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Systems of Equations
and Matrices
Chapter 8
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley
Systems of Equations in
Two Variables
Solve a system of two linear equations in two variables
by graphing.
Solve a system of two linear equations in two variables
using the substitution and the elimination methods.
Use systems of two linear equations to solve applied
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley
Systems of Equations
A system of equations is composed of two or more
equations considered simultaneously.
Example: 5x  y = 5
4x  y = 3
This is a system of two linear equations in two
variables. The solution set of this system consists of
all ordered pairs that make both equations true. The
ordered pair (2, 5) is a solution of this system.
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Solving Systems of Equations
When we graph a system of
linear equations, each point at
which the equations intersect
is a solution of both equations
and therefore a solution of
the system of equations.
Let’s solve the previous
system graphically.
5x  y = 5
4x  y = 3
We see that the graph
intersects at the single point
(2, 5), so this is the solution
of the system of equations.
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Systems of Equations
If a system of equations has at least one solution, it is
consistent. If the system has no solutions, it is
If a system of two linear equations in two variables has
an infinite number of solutions, the equations are
dependent. Otherwise, they are independent.
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Illustration of Graphs
Graphs of linear equations may be related to each other
in one of three ways.
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Substitution Method
The substitution method is a technique that gives
accurate results when solving systems of equations. It
is most often used when a variable is alone on one side
of an equation or when it is easy to solve for a variable.
One equation is used to express one variable in terms
of the other, then it is substituted in the other equation.
Example: Let’s use this method to solve the previous
5x  y = 5
4x  y = 3
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Solve the first equation for y.
5x  y = 5
y = 5x  5
Then we substitute 5x  5 for
y in the second equation to
give an equation in one
4x  (5x  5) = 3
4x  5x + 5 = 3
Now we use back-substitution
and substitute 2 for x in either
original equation.
4x  y = 3
4(2)  y = 3
We find the solution to the
system of equations to be (2, 5),
once again.
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Elimination Method
Using the elimination method, we eliminate one
variable by adding the two equations. If the coefficients
of a variable are opposites, that variable can be
eliminated by simply adding the original equations.
If the coefficients are not opposites, it is necessary to
multiply one or both equations by suitable constants,
before we add.
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Solve the system using the elimination method.
6x + 2y = 4
10x + 7y =  8
If we multiply the first equation by 5 and the second equation
by 3, we will be able to eliminate the x variable.
30x + 10y = 20
30x  21y = 24
11y = 44
y = 4
6x + 2y = 4
6x + 2(4) = 4
6x  8 = 4
6x = 12
The solution is (2,  4).
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More Examples
Solve the system.
x  3y = 9 (1)
2x  6y = 3
Solve the system.
9x + 6y = 48 (1)
3x + 2y = 16 (2)
2x + 6y = 18
2x  6y = 3
0 = 21
9x + 6y = 48
9x  6y = 48
Mult. (1) by 2
There are no values of x and y
in which 0 = 21. So this system
has no solution. The graphs
of the equations are of parallel
Mult. (2) by 3
When we obtain the equation
0 = 0, we know the equations are
dependent. There are infinitely
many solutions. The graphs of
the equations are identical.
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Ethan and Ian are twins. They have decided to save all
of the money they earn, at their part-time jobs, to buy a
car to share at college. One week, Ethan worked 8
hours and Ian worked 14 hours. Together they saved
$256. The next week, Ethan worked 12 hours and Ian
worked 16 hours and they earned $324. How much
does each twin make per hour?
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Letting E represent Ethan and I represent Ian, the following
system can be obtained.
8E + 14I = 256
12E + 16I = 324
Mult by 12
Mult by 8
96E + 168I = 3072
96E  128I = 2592
40I = 480
I = 12
Solve for E.
8E + 14(12) = 256
8E = 88
E = 11
Ian makes $12 per hour while Ethan makes $11 per hour.
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Graphical Solution
y1 = 128  4 x
and y2 = 81  3x
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Systems of Equations in
Solve systems of linear equations in three variables.
Use systems of three equations to solve applied
Model a situation using a quadratic function.
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Solving Systems of Equations in
Three Variables
A linear equation in three variables is an equation equivalent to
one of the form Ax + By + Cz = D.
 A, B, C, and D are real numbers and A, B, and C are not all 0.
