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Wednesday, May 24, 2017
YWBAT explain how the cooling rate of magma
affects the properties of igneous rock.
Do you think rocks that cooled and solidified from
lava on Earth’s surface would look different from
those that cooled and solidified from magma
inside the Earth? Explain your answer.
Rock cycle raps due tomorrow
Open notes WOW quiz tomorrow
Extrusive – Lava that cools
and solidifies on the Earth’s
surface forms an Igneous Rock
with a fine grained texture
Instrusive – Magma that cools
and solidifies inside the Earth’s
surface forms Igneous Rock
with a course grained texture
DiD you know…?
Pumice is an
unusual, lightweight
rock formed when
molten rock is rapidly
blown out of a
volcano, forming
bubbles as it quickly
loses pressure and
cools at the same
Today’s Activities
Rock Cycle Raps
Closure Question
How does the cooling rate
of lava or magma affect
the texture of an igneous
Conclusion Answer
Slow cooling magma =
Quick cooling magma = finegrained.
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