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Physics 1220/1320
Electromagnetism –
part one: electrostatics
Lecture Electricity, chapter 21-26
Consider a force like gravity but a
billion-billion-billion-billion times stronger
with two kinds of active matter:
electrons and protons
and one kind of neutral matter: neutrons
Two important laws:
Conservation & quantization of charge
from experiment:
Like charges repel, unlike charges attract
The phenomenon of
Electric Properties of Matter (I)
Materials which conduct electricity well are called
Materials which prohibited the flow of electricity are
called _____________
‘Earth’ or ‘ground’ is a conductor with an infinite
reservoir of charge
_____________ are in between and can be conveniently
_____________ are ideal conductors without losses
Induction : Conductors and Insulators
Coulomb’s Law
Force on a charge by other charges ~
Significant constants:
e = 1.602176462(63) 10-19C i.e. even nC extremely good statistics
(SI) 1/4pe0
Principle of superposition of forces:
If more than one charge exerts a force on a target charge,
how do the forces combine?
Luckily, they add as vector sums!
Consider charges q1, q2, and Q:
F1 on Q acc. to Coulomb’s law
Component F1x of F1 in x:
With cos a =
Similarly F1y =
-> F1x=
What changes when F2(Q) is
What changes when q1
is negative?
Find F1
Electric Fields
How does the force ‘migrate’ to be felt by the other charge?
: Concept of fields
Charges –q and 4q are placed as shown.
Of the five positions indicated at
1-far left, 2 – ¼ distance, 3 – middle, 4 – ¾ distance
and 5 – same distance off to the right,
the position at which E is zero is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Electric field lines
For the visualization of electric fields, the concept of field
lines is used.
Electric Dipoles
Net force on dipole by uniform E is zero.
Product of charge and separation ”dipole moment” q d
Gauss’s Law, Flux
Group Task:
Find flux through each surface for q = 30^
and total flux through cube
What changes for case b?
Gauss’s Law
Basic message: ‘What is in the box determines what comes
out of the box.’ Or: No magic sources.
Important Applications of Gauss’s
2q on inner
4q on outer
Group Task
Line charge:
F(E) =
Opp. charged
parallel plates
EA =
Infinite plane sheet of charge:
2EA =
Electric Potential Energy
Electric Potential V units volt: [V] = [J/C]
Potential difference:
Calculating velocities from
potential differences
Dust particle m= 5 10-9 [kg], charge q0 = 2nC
Energy conservation: Ka+Ua = Kb+Ub
Equipotential Surfaces
Potential Gradient
Moving charges: Electric Current
Path of moving charges:
Transporting energy
Random walk does not mean ‘no progression’
Random motion fast: 106m/s
Drift speed slow:
e- typically moves only few cm
Positive current direction:= direction flow + charge
Work done by E on moving charges  heat
(average vibrational energy increased i.e. temperature)
Current through A:= dQ/dt
charge through A per unit time
Unit [A] ‘Ampere’
[A] = [C/s]
Current and current density do
not depend on sign of charge
 Replace q by /q/
Concentration of charges n [m-3] , all move with vd, in dt moves vddt,
volume Avddt, number of particles in volume n Avddt
What is charge that flows out of volume?
Resistivity and Resistance
Properties of material matter too:
For metals, at T = const. J= nqvd ~ E
Proportionality constant r is resistivity r = E/J Ohm’s law
Reciprocal of r is conductivity
Unit r: [Wm] ‘Ohm’ = [(V/m) / (A/m2)] = [Vm/A]
Types of resistivity
Ask for total current in and
potential at ends of conductor:
Relate value of current to
Potential difference between ends.
For uniform J,E
‘resistance’ R = V/I [W]
r vs. R
R =rL/A
R = V/I
I = V/R
E, V, R of a wire
Group Task
Typical wire: copper, rCu = 1.72 x 10-8 Wm
cross sectional area of 1mm diameter wire
is 8.2x10-7 m-2
current a) 1A b) 1kA
for points a) 1mm b) 1m c) 100m apart
E = rJ = rI/A = 0.0210 V/m (a) 21 V/m (b)
V = EL = 21 mV (a), 21 mV (b), 2.1 V (c)
R = V/I = 2.1V/1A = 2.1 W
Electromotive Force
Steady currents require circuits: closed loops of conducting material
otherwise current dies down after short time
Charges which do a full loop
must have unchanged potential
Resistance always reduces U
A part of circuit is needed which
increases U again
This is done by the emf.
Note that it is NOT a force but
a potential!