A solution of a system of three equations in three variables is
an ordered triple that makes all three equations true.
Example: The triple (4, 0, 3) is the solution of this system of
equations. We can verify this by substituting 4 for x, 0 for y, and
3 for z in each equation.
x  2y + 4z = 8
2x + 2y  z = 11
x + y  2z = 10
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Gaussian Elimination
An algebraic method used to solve systems in three
 The original system is transformed to an equivalent one
of the form:
Ax + By + Cz = D,
Ey + Fz = G,
Hz = K.
Then the third equation is solved for z and backsubstitution is used to find y and then x.
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The following operations can be used to transform the
original system to an equivalent system in the desired
Interchange any two equations.
Multiply both sides of one of the equations by a
nonzero constant.
Add a nonzero multiple of one equation to another
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x + 3y + 2z = 9
x  y + 3z = 16
3x  4y + 2z = 28
Solution: Choose 1 variable to eliminate
using 2 different pairs of equations. Let’s
eliminate x from equations (2) and (3).
x  3y  2z = 9
x  y + 3z = 16
4y + z = 7
Mult. (1) by 1
3x  9y  6z = 27
3x  4y + 2z = 28
13y  4z = 1
Mult. (1) by 3
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Example continued
Now we have…
x + 3y + 2z = 9
4y + z = 7
13y  4z = 1
Next, we multiply equation (4) by 4 to make the z coefficient a
multiple of the z coefficient in the equation below it.
x + 3y + 2z = 9
16y + 4z = 28 (6)
13y  4z = 1
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Example continued
Now, we add equations 5 and 6.
13y  4z = 1
16y + 4z = 28
29y = 29
Now, we have the system of equations:
x + 3y + 2z = 9
13y  4z = 1
29y = 29
Next, we solve equation (7) for y:
29y = 29
y = 1
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Example continued
Then, we back-substitute 1 in equation (5) and solve for z.
13(1)  4z = 1
13  4z = 1
4z = 12
Finally, we substitute 1 for y and 3 for z in equation (1) and solve
for x:
x + 3(1) + 2(3) = 9
The triple (6, 1, 3) is the solution of this system.
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The graph of a linear equation in three variables is a plane. Thus
the solution set of such a system is the intersection of three planes.
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A food service distributor conducted a study to predict
fuel usage for new delivery routes, for a particular truck.
Use the chart to find the rates of fuel in rush hour traffic,
city traffic, and on the highway.
Rush Hour
City Traffic
Total Fuel
Used (gal)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
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Familiarize. We let x, y, and z represent the hours in rush hour
traffic, city traffic, and highway, respectively.
Translate. We have three equations:
2x + 9y + 3z = 15
7x + 8y + 3z = 24
6x + 18y + 6z = 34
Carry Out. We will solve this equation by eliminating z from
equations (2) and (3).
2x  9y  3z = 15 Mult. (1) by 1
7x + 8y + 3z = 24
5x  y = 9
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Solution continued
Next, we can solve for x:
4x  18y  6z = 30 Mult. (1) by 2
6x + 18y + 6z = 34
2x = 4
Next, we can solve for y by substituting 2 for x in equation (4):
5(2)  y = 9
Finally, we can substitute 2 for x and 1 for y in equation (1) to solve for z:
2(2) + 9(1) + 3z = 15
4 + 9 + 3z = 15
z= 3
Solving the system we get (2, 1, 3 ).
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Solution continued
Check: Substituting 2 for x, 1 for y, and 3 for z, we see that the
solution makes each of the three equations true.
State: In rush hour traffic the distribution truck uses fuel at a rate of
2 gallons per hour. In city traffic, the same truck uses 1 gallon of
fuel per hour. In highway traffic, the same truck used 2 gallon of
fuel per hour.
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Matrices and Systems of
Solve systems of equations using matrices.
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A rectangular array of numbers is called a matrix
(plural, matrices).
Example:  4 2 3
1 5 4 
The matrix shown above is an augmented matrix
because it contains not only the coefficients but also the
constant terms.
The matrix 4 2 is called the coefficient matrix.
1 5 
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Matrices continued
The rows of a matrix are horizontal.
The columns of a matrix are vertical.
The matrix shown has 2 rows and 3 columns.
