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IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)
e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. Volume 11, Issue 2 Ver. I (Mar - Apr. 2015), PP 27-30
Slightly π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous functions and totally π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous
functions in Topological spaces
S. Pious Missier1 & J.Arul Jesti2
Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of Mathematics,
V.O. Chidambaram College, Thoothukudi, India
Research Scholar, PG and Research Department of Mathematics,
V.O. Chidambaram College, Thoothukudi, India
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to introduce two new classes of functions, namely slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous
functions and totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous functions and study its properties.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 54A05
Keywords and phrases: π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open set, π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closed set, slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous functions and totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous
functions .
1. Introduction
Continuous functions in topology found a valuable place in the applications of mathematics as it has
applications to engineering especially to digital signal processing and neural networks. Topologists studied
weaker and stronger forms of continuous functions in topology using the sets stronger and weaker than open and
closed sets.
In 1997, Slightly continuity was introduced by Jain[3] and has been applied for semi-open and pre open
sets by Nour[5] and Baker[1] respectively. Recently, S.Pious Missier and J.Arul Jesti have introduced the
concept of π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open sets[6], and introduced some more functions in π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open sets. Continuing this work we shall
introduce a new functions called slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous functions and totally π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous functions and
investigated their properties in terms of composition and restriction. Also we establish the relationship between
slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous functions and totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous functions with other functions.
II. Preliminaries
Throughout this paper (X, Ο„), (Y, Οƒ ) and (Z,  ) (or X,Y and Z) represent non-empty topological spaces on
which no separation axioms are assumed unless explicitly stated. For a subset A of a space (X, Ο„), π‘†π‘”βˆ— C𝑙(A) and
π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝐼𝑛𝑑(A) denote the π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closure and the π‘†π‘”βˆ— -interior of A respectively.
Definition 2.1: A subset A of a topological space (X,Ο„) is called a π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -open set [6] if there is an open set U in X
such that UβŠ†AβŠ† sClβˆ—(U). The collection of all Sgβˆ— -open sets in (X, Ο„) is denoted by π‘†π‘”βˆ— O(X,Ο„).
Definition 2.2: A subset A of a topological space (X,Ο„) is called a π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -closed set[6] if X\A is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open. The
collection of all π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closed sets in (X, Ο„) is denoted by π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝐢(X,Ο„).
Theorem 2.3 [6]:Every open set is Sgβˆ— -open and every closed set is Sgβˆ— -closed set
Definition 2.4: A topological space X, Ο„ is said to be π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -π‘»πŸ space [7] if every π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open set of X is open in X.
Definition 2.5: A topological space X, Ο„ is said to be π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -locally indiscrete space [8] if every π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open set of
X is closed in X.
Definition 2.6: A function f: X β†’ Y is said to be contra- π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous [8] if the inverse image of every open
set in Y is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closed in X.
Definition 2.7: A function f: (X, Ο„) ⟢ (Y, Οƒ) is called a contra-continuous [2] if f βˆ’1 (O) is closed in (X, Ο„) for
every open subset O of (Y, Οƒ ).
Definition 2.8: A mapping f: X β†’ Y is said to be π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous [7] if the inverse image of every open set in Y
is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X.
Defintion 2.9: A map f: X β†’ Y is said to be π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -irresolute[7] if the inverse image of every Sgβˆ— -open set in Y is
π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X.
Definition 2.10: A mapping f: X β†’ Y is said to be strongly π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous [7]if the inverse image of every π‘†π‘”βˆ—open set in Y is open in X.
Definition 2.11: A mapping f: X β†’ Y is said to be perfectly π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous [7]if the inverse image of every π‘†π‘”βˆ— open set in Y is open and closed in X.
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Slightly π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous functions and Totally π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous functions in Topological spaces
Definition 2.12: A function f: X ⟢ Y is called slightly continuous [3] if the inverse image of every clopen set
in Y is open in X.
III. Slightly π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ - continuous function
Definition 3.1: A function f: (X, Ο„) β†’ (Y, Οƒ) is said to be slightly π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ - continuous at a point x ∈ X if for each
subset V of Y containing f(x), there exists a π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open subset U in X containing x such that f(U) βŠ† V. The function
f is said to be slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— - continuous if f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous at each of its points.
