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Physics 204 Study Guide
Prof. Menningen
Walker, Physics, 4th ed.
Final Exam
[Physical Chemistry by Ball]
Graham’s law
Fick’s law
Einstein-Smoluchowski equation
30. Quantum Physics, 1046
30-1. Blackbody Radiation and Planck’s Hypothesis of Quantized Energy, 1047
30-2. Photons and the Photoelectric Effect, 1050
30-3. The Mass and Momentum of a Photon, 1056
30-4. Photon Scattering and the Compton Effect, 1057
30-5. The de Broglie Hypothesis and Wave-Particle Duality, 1060
30-6. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, 1064
30-7. Quantum Tunneling, 1068
31. Atomic Physics, 1078
31-1. Early Models of the Atom, 1079
31-2. The Spectrum of Atomic Hydrogen, 1080
31-3. Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom, 1083
31-4. de Broglie Waves and the Bohr Model, 1090
31-5. The Quantum Mechanical Hydrogen Atom, 1091
31-6. Multielectron Atoms and the Periodic Table, 1094
31-7. Atomic Radiation, 1099
32. Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Radiation, 1116
32-1. The Constituents and Structure of Nuclei, 1117
32-2. Radioactivity, 1121
32-3. Half-Life and Radioactive Dating, 1128
32-4. Nuclear Binding Energy, 1134
32-5. Nuclear Fission, 1135
32-6. Nuclear Fusion, 1138
32-7. Practical Applications of Nuclear Physics, 1140
32-8. Elementary Particles, 1144
32-9. Unified Forces and Cosmology, 1147
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