First, we consider ideal sources (emf) : Vab = E = IR
I is not used up while flowing from + to –
I is the same everywhere in the circuit
Emf can be battery (chemical), photovoltaic (sun energy/chemical),
from other circuit (electrical), every unit which can create em energy
EMF sources usually possess Internal Resistance. Then,
Vab = E – Ir and I = E/(R+r)
Circuit Diagrams
Voltage is always measured in parallel, amps in series
Energy and Power in Circuits
Rate of conversion to electric energy: EI, rate of dissipation I2r –
difference = power output source When 2 sources are connected to simple loop:
Larger emf delivers to smaller emf
Resistor networks
Careful: opposite to capacitor series/parallel rules!
Combining Measuring Instruments
Group Task:
Find Req and I and V across
/through each resistor!
Group task:
Find I25 and I20
Kirchhoff’s Rules
A more general approach to analyze resistor networks
Is to look at them as loops and junctions:
This method works even
when our rules to reduce
a circuit to its Req
‘Charging a battery’
Circuit with more
than one loop!
Apply both rules.
Junction rule,
point a:
Loop rule: 3 loops
to choose from
Similarly point b:
Group task: Find values of I1,I2,and I3!
5 currents
Use junction rule
at a, b and c
3 unknown currents
Need 3 eqn
Loop rule to 3 loops:
(3 bec.of no.unknowns)
Let’s set R1=R3=R4=1W
and R2=R5=2W
E ~ /Q/  Vab ~ /Q/
Double Q:
Charge density, E, Vab
double too
But ratio Q/Vab is constant
Capacitance is measure of ability of a capacitor to store energy!
(because higher C = higher Q per Vab = higher energy
Value of C depends on geometry (distance plates, size plates, and material
property of plate material)
Plate Capacitors
E = s/e0
= Q/Ae0
For uniform field E and given plate distance d
Vab = E d
= 1/e0 (Qd)/A
Units: [F] = [C2/Nm] = [C2/J] … typically micro or nano Farad
Capacitor Networks
In a series connection, the magnitude of charge on all
plates is the same. The potential differences are not
the same.
In a parallel connection, the potential difference for all
individual capacitors is the same. The charges are not
the same.
Equivalent capacitance is used to simplify networks.
Group task: What is the equivalent capacitance
of the circuit below?
Step 1:
Find equivalent for C series at right
Step 2:
Find equivalent for C parallel
left to right.
Step 3:
Find equivalent for series.
Capacitor Networks
C1 = 6.9 mF, C2= 4.6mF
Reducing the furthest right leg
Combines parallel with nearest C2:
Leaving a situation identical to what we have just worked out:
Charge on C1 and C2:
QC1 =
QC2 =
Energy Storage in Capacitors
V = Q/C
Energy Storage in Capacitors
24.24: plate C 920 pF, charge on each plate 2.55 mC
a) V between plates:
V = Q/C =
b)For constant charge, if d is doubled, what will V be?
If q is constant,
c) How much work to double d?
If d is doubled, C 
Work equals amount of extra energy needed which is
Other common geometries
Spherical capacitor
Need Vab for C, need E for Vab:
Take Gaussian surface as sphere
and find enclosed charge
Cylindrical capacitor
Find E Er = l/2pe0 1/r
Find V Vab =
Find C Q =
What is C dep. On?
Dielectric constant K
K= C/C0
For constant charge:
And V = V0/K
Dielectrics are never
perfect insulators: material
Induced charge: Polarization
If V changes with K, E must decrease too: E = E0/K
This can be visually understood considering that materials
are made up of atoms and molecules:
Induced charge: Polarization – Molecular View
Dielectric breakdown
Change with dielectric:
E0 = s/e0  E = (s-si)/e0 and = E0/K
s-si = e0E0/K  si = s -s/K
si = s (1-1/K)
E = s/e
Empty space: K=1, e=e0
RC Circuits
Charging a capacitor
From now on
Quantities I and V
in small fonts
vab = i R
vbc = q/C
As q increases
towards Qf,
i decreases  0
Separate variables:
Integrate, take exp.:
Characteristic time constant t = RC !
Discharging a capacitor
Ex 26.37 - C= 455 [pF] charged with 65.5 [nC] per plate
C then connected to ‘V’ with R= 1.28 [MW]
a) iinitial?
b) What is the time constant of RC?
a) i = q/(RC) =
=! [A]
b) t = RC =
Group Task:
Find t
charged fully after 1[hr]? Y/N
Ex 26.82 C= 2.36 [mF] uncharged, then connected in series to
R= 4.26 [W] and E=120 [V], r=0
a) Rate at which energy is dissipated at R
b) Rate at which energy is stored in C increases
Group Task
c) Power output source
a) PR =
b) PC= dU/dt =
c) Pt = E I
d) What is the answer to the questions after ‘a long time’?
 all zero