Definition 3.2: A function f: (X, Ο„) β†’ (Y, Οƒ) is said to be slightly π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ-continuous if the inverse image of every
clopen set in Y is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open in X.
Example 3.3: Let X = a, b, c = Y, Ο„ = X, βˆ…, a , b , a, c , a, b }, Οƒ = βˆ…, Y, a , b, c .
π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝑂 X = βˆ…, X, a , b , a, c , a, b . The function f is defined as f a = c, f b = a, f c = b. The function f is
slightly Sgβˆ— -continuous.
Proposition 3.4: The definition 3.1 and 3.2 are equivalent.
Proof: Suppose the definition 3.1 holds. Let V be a clopen set in Y and let x ∈ f βˆ’1 V . Then f x ∈ V and thus
there exists a π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open set Ux such that x ∈ Ux and f Ux βŠ† V. Now x ∈ Ux βŠ† f βˆ’1 (V). And f βˆ’1 V =
(V) is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X and therefore f is slightly
x∈f βˆ’1 (V) Ux . Since arbitrary union of 𝑆𝑔 -open sets is 𝑆𝑔 -open, f
π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Suppose the definition 3.2 holds. Let f(x) ∈ V where V is a clopen set in Y. Since f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous,
x ∈ f βˆ’1 V where f βˆ’1 V is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X. Let U = f βˆ’1 V . Then U is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X, xΟ΅U and f(U) βŠ† V.
Theorem 3.5:Let f: (X, Ο„) β†’ (Y, Οƒ) be a function then the following are equivalent.
(1) f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—- continuous .
(2) The inverse image of every clopen set V of Y is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X.
(3) The inverse image of every clopen set V of Y is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-closed in X.
(4) The inverse image of every clopen set V of Y is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -clopen in X.
(1)⟹(2): Follows from the Theorem 3.4.
(2) ⟹(3): Let V be a clopen set in Y which implies V c is clopen in Y. By (2), f βˆ’1 V c = (f βˆ’1 V )c is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in
X. Therefore f βˆ’1 (V) is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closed in X.
(3) ⟹ (4): By (2) and (3) f βˆ’1 (V) is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -clopen in X.
(4) ⟹ (1): Let V be a clopen subset of Y containing f x . By (4) f βˆ’1 (V) is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -clopen in X. Put U = f βˆ’1 (V) then
f(U) βŠ† V. Hence f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Theorem 3.6: Every slightly continuous function is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous.
Proof: Let f: X β†’ Y be slightly continuous. Let U be a clopen set in Y . Then f βˆ’1 (U) is open in X. Since every
open set is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open, f βˆ’1 (U) is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open. Hence f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Remark 3.7: The converse of the above theorem need not be true as can be seen from the following example
Example 3.8: Let X = a, b, c, d with Ο„ = X, βˆ…, a , {b, c}, {a, b, c, }}. π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝑂 X, Ο„ =
X, βˆ…, a , b, c , a, b, c , b, c, d . Let Y = p, q, r with Οƒ={Y, βˆ…, p , {q, r}}. Define f:(X,Ο„)β†’ Y, Οƒ by f a =
p, f b = q, f c = f d = r. Hence f βˆ’1 q, r = {b, c, d} is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open but not open in X. Thus f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— continuous but not slightly continuous.
Theorem 3.9:Every π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous function is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous.
Proof: Let f: X β†’ Y be a π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous function. Let U be a clopen set in Y .Then f βˆ’1 (U) is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X and
π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closed in X. Hence f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Remark 3.10: The converse of the above theorem need not be true as can be seen from the following example.
Example 3.11: Let X= a, b, c , Y = p, q . Ο„ = X, βˆ…, a , b , a, b = π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝑂 X, Ο„ . Οƒ = Y, βˆ…, p . Define
f: X, Ο„ β†’ Y, Οƒ by f a = q, f b = f c = p. The function f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous but not π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous
since f βˆ’1 p = b, c is not π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open in X.
Theorem 3.12: If the function f: X, Ο„ β†’ Y, Οƒ is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous and Y, Οƒ is a locally indiscrete space
then f is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous.