1 2 3
4 5 6
A matrix with m rows and n columns is said to be of
order m  n.
When m = n the matrix is said to be square.
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Gaussian Elimination with Matrices
Row-Equivalent Operations
1. Interchange any two rows.
Multiply each entry in a row by the same nonzero
Add a nonzero multiple of one row to another
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Solve the following system:
2x  y  z  8
x  3 y  2 z  1
 5 z  23
First, we write the augmented matrix, writing 0 for the missing y-term
in the last equation.
 2 1 1 8 
1 3 2 1
 4 0 5 23
Our goal is to find a row-equivalent matrix of the form
1 a b
0 1 d
0 0 1
e .
f 
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Example continued
 2 1 1 8 
1 3 2 1
 4 0 5 23
1 3 2 1
 2 1 1 8 
 4 0 5 23
New row 1 = row 2
New row 2 = row 1
We multiply the first row by 2 and add it to the second row.
We also multiply the first row by 4 and add it to the third row.
Row 1 is unchanged
1 3 2 1
0 5 5 10  New row 2=  2(row 1) + row 2
0 12 13 27  New row 3=  4(row 1)+row3
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Example continued
We multiply the second row by 1/5 to get a 1 in the second row,
second column. 1 3 2 1
0 1 1 2  New row 2= 1 (row 2)
0 12 13 27 
We multiply the second row by 12 and add it to the third row.
1 3 2 1
0 1 1 2 
0 0 1 3  New row 3=  12(row 2) + row 3
Now, we can write the system of equations that corresponds to the
last matrix above:
x  3 y  2 z  1
z 3
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Example continued
We back-substitute 3 for z in equation (2) and solve for y.
y3 2
y  1
Next, we back-substitute 1 for y and 3 for z in equation (1) and
solve for x.
x  3 y  2 z  1
x  3(1)  2(3)  1
x  3  6  1
x  3  1
The triple (2, 1, 3) checks in the original system of equations, so it
is the solution.
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Row-Echelon Form
1. If a row does not consist entirely of 0’s, then the first nonzero
element in the row is a 1 (called a leading 1).
2. For any two successive nonzero rows, the leading 1 in the
lower row is farther to the right than the leading 1 in the
higher row.
3. All the rows consisting entirely of 0’s are at the bottom of the
If a fourth property is also satisfied, a matrix is said to be in
reduced row-echelon form:
4. Each column that contains a leading 1 has 0’s everywhere
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Which of the following matrices are in row-echelon form?
a) 1 6 7 5 
b) 0 2 4 1 
3 4 
1 8 
c) 1 2 7
2 
0 0
d) 1 0 0 3.5
0 1 0
0 0 1
0.7 
4.5 
Matrices (a) and (d) satisfy the row-echelon criteria. In (b) the first
nonzero element is not 1. In (c), the row consisting entirely of 0’s is
not at the bottom of the matrix.
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Gauss-Jordan Elimination
We perform row-equivalent operations on a matrix to
obtain a row-equivalent matrix in row-echelon form. We
continue to apply these operations until we have a
matrix in reduced row-echelon form.
Example: Use Gauss-Jordan elimination to solve the
system of equations from the previous example; we had
obtained the matrix
1 3 2 1
0 1 1 2 
0 0 1 3 
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Gauss-Jordan Elimination continued
We continue to perform row-equivalent operations until
we have a matrix in reduced row-echelon form.
1 3 0 5 
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 3 
New row 1 = 2(row 3) + row 1
New row 2 =  1(row 3) + row 2
Next, we multiply the second row by 3 and add it to the
first row.
1 0 0 2 
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 3 
New row 1 = 3(row 2) + row 1
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Gauss-Jordan Elimination continued
Writing the system of equations that corresponds to this
matrix, we have
 1
We can actually read the solution, (2, 1, 3), directly
from the last column of the reduced row-echelon matrix.
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Special Systems
When a row consists entirely of 0’s, the equations are
dependent and the system is equivalent.
When we obtain a row whose only nonzero entry
occurs in the last column, we have an inconsistent
system of equations. For example, in the matrix
1 0 4 6 
0 1 4 8 
0 0 0 9 
the last row corresponds to the false equation 0 = 9, so
we know the original system has no solution.
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Matrix Operations
Add, subtract, and multiply matrices when possible.
