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Rock Notes
Rocks – solid earth materials formed from a mixture
of minerals and sometimes other materials.
Three types of rocks
1) Igneous rocks – forms when magma or lava cools.
*extrusive igneous rock – rock that forms from
quickly cooled lava. (smaller crystals)
*intrusive igneous rock – rock that forms from
slowly cooled magma. (larger crystals)
2) Metamorphic rocks – rocks that have changed due
to heat and pressure.
*foliated–banded (mineral grains flattened and aligned)
*nonfoliated – not banded
Gneiss - foliated
Marble - nonfoliated
3) Sedimentary rocks – formed from bits of rocks,
minerals, remains of living things, and dissolved
minerals from water.
*clastic (detrital) – cementing of grains
*chemical – forms when minerals come out of a
solution and settle on the ocean floor.
*organic – forms from the remains of once-living
Sandstone - clastic
Rock salt - chemical
Chalk - organic
Rock Cycle – constant changing in the form and
structure of rocks.
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