Proof: Let U be an open subset of Y. Since Y is locally indiscrete, U is closed in Y. Since f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— continuous, f βˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X. Hence f is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Theorem 3.13: If the function f: X, Ο„ β†’ Y, Οƒ is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous and X, Ο„ is a π‘†π‘”βˆ— βˆ’ 𝑇1 space then f is
slightly continuous.
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Slightly π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous functions and Totally π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous functions in Topological spaces
Proof: Let U be a clopen subset of Y. Since f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous, f βˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X. Since X is a
π‘†π‘”βˆ— βˆ’ 𝑇1 space, f βˆ’1 U is open in X. Hence f is slightly continuous.
Theorem 3.14: Let f: X, Ο„ β†’ Y, Οƒ and g: Y, Οƒ β†’ (Z, Ξ·) be function
If f is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-irresolute and g is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous then gof: X, Ο„ β†’ (Z, Ξ·) is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
If f is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-irresolute and g is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous then gof is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous.
If f is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-irresolute and g is slightly continuous then gof is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous.
If f is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous and g is slightly continuous then gof is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
If f is strongly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous and g is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous then gof is slightly continuous.
If f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous and g is perfectly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous then gof is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-irresolute.
If f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous and g is contra-continuous then gof is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous.
If f is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-irresolute and g is contra-π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous then gof is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Let U be a clopen set in Z. Since g is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous, g βˆ’1 (U) is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open in Y. Since f is π‘†π‘”βˆ— irresolute, f βˆ’1 (g βˆ’1 (U)) is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X. Since gof βˆ’1 U = f βˆ’1 (g βˆ’1 (U), gof is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Let U be a clopen set in Z. Since g is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous, g βˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open in Y. Also since f is π‘†π‘”βˆ— irresolute, f βˆ’1 g βˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X. Hence gof is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Let O be a clopen set in Z. Then g βˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open in Y. Therefore f βˆ’1 gβˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open in X,
since f is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-irresolute. Hence gof is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Let U be a clopen set in Z. Then g βˆ’1 (U) is open in Y, since g is slightly continuous. Also since f is π‘†π‘”βˆ— continuous. Also since f is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous, f βˆ’1 gβˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open in X. Hence gof is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Let U be a clopen set in Z. Then g βˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in Y, since g is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous. Also
U is open in X, since f is strongly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous. Therefore gof is slightly continuous.
Let U be a π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in Z. Since g is perfectly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous, g βˆ’1 (U) is open and closed in Y. Then
f βˆ’1 gβˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open in X. Since f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous. Hence gof is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -irresolute.
Let U be a closed and open set in Z. Since g is contra-continuous, g βˆ’1 (U) is open and closed in Y.
Since f is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous, f βˆ’1 (g βˆ’1 (U)) is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X. Since gof βˆ’1 U = f βˆ’1 (g βˆ’1 (U), gof is slightly
π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Let O be a clopen set in Z. Since g is contra-π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous, g βˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open and π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closed in Y.
Therefore f βˆ’1 gβˆ’1 U is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open and π‘†π‘”βˆ—-closed in X, since f is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -irresolute. Hence gof is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—continuous.
Theorem 3.15: If f: (X, Ο„) β†’ Y, Οƒ is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous and A is an open subset of X then the restriction
f/A : (A, Ο„A ) β†’ Y, Οƒ is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Proof: Let V be a clopen subset of Y. Then (f/A )βˆ’1 V = f βˆ’1 (V) ∩ A. Since f βˆ’1 (V) is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open and A is
open, (f/A )βˆ’1 V is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open in the relative topology of A. Hence f/A is slightly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous.
IV. Totally π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous function
Definition 4.1: A map f: X, Ο„ β†’ Y, Οƒ is said to be totally π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous if the inverse image of every open
set in Y, Οƒ is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -clopen in X, Ο„ .
