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Chapter 7
Atomic Structure &
Electromagnetic Radiation
O Waves (wavelength, frequency & speed)
O ln = c (page 342: #39)
O Hertz
O Max Planck
O DE = nhv
O h = 6.626 x 10-34 J s
O Quantum
O photons
More … ER
O Theory of relativity (E = mc2)
O Dual nature of light
O De Broglie’s equation
O Atomic spectrum of hydrogen
Bohr’s model of the atom
O Quantum model
O Ground state
Quantum mechanics
O Wave mechanics
O Schrodinger equation
O Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Quantum numbers
O Principle quantum number (n)
O Angular momentum quantum (l)
O Magnetic quantum number (ml)
O Spin (ms)
Orbital shape
O Orbital diagrams (page 316)
O Nodal surfaces
O Nodes
O s, p, d, f
O Degenerate
O Ground state
O Excited state
Pauli exclusion principle
O Electron spin
Electron configuration
O Aufbau principle
O Hund’s rule
O Valence & core electrons
O Page 345: #83
O Ionization energy (1st v. 2nd)
O Electron affinity (electronegativity)
O Atomic radius
O Page 346: #105 & 107
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