Write a matrix equation equivalent to a system of
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A capital letter is generally used to name a matrix, and
lower-case letters with double subscripts generally
denote its entries.
For example, a23 read “a sub two three,” indicates the
entry in the second row and the third column.
 a11
A  [aij ]  
 am1
a1n 
amn 
Two matrices are equal if they have the same order
and corresponding entries are equal.
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Matrix Addition and Subtraction
To add or subtract matrices, we add or subtract their
corresponding entries.
Addition and Subtraction of Matrices
Given two m  n matrices A = [aij] and B = [bij], their
sum is
A + B = [aij + bij]
and their difference is
A  B = [aij  bij].
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Find A + B for each of the following.
 6 7 
a) A = 
 1 4
b) A   2 6 
 7 0 
 2 4
B= 
8 4
2 4
B   4 2 
 5 3
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Example continued
We have a pair of 2  2 matrices in part (a) and a pair of
3  2 matrices in part (b). Since each pair has the same
order we can add their corresponding entries.
 6 7   2 4
A+B= 
1 
 2 4   8 4
 6  2 7  (4)   4 3 
   6 3 3 
 
A + B   2
 7
 1 2
  2  (4)
 7  (5)
4  2 4 
6    4 2 
 
0   5 3
44   3 8 
6  2    6 8 
 
0  (3)   2 3
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Find C  D for each of the
1 2
 1 3
C   3 0  D   4 7 
 4 2
 0 3 
 5 6 
 9
 D 2 
 
Since the matrices do not have
the same order, we cannot
subtract them.
Since the order of each matrix is
3  2, we can subtract
corresponding entries.
 1 2   1 3
C  D   3 0    4 7 
 
 4 2   0 3 
1  (1) 2  ( 3)   2 5 
  3  4
0  7    7  7 
 
 4  0
2  3   4 5 
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Scalar Multiplication
When we find the product of a number and a matrix, we
obtain a scalar product.
The scalar product of a number k and a matrix A is the
matrix denoted kA, obtained by multiplying each entry
of A by the number k. The number k is called a scalar.
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Find 4A and (2)A for
 4 1 
A= 
 0 7
 4 1   4(4) 4(1)   16 4 
4A = 4 
 
 
 4 1   2(4) 2(1)  8 2 
2A =  2 
 
 
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Properties of Matrix Addition and
Scalar Multiplication
For any m  n matrices, A, B, and C and any scalars k
and l:
Commutative Property of Addition
Associative Property of Addition
A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
Associative Property of Scalar Multiplication
(kl)A = k(lA)
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More Properties
Distributive Property
k(A + B) = kA + kB
(k + l)A = kA + lA
There exists a unique matrix 0 such that:
Additive Identity Property
There exists a unique matrix A such that:
A + (A) = A + A = 0 Additive Inverse Property
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Matrix Multiplication
For an m  n matrix A = [aij] and an n  p matrix
B = [bij], the product AB = [cij] is an m  p matrix,
cij = ai1 • b1j + ai2 • b2j + ai3 • b3j + … + ain • bnj.
We can multiply two matrices only when the number of
columns in the first matrix is equal to the number of
rows in the second matrix.
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 0 4 
 2 4
 2 2 2
, B  2 7 , and C  
 1 3 
find each of the following.
a) AB
b) BA
c) AC
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Slide 5- 54
Solution AB
A is a 2  3 matrix and B is a 3  2 matrix, so AB
will be a 2  2 matrix.
 2 2 2  
AB  
1 0 4   1
 2(0)  2(2)  2(1)
 1(0)  0(2)  4(1)
4 
7 
3 
2(4)  2(7)  ( 2)(3)   6 28
1(4)  0(7)  4(3)   4 8 
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Slide 5- 55
Solution BA
B is a 3  2 matrix and A is a 2  3 matrix, so BA will be
a 3  3 matrix.
 0 4 
 2 2 2 
BA  2 7 
 1 0 4 
 1 3 
 0(2)  (4)(1) 0(2)  (4)(0) 0(2)  (4)(4)   4 0 16 
  2(2)  (7)(1) 2(2)  (7)(0) 2(2)  (7)(4)    3 4 32 
 
 1(2)  3(1)
1(2)  3(0)
1(2)  3(4)   1 2 14 
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Slide 5- 56
Solution AC
The product AC is not defined because the number
of columns of A, 3, is not equal to the number
of rows of C, 2.