Example 4.2: Let X=Y={a, b, c} with Ο„ = X, βˆ…, a , b, c = Sgβˆ— O X, Ο„ and Οƒ = Y, βˆ…, a . Define f: X, Ο„ β†’
(Y, Οƒ) by f a = a, f b = b, f c = c. Then f is totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Theorem 4.3: Every perfectly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous function is totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Proof: Let f: X, Ο„ β†’ (X, Οƒ) be a perfectly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous function. Let U be an open set in (Y, Οƒ). Then U is π‘†π‘”βˆ— open in (Y, Οƒ). Since f is perfectly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous, f βˆ’1 (U) is both open and closed in (X, Ο„)which implies f βˆ’1 (U)
is both open and closed in (X, Ο„) which implies f βˆ’1 (U) is both π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open and π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closed in (X, Ο„). Hence f is totally
π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Remark 4.4:The converse of the above theorem need not be true as can be seen from the following example,
Example 4.5: Let X = {a, b, c} with Ο„ = βˆ…, X, a , {b, c} = Ο„c and Y = {d, e, f} with Οƒ= βˆ…, Y, d . Define
f: X, Ο„ β†’ (Y, Οƒ)
f a =d
,f b = f
f c = e.
π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝑂 X , Ο„ = Ο„
and π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝑂 Y , Οƒ = βˆ…, Y, d , d, e , {d, f} . Here d, e and d, f are π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in Y, but f βˆ’1 {d, e} = {a, c}
and f βˆ’1 {d, f} = {a, b} are not open as well as not closed in X. So f is not perfectly-π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous but totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— continuous.
Theorem 4.6: Every totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous function is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous
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Slightly π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous functions and Totally π‘Ίβˆ—π’ˆ -continuous functions in Topological spaces
Proof: Suppose f: X, Ο„ β†’ (Y, Οƒ) is totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous and A is any open set in (Y, Οƒ). Since f is totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— continuous, f βˆ’1 (A) is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-clopen in (X, Ο„). Hence f is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous function.
Remark 4.7: The converse of the above theorem need not be true as can be seen from the following example
X = {a, b, c, d}
Ο„ = βˆ…, X, a and
Οƒ= βˆ…, Y, a .
π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝑂 X , Ο„ = βˆ…, X, a , a, b , a, c , a, d , a, b, c , a, c, d , {a, b, d} . The identity map f: X, Ο„ β†’ (Y, Οƒ)is π‘†π‘”βˆ— continuous but not totally π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous since f βˆ’1 {a} = {a} is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-open in X, Ο„ but not π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closed in X, Ο„ .
Remark 4.9: The following two examples shows that totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous and strongly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous are
Example 4.10: Let X = {a, b, c} with Ο„ = βˆ…, X, a , {b, c} = Ο„c and Y = {d, e, f} with Οƒ= βˆ…, Y, d . Define
f: X, Ο„ β†’ (Y, Οƒ)
f a = d,
f b =f
f c = e.
π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝑂 X , Ο„ = Ο„
and π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝑂 Y , Οƒ = βˆ…, Y, d , d, e , {d, f} . Here d, e and d, f are π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in Y, but f βˆ’1 {d, e} = {a, c}
and f βˆ’1 {d, f} = {a, b} are not open in X. Hence f is not strongly π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous but totally π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous.
Example 4.11: Let X = Y = {a, b, c} with Ο„ = βˆ…, X, a , b , {a, b} = π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝑂 X , Ο„
and Οƒ= βˆ…, Y, {a, b} =
π‘†π‘”βˆ— 𝑂 Y, Οƒ . The identity map f: X, Ο„ β†’ (Y, Οƒ) is strongly π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous but not totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous. For, the
subset a, b of (Y, Οƒ), f βˆ’1 {a, b} = {a, b} is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open in X, Ο„ but not π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closed in X, Ο„ .
Theorem 4.12: Let f: X, Ο„ β†’ Y, Οƒ and g: Y, Οƒ β†’ Z, Ξ· be function. Then gof: X, Ο„ β†’ Z, Ξ·
If f is π‘†π‘”βˆ—-irresolute and g is totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous then gof is totally π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous.
If f is totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous and g is continuous then gof is totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
Let U be a open set in Z. Since g is totally π‘†π‘”βˆ—-continuous, g βˆ’1 U is Sgβˆ— -clopen in Y. Since f is π‘†π‘”βˆ— irresolute, f βˆ’1 (g βˆ’1 (U)) is π‘†π‘”βˆ— -open and π‘†π‘”βˆ— -closed in X. Since gof βˆ’1 U = f βˆ’1 (g βˆ’1 (U), gof is
totally π‘†π‘”βˆ— -continuous.
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DOI: 10.9790/5728-11212730
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