The number of years since the rock
• Geologists use radioactive dating to
determine this
– Carbon-14 dating
– Potassium-Argon dating
Law of Superposition
• In horizontal sedimentary rock layers, the
oldest layer is at the bottom and each
layer above it is younger
Index fossils
• A fossil found in many different areas
• Represents a type of organism that
existed only briefly
• Geologists look for index fossils in rock
• Index fossils are useful because they tell
the relative age of the rock layers they are
Index Fossil Example
• Trilobite: hard-shelled animal with 3
distinct body sections
• Many types of trilobites existed over 500
million years ago
• Geologists must find one trilobite that is
different in some way than the others to
date the rock layer in which it was found
– Ex: Large eyes
What if a small piece of time is
• Unconformity is a gap in the geologic
• Some rock records are lost due to erosion
What is the
geologic time scale?
• A record of the life forms and geologic
events in Earth’s history
• First developed by studying rock layers &
index fossils
• Later radioactive dating helped to
determine the absolute age of each
divisions of the time scale
Different units
of the time scale:
• Eras
• Periods
• Epochs
• Long units of time
– Precambrian
– Paleozoic
– Mesozoic
– Cenozoic
• Sub-divided units of an era
• Range in length from 2-10million years
• Names came from where geologists first
discovered the rocks/fossils of that period
– Ex: Jurassic
• Sub-divided units of a period
Precambrian Era
• 4.6billion-544million years
• Earliest life forms similar to bacteria of
today called cyanobacteria
• Made food through the use of
Paleozoic Era
544million-245million years
Explosion of life forms
Animals began coming onto land
Hard-shelled organisms
Invertebrates (jellyfish)
Vertebrates (jawless fish)
Small reptiles
• Mass extinction ended this era
Mesozoic Era
• 245million-65million years ago
• Called the “Age of Reptiles”
• Evolving:
Flowering plants
• Jurassic Period-dinosaurs ruled Earth for about
150million years
• Mass extinction occurred when an object from space hit
Earth’s surface causing a dust cloud which blocked the
– No dinosaurs survived!
Cenozoic Era
• 65million-Present
• Evolving:
– Marine mammals (whales)
– Grass
– Mammals, birds, & insects continue to flourish
– Fossil records show that humans appeared
about 3.5million years ago