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Los Mandatos Formales
To tell someone you address as
USTED to do something
To tell a group you address as
USTEDES to do something
Regulares y Singulares
 -AR Verbs
 – DROP the o in the
YO form
 Add –e (the opposite
usted form)
 -ER/IR Verbs
 –DROP the o in the
YO form
 Add a –a (the
opposite usted form)
 Comprar
 Comer
compro – compre (Buy)
 Hablar
hablo – No hable (Don’t
como – No coma (Don’t
 Abrir
abro – abra (Open)
Regulares y Plurales
 -AR Verbs
 – DROP the o in the YO
 Add –en (the opposite
ustedes form)
 -ER/IR Verbs
 – DROP the o in the YO
 Add –an (the opposite
ustedes form)
 Caminar
 Escribir
 camino – caminen (Walk)
 Doblar
 doblo – No doblen (Don’t
 escribo – escriban (Write)
 Ver
 veo – No vean (Don’t
 Follow the same rules for the endings
 Changes are in the stem
 -car, -gar, -zar, ger, and –guir
(Same changes as in the preterit tense!)
 Sacar – Saque (Take out)
 Llegar – No lleguen (Don’t arrive)
 Empezar – Empiece (Start)
 Recoger – Recojan (Pick up)
 Seguir – Siga (Keep going/Follow)
Irregulares Cont.
 Usted
 Dar – dé (Give)
 Ser – sea (Be)
 Ir – vaya (Go)
 Ustedes
 Dar – den (Give)
 Ser – sean (Be)
 Ir – vayan (Go)
Otras Cosas
 Formal commands are often used to give directions
Sigan derecho hasta la esquina.
Keep going straight to the corner.
 Direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns and
reflexive pronouns are still attached to the affirmative
Command + IDOP/DOP/reflexive
 Add YOUR accent mark! (Second to last syllable of verb
by itself)
Cómala (Eat it!)
Escríbame (Write to me.)
Otras cosas más..
Direct object pronouns, indirect object
pronouns, and reflexive pronouns are still
placed before the negative command
No + IDOP/DOP/reflexive + Command
No me escriba. (Don’t write to me!)
No la coma. (Don’t eat it!)
1. When do you attach a pronoun?
2. List 3 irregular command forms.
3. How do you form the affirmative Ud.
4. When do you put the pronoun first?
5. What happens with –car,-gar,-zar
6. How do you form the negative Uds.