Download Earth Day Essay, Poster & Photography Competition 2009

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Earth Day Essay, Poster & Photography
Competition 2010
Biodiversity at Risk!
Sectional Prizes
Best Marine Essay Entry
-Morganne Kellier
-Montego Bay High School for Girls
Topic: How do Marine Activities Impact Biodiversity?
“Over many decades, marine pollution and coastal degradation have become
serious developmental issues in the region and world thereby affecting
“Human activities act as a driver of marine habitat loss… the growing
number of tourists presents a significant threat to many coastal habitats
which can disturb by trampling or direct harvesting… exploration and
development of oil and gas activities threaten marine habitats….”
“Overfishing has played an important role in the decline and extinction of
many species… Even with management practices now in place, fisheries have
major impacts on ocean environments, ranging from direct harvest to bycatch effects, habitat destruction, genetic changes and food web changes.”
“Educating children is the most important step in preserving marine
biodiversity, as the future of our planet lies in their hands.”
Poster Best Depicting Jamaican
Biodiversity Issues
Poster theme:
“Biodiversity and
Human Society”
-Priscilla Murray
-Westwood High School
•Youngest Entrant
• Most entries in the photography category
Its Glory and
Name: Julene Forbes
School: Pembroke Hall High
Place Winners
3rd Place Essay
Dana Brown
Westwood High School
Essay Topic: Climate Change: A Challenge for Biodiversity
“It is well known that environmental temperatures fluctuate. However, some
organisms are able to maintain a constant body temperature despite
temperature changes in the environment, while others cannot. Hence, the
significant changes in the environment can have severe effects on animals
and even plants.”
“…at risk are thousands of species of animals including polar bears, whose
hunting grounds are largely on ice. Indeed, reports already indicate that
many bears are losing weight and some are even starving.” Underground
water sources are climate sensitive and Caribbean countries that rely on a
single source of fresh water such as The Bahamas, Barbados and Antigua
may suffer from drought. Reduced rainfall lowers water supply and causes
a reduction in river discharge, as well as slower rate for the recharging of
the fresh water resources which can contribute to prolonged drought
impacts. “
3rd Place Poster
Theme: Biodiversity and Human
Odaine Roper
Cornwall College
3rd Place Photograph
Catherine Bell
Immaculate Conception High School
Biodiversity: Its
Glory and Demise
“The smallest
creature, however
contributes to
the demise of
Place Winners
2nd Place Essay
Morganne Kellier
Westwood High School
Topic: How do marine activities impact
2nd Place Poster
Ali-Shakeel Lettman
Mannings High School
2nd Place Photograph
Jordan Thame
St.Georges College
“The photograph shows how we destroy trees that are indigenous to
First Place Winners
1st place Essay
Ravon Buttler
Marcus Garvey Technical High School
Topic: Climate Change: A Challenge for Biodiversity
“Climate change is very evident everywhere we look. .. In Jamaica, we
notice that it is getting hotter and hotter... It is also evident in
Jamaica’s weather pattern, in which Jamaica experienced a drought
between November 2009 to present...”
“Links between climate change and biodiversity can run both ways:
biodiversity is threatened by climate change but proper management of
biodiversity can reduce the impact of climate change.”
“There is evidence that climate change is affecting biodiversity and will
continue to do so... Consequences of climate change on the species
component of biodiversity include changes in distribution, increased
extinction rates, changes in reproduction timings, and changes in the
length of the growing seasons for plants.”
1st Place Poster
Sean Michael Salter
Cornwall College
1st Place Photograph
Fiona Bowley
Hampton High School
“This photo shows
how man’s
activities are
slowly but surely
robbing the Earth
of its natural
beauty and