Note that AB  BA. Multiplication of matrices is
generally not commutative.
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Slide 5- 57
Dalton’s Dairy produces no-fat ice cream and frozen
yogurt. The following table shows the number of gallons
of each product that are sold at the dairy’s three retail
outlets one week. On each gallon of no-fat ice cream,
the dairy’s profit is $4, and on each gallon of frozen
yogurt, it is $3. Use matrices to find the total profit on
these items at each store for the given week.
Store 1
Store 2
Store 3
No-fat Ice Cream (in
Frozen Yogurt (in
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Slide 5- 58
Application continued
We can write the table showing the distribution as a
2  3 matrix.
100 80 120
The profit per gallon can also be written as a matrix.
P   4 3
The total profit at each store is given by the matrix
product PD.
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Slide 5- 59
Application continued
100 80 120 
PD   4 3 
  4(100)  3(160) 4(80)  3(120) 4(120)  3(100)
 880 680 780
The total profit on no-fat ice cream and frozen yogurt for
the given week was $880 at store 1, $680 at store 2,
and $780 at store 3.
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Slide 5- 60
Properties of Matrix Multiplication
For matrices A, B, and C, assuming that the indicated
operations are possible:
Associative Property of Multiplication
A(BC) = (AB)C
Distributive Property
A(B + C) = AB + AC
(B + C)A = BA + CA
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Slide 5- 61
Matrix Equations
We can write a matrix equation equivalent to a system
of equations.
Example: 3 x  y  z  11
5x 
z 9
x  2 y  3 z  3
Can be written as:
3 1 1  x   11 
5 0 1   y    9 
   
1 2 3  z   3
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Slide 5- 62
Inverses of Matrices
Find the inverse of a square matrix, if it exists.
Use inverses of matrices to solve systems of equations.
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The Identity Matrix
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Slide 5- 64
a) AI
1 3
and I =
4 6
1 0 
0 1  find each of the following.
b) IA
1 3  1 0 
AI  
 4 6 0 1 
 1(1)  3(0) 1(0)  3(1)  1 3 
 4(1)  6(0) 4(0)  6(1)   4 6 
1 0   1 3 
IA  
  4 6
(1)(1)  (0)(4) (1)(3)  (0)(6)  1 3
 (0)(1)  (1)4 (0)(3)  (1)(6)   4 6 
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Slide 5- 65
Inverse of a Matrix
For an n  n matrix A, if there is a matrix A1 for which
A1 • A = I = A • A1, then A1 is the inverse of A.
3 4 
 7 4
Verify that B  
is the inverse of A  
5 7 
 5 3 
We show that BA = I = AB.
3 4   7 4  1
BA = 
5 7   5 3  0
 7 4  3 4  1
AB  
 5 3  5 7  0
1 
1 
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Slide 5- 66
Finding an Inverse Matrix
To find an inverse, we first form an augmented matrix consisting
of A on the left side and the identity matrix on the right side.
3 4 1 0 
5 7 0 1 
The 2  2
The 2  2
matrix A
identity matrix
Then we attempt to transform the augmented matrix to one of the
1 0 a b 
0 1. c d 
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Slide 5- 67
3 4 
where A = 
5 7 
3 4 1 0 
5 7 0 1 
1 43 13 0 new row 1 = 13 (row 1)
1  new row 2 =  5(row 1) + row 2
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Example continued
1 43 13 0
 new row 2 = 3(row 2)
0 1 5 3
1 0 7 4 new row 1 =
0 1 5 3 
(row 3) + row 1
 7 4
= 
 5 3 
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If a matrix has an inverse, we say that it is invertible, or
When we cannot obtain the identity matrix on the left
using the Gauss-Jordan method, then no inverse exists.
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Slide 5- 70
Solving Systems of Equations
Matrix Solutions of Systems of Equations
For a system of n linear equations in n variables,
AX = B, if A is an invertible matrix, then the unique
solution of the system is given by X = A1B.
