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Treating Sports Injuries
By the end of the lesson you should
be able to:
Produce an accident report form
Describe the common procedures
used for sports injuries
Describe the common treatments
used for sports injuries
Accident report forms
Gives a recorded account of the incident
Establish trends or patterns
Shows proof that an appropriate duty of
care was shown
Can aid future treatments
Accident report forms
Task: produce an accident report form
Should include:
 Date, time and location
 Name and status of injured person
 Details of the injury
 Details of any first aid provided
 What happened to the casualty afterwards
 Name, contact details and signature of person who
dealt with the incident
Recognition of Injury and Testing
There is a set procedure for “recognizing “ an
injury and the degree of injury. A simple reminder
of this procedure is the word “SALTAPS”.
S = See the injury occur
A = Ask the player questions about the injury
L = Look at the injury
T = Touch-Palpate the injured part
A = Active movements from the player
P = Passive movements by therapist
S = Strength- Players movements are resisted by
Recognition of Injury and Testing
Remember there are five signs of inflammation:
heat, swelling, pain, discoloration and loss of function.
Never stray from the “SALTAPS” testing routine.
Never move the players injured part unless he/she has
demonstrated a good range of active movement.
Treatment Methods
 Tubigrip
 Limb
pairs write down a description
of supports
each of the
 and
think each
 Electrotherapy
 Pain Sprays
one works
 Manual Therapy
 Anti – inflammatories
 Taping
 Antibiotics
of sporting injury examples (use last weeks
 Ice cube massage
work to help) and the treatments for them
 Splints
 Hot/cold treatments
 Heat Packs
 Heat Lamps
Each group will present two treatment methods to
the class
There is a recognised procedure for treating minor
sports injuries. It goes under the acronym PRICED
Protection – from further injury my immobilising injured area
Rest – avoid anything that causes pain or discomfort
Ice – apply ice immediately (15-20 mins then every 2-3 hours
Compression – help control swelling (bandage or tubigrip)
Elevation – gravity helps to reduce swelling
Diagnosis – seek advice and get the correct diagnosis
Used to treat disorders relating to
the muscles and/or bone.
Shortwave diathermy
Shortwave diathermy
produces an electromagnetic field
which generates heat within tissues.
Helps healing, reduces swelling and
offers pain relief.
It is useful for treating soft tissue
injuries, slow healing wounds and
conditions affecting the pelvic area.
Pulsed Shortwave Diathermy
Ultrasound - involves using high frequency
sound waves to treat injuries to muscles,
tendons and other soft tissues.
It is thought to stimulate blood circulation
and cell activity, accelerating the healing
process and providing pain relief.
Electrotherapy in Physiotherapy Ultrasound
Laser - is used to produce a
concentrated beam of light radiation.
Treatment stimulates tissue healing and
reduces pain, inflammation and swelling.
It is often used for skin conditions and
soft tissue injuries and to heal open
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
Stimulation) - produces pain relief by
blocking pain messages to the brain.
How TENS technology relieves pain
Studies have shown that
using Pulsar TENS will
relieve pain in up to 80%
of patients.
It can be used alone as
the primary method of pain
relief or in conjunction with
other analgesics.
The amount of pain relief
you require is completely
under your control.
Hot/cold therapy
The hot/cold combination
stimulates blood flow
(thermo therapy)
The cold reduces
inflammation and swelling
(cryotherapy) and has an
analgesic (pain-relieving
Can be used to alleviate
chronic and acute muscular
Infrared heat lamps
The use of heat only on
muscle tissue has a minimal
beneficial effect unless it
is combined with massage.
The use of heat alone on
damaged muscle tissue may
lead to excessive scar
tissue formation.
Tubigrip has been
specially designed
to provide firm
effective support
for sprains,
strains and weak
Limb supports
Highly effective in the
treatment of strains
and sprains.
This universal size
Neoprene support
provides excellent
compression, support
and warmth to painful
joint areas.