Download 6.1 Algebraic Expressions and Formulas

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Algebraic Expressions and
1. We will Evaluate algebraic expressions.
2. We will use mathematical models.
3. We will understand the vocabulary of
algebraic expressions.
4. We will Simplify algebraic expressions.
We will evaluate algebraic expressions.
Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
• Evaluating an algebraic expression - finding
the value for an expression given a value for
the variable(s).
– We can evaluate 3x -2 when x = 8 to be.
We can evaluate an expression
with multiple variables
• -2x + 5xy * 3y when x=2 and y=-4
• x(y-5)(z+3) when x=2, y=8, z=-4
We will understand the vocabulary of algebraic expressions.
Vocabulary of Algebraic
• Terms - Parts of an algebraic expression that are
separated by addition.
• Coefficient - The numerical part of a term.
• Numerical term or Constant- a term that consists
of just a number.
• Factors - The parts of each term that are
• Like terms - Terms with the same variable and
exponent factors.
We will simplify algebraic expressions
Properties of Real Numbers
• Commutative Property of addition
Commutative Property of Multiplication
a*b = b*a
Associative Property of Addition
(a+b)+c = a+(b+c)
Associative Property of Multiplication
(ab)c = a(bc)
Distributive Property
• a(b+c) = ab + ac
• a(b-c) = ab - ac
• ba+ca= (b+c)a
Distributive Property Examples
• 2(x - 9) + 3x
• -(a+b)
• 8x + 2[5-(x-3)]
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