Since matrix multiplication is not commutative in
general, care must be taken to multiply on the left by
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Slide 5- 71
Use an inverse matrix to solve the following system of
3x + 4y = 5
5x + 7y = 9
We write an equivalent matrix, AX = B:
3 4   x  5
5 7    y   9 
    
A  X = B
In the previous example we found
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 7 4
 5 3  .
Slide 5- 72
Example continued
We now have X = A1B.
 x   7 4 5 7(5)  (4)(9)   1
 y    5 3  9   5(5)  3(9)    2 
  
  
  
The solution of the system of equations is (1, 2).
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Slide 5- 73
Determinants and
Cramer’s Rule
Evaluate determinants of square matrices.
Use Cramer’s rule to solve systems of equations.
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Determinants of Square Matrices
a c 
The determinant of the matrix 
is denoted
b d 
a c
and is defined as
b d
a c
 ad  bc.
b d
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Slide 5- 75
2 .
 3
 3
 3  3  (6)(2)
 3  12
 15
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Slide 5- 76
Evaluating Determinants Using Cofactors
 For a square matrix A = [aij], the minor Mij of an
element aij is the determinant of the matrix formed by
deleting the ith row and the jth column of A.
 2 0 1
 4 5 3
Example: For the matrix
 1 2 4 
find each of the following.
a) M11
b) M22
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Slide 5- 77
For M11, we delete the first row and the first column and
find the determinant of the 2  2 matrix formed by the
remaining elements.
 2 0 1
 4 5 3
 1 2 4 
5 3
M 11 
2 4
 5(4)  (2)(3)
 20  (6)
 20  6
 14
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Slide 5- 78
For M22, we delete the second row and the second
column and find the determinant of the 2  2 matrix
formed by the remaining elements.
 2 0 1
 4 5 3
 1 2 4 
M 22
2 1
1 4
 (2)(4)  (1)(1)
 8 1
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Slide 5- 79
For a square matrix A = [aij], the cofactor Aij of an
element aij is given by
Aij = (1)i + jMij,
where Mij is the minor of aij.
Find each of the following.
a) A11
b) A22
 2 0 1
A=  4 5 3
 1 2 4 
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Slide 5- 80
a) We found M11 = 14, then
A11 = (1)1+1(14) = 14.
b) We found M22 = 7, then
A22 = (1)2+2(7) = 7.
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Slide 5- 81
Determinant of Any Square Matrix
For any square matrix A of order n  n (n > 1), we
define the determinant of A, denoted |A|, as follows.
Choose any row or column. Multiply each element in
that row or column by its cofactor and add the results.
The determinant of a 1  1 matrix is simply the element
of the matrix. The value of a determinant will be the
same no matter which row or column is chosen.
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Slide 5- 82
Cramer’s Rule for 2  2 Systems
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Slide 5- 83
Solve using Cramer’s Rule: 3x  4 y  1
7 x  5 y  31
1 4
31 5 (1)(5)  (4)(31) 129
3 4
(3)(5)  (7)(4)
7 5
3 1
7 31 (3)(31)  (7)(1) 86
 2
3 4
7 5
The solution is (3, 2).
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Cramer’s Rule for 3  3 Systems
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Slide 5- 85
Solve using Cramer’s rule: x  2 y  3z  14
x yz 0
x  2 y  z  2
Solution: We have
1 2 3
D  1 1 1  4
1 2 1
14 2 3
Dx  0 1 1  4
2 1
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Example continued
1 14 3
Dy  1
0 1  8
1 2
Dx 4
 1
Dy 8
 2
D 4
Dz 12
 3
1 2 14
Dz  1 1 0  12
1 2
The solution is (1, 2, 3).
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Slide 5- 87
Systems of Inequalities and
Linear Programming
Graph linear inequalities.
Graph systems of linear inequalities.
Solve linear programming problems.
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Linear Inequalities
A linear inequality in two variables is an inequality
that can be written in the form
Ax + By < C,
where A, B, and C are real numbers and A and B are
not both zero. The symbol < may be replaced with , >,
or .
The solution set of an inequality is the set of all
ordered pairs that make it true. The graph of an
inequality represents its solution set.
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Slide 5- 89
Graph y > x  4.
We begin by graphing
the related equation
y = x  4. We use a
dashed line because the
inequality symbol is >.
This indicates that the
line itself is not in the
solution set.
