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Important Announcements
• There are 6 days left in first semester
• 1 Review Game (prizes for winners)
• 1 Final Project
Simulation Lab (6 grades)
• 1 Final Exam (8 grades)
More…Important Announcements
• Today is the last day for group work
• Next week all desks will be in rows
• Final Project will be in class on laptops
with 1 partner (Ms. Fine will choose)
Choose a category.
You will be given the answer.
Write the correct question.
Click to begin.
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This tissue type connects, binds
and supports structures.
This tissue also protects and
cushions organs.
What is connective
This tissue type is located
on the most superficial layer
or lining of internal organs.
What is epithelial tissue?
These skin cells
absorb UV rays and
act as a shield against
many skin cancers.
What are
This is the most superficial
layer of tissue that
surrounds long bones such
as the femur.
What is periosteum?
These are the five
functions of the
skeletal system.
1) Protect internal organs
2) Store minerals
3) Production of red & white
blood cells
4) Movement- (attachment for muscles)
5) Supports the organism
These two tissue types
(specific) work together
in the digestive system to
enable peristalsis and
absorption of nutrients.
What is epithelial and
smooth muscle tissue?
This is the name of the
most superficial layer of
the skin.
What is the epidermis?
This layer of skin
contains sweat glands
and oil glands.
What is the dermis?
This is the body movement of
moving a bone AWAY from
This is the body movement of
moving a bone CLOSER to
*must be in this order*
What is abduction
and adduction?
These cells are in the
epidermis and make
skin waterproof.
What is keratin?
This tissue type moves
bones by contracting
and relaxing
(be specific).
What is skeletal
muscle tissue?
This type of muscle tissue
connects to the bones of
the skeletal system and
creates body movement.
What is skeletal
muscle tissue?
This type of muscle is
made up of cells without
striations and found in the
walls of organs such as
the digestive tract,
urinary bladder, and
What is smooth muscle
This is the name of
the striated muscle
tissue that is found in
the heart.
What is cardiac muscle
This type of bone tissue
usually takes 6 – 8 weeks to
What is the spongy bone?
These are the two colors of
bone marrow.
What are the colors red
and yellow?
This is a list of the
four tissue types
found in the human
What is
epithelial, muscle, nervous,
and connective?
The name of
this cell.
What is an osteocyte?
This is a list of names of bones
of the leg and foot from
proximal to distal beginning
with the femur.
(list 7 bones including femur)
What are the
femur, patella, tibia,
fibula, tarsals,
metatarsals, phalanges?
This long bone is located on the
anterior portion of the shoulder
girdle. This bone is located at the
superior and anterior part of the
thorax and superior to the first
What is the clavicle?
This directional term is true for
ALL of the following statements;
1. The Achilles tendons are
to the
2. The elbow joint is
to the clavicle.
3. The fibula bone is
to the femur.
What is distal?
DRAW one example each
movement –
DRAW one example of
rotation at the thoracic spine
This body movement is moving
a bone around it’s x or y-axis.
What is rotation?
These are the three
openings on the
anterior side of the
head and located along
the midline of the body.
What are the nose
and mouth?
This is the common visual
reference point of the body
upright, feet together, arms at the
sides with palms facing forward.
What is the anatomical
This is the number of human
body systems that work
together to make one
What is the
number 12?
This is the name of cells
that form spongy bone
during the process of bone
healing and repair.
What are
This is the anatomical name of
ankle bones.
What are tarsals?
This is the scientific term
for a group of cells
working together to
perform a specific
What is a tissue?
This is the abnormal finding
of this x-ray
Check your yellow folders!
What are spiral
fractures of the
femur bones.
Make your wager
In the human body system:
#1 This is the list of the four types of
#2 The name of the connective tissue
located between each vertebrae.
#3 This is the name of the only two
round bones in your body.
1. What is epithelial,
muscle, nervous, and
2. What is cartilage?
3. What are the patella