Determine which halfplane satisfies the
0 > 4 True
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Slide 5- 90
To Graph a Linear Inequality:
Replace the inequality symbol with an equals sign
and graph this related equation. If the inequality
symbol is < or >, draw the line dashed. If the inequality
symbol is  or , draw the line solid.
The graph consists of a half-plane on one side of the
line and, if the line is solid, the line as well. To
determine which half-plane to shade, test a point not on
the line in the original inequality. If that point is a
solution, shade the half-plane containing that point. If
not, shade the opposite half-plane.
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Slide 5- 91
Graph: 4x + 2y  8
1. Graph the related
equation, using a solid
2. Determine which
half-plane to shade.
4x + 2y
4(0) + 2(0)
We shade the region
containing (0, 0).
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Slide 5- 92
Graph x > 2 on a plane.
1. Graph the related
2. Pick a test point (0, 0).
0 > 2 False
Because (0, 0) is not a
solution, we shade the
half-plane that does not
contain that point.
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Slide 5- 93
Graph y  2 on a plane.
1. Graph the related
2. Select a test point (0, 0).
0  2 True
Because (0, 0) is a
solution, we shade the
region containing that
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Slide 5- 94
Systems of Linear Inequalities
Graph the solution set of the
x y3
x  y 1
The solution set of the system
of equations is the region
shaded both red and green,
including part of the line
x + y  3.
First, we graph x + y  3 using
a solid line. Choose a test
point (0, 0) and shade the
correct plane.
Next, we graph x  y > 1 using
a dashed line. Choose a test
point and shade the correct
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Slide 5- 95
Graph the following
system of inequalities
and find the coordinates
of any vertices formed:
x  y  2
x y0
We graph the related
equations using solid
lines. We shade the
region common to all
three solution sets.
To find the vertices, we
solve three systems of
equations. The system of
equations from
inequalities (1) and (2):
x + y = 2
The vertex is (4, 2).
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Slide 5- 96
Example continued
The system of equations
from inequalities
(1) and (3):
The vertex is (2, 2).
The system of equations
from inequalities
(2) and (3):
x + y = 2
The vertex is (1, 1).
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Slide 5- 97
Linear Programming
In many applications, we want to find a maximum or
minimum value. Linear programming can tell us how to
do this.
Constraints are expressed as inequalities. The
solution set of the system of inequalities made up of the
constraints contains all the feasible solutions of a
linear programming problem.
The function that we want to maximize or minimize is
called the objective function.
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Slide 5- 98
Linear Programming Procedure
To find the maximum or minimum value of a linear
objective function subject to a set of constraints:
1. Graph the region of feasible solutions.
2. Determine the coordinates of the vertices of the region.
3. Evaluate the objective function at each vertex. The
largest and smallest of those values are the maximum
and minimum values of the function, respectively.
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Slide 5- 99
A tray of corn muffins requires 4 cups of milk and 3
cups of wheat flour. A tray of pumpkin muffins requires
2 cups of milk and 3 cups of wheat flour. There are 16
cups of milk and 15 cups of wheat flour available, and
the baker makes $3 per tray profit on corn muffins and
$2 per tray profit on pumpkin muffins. How many trays
of each should the baker make in order to maximize
Solution: We let x = the number of corn muffins and
y = the number of pumpkin muffins. Then the profit P
is given by the function P = 3x + 2y.
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Slide 5- 100
Example continued
We know that x muffins require 4 cups of milk and
muffins require 2 cups of milk. Since there are no more
than 16 cups of milk, we have one constraint.
4x + 2y  16
Similarly, the muffins require 3 and 3 cups of wheat
flour. There are no more than 15 cups of flour available,
so we have a second constraint. 3x + 3y  15
We also know x  0 and y  0 because the baker
cannot make a negative number of either muffin.
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Slide 5- 101
Example continued
Thus we want to maximize the objective function
P = 3x + 2y subject to the constraints
4x + 2y  16,
3x + 3y  15,
x  0,
y  0.
We graph the system of inequalities and determine the
vertices. Next, we evaluate the objective function P at
each vertex.
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Slide 5- 102
Example continued
P = 3x+ 2y
(0, 0)
P = 3(0) + 2(0) = 0
(4, 0)
P = 3(4) + 2(0) = 12
(0, 5)
P = 3(0) + 2(5) = 10
(3, 2)
P = 3(3) + 2(2) = 13
The baker will make a maximum profit when 3 trays of corn
muffins and 2 trays of pumpkin muffins are produced.
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Slide 5- 103
Partial Fractions
Decompose rational expressions into partial fractions.
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Slide 5- 105
Decompose into partial fractions:
4 x  13 .
2 x2  x  6
Solution: The degree of the numerator is less than the
degree of the denominator. We begin by factoring the
denominator: (x + 2)(2x  3). We know that there are
constants A and B such that
4 x  13
( x  2)(2 x  3) x  2 2 x  3
To determine A and B, we add the expressions on the
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Slide 5- 106
Example continued
4 x  13
A(2 x  3)  B( x  2)
( x  2)(2 x  3)
( x  2)(2 x  3)
Next, we equate the numerators:
4x  13 = A(2x  3) + B(x + 2).
Since the last equation containing A and B is true for all x,
we can substitute any value of x and still have a true
equation. If we choose x = 3/2, then 2x  3 = 0 and A will be
eliminated when we make the substitution. This gives us
4(3/2)  13 = A[2(3/2)  3] + B(3/2 + 2)
7 = 0 + (7/2)B.
Solving we obtain B = 2.
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Slide 5- 107
Example continued
If we choose x = 2, then x + 2 = 0 and B will be
eliminated when we make the substitution. This gives
us 4(2)  13 = A[2(2)  3] + B(2 + 2)
21 = 7A.
Solving, we obtain A = 3.
The decomposition is as follows:
4 x  13
2x  x  6 x  2 2x  3
x  2 2x  3
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Slide 5- 108
Another Example
Decompose into partial fractions:
7 x2  29 x  24
(2 x  1)( x  2)2
Solution: The degree of the numerator is 2 and the
degree of the denominator is 3, so the degree of the
numerator is less than the degree of the denominator.
The denominator is given in factored form. The
decomposition has the following form:
7 x 2  29 x  24
(2 x  1)( x  2)
2 x  1 x  2 ( x  2)
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Slide 5- 109
Another Example continued
Next, we add the expression on the right:
7 x 2  29 x  24 A( x  2)2  B(2 x  1)( x  2)  C (2 x  1)
(2 x  1)( x  2)
(2 x  1)( x  2)2
Then, we equate the numerators. This gives us
7 x2  29 x  24  A( x  2)2  B(2 x  1)( x  2)  C (2 x  1)
Since the equation containing A, B, and C is true for all of x, we can
substitute any value of x and still have a true equation. In order to
have 2x – 1 = 0, we let x = 1 . This gives us
1 2
7( )  29   24  A(  2) 2  0.
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Another Example continued
Solving, we obtain A = 5.
 In order to have x  2 = 0, we let x = 2. Substituting
gives us 7(2)2  29(2)  24  0  C (2  2  1).
Solving, we obtain C = 2 .
 To find B, we choose any value for x except or 2
and replace A with 5 and C with 2 . We let x = 1:
7 12  29 1  24  5(1  2) 2  B(2 1  1)(1  2)  (2)(2 1  1)
2  5 B 2
B 1
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Another Example continued
The decomposition is as follows:
7 x 2  29 x  24
(2 x  1)( x  2)
2 x  1 x  2 ( x  2)
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Another Example
 8x  7 .
Decompose into partial fractions:
(2 x 2  1)( x  3)
Solution: The decomposition has the following form.
11x 2  8 x  7
Ax  B
 2
(2 x  1)( x  3) 2 x  1 x  3
Adding and equating numerators, we get
11x 2  8 x  7  ( Ax  B)( x  3)  C (2 x 2  1)
 Ax 2  3 Ax  Bx  3B  2Cx 2  C ,
or 11x  8 x  7  ( A  2C ) x  ( 3 A  B) x  (3B  C ).
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Slide 5- 113
Another Example continued
We then equate corresponding coefficients:
11 = A + 2C,
The coefficients of the x2-terms
8 = 3A + B, The coefficients of the x-terms
7 = 3B  C. The constant terms
We solve this system of three equations and obtain
A = 3, B = 1, and C = 4.
The decomposition is as follows:
11x 2  8 x  7
3x  1
 2
(2 x  1)( x  3) 2 x  1 x  3
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