Download Elements of an AWESOME Introduction

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The hook (How can I hook in the audience to keep reading?)
The hook to book connection
The book (Keep talking about the book! Write for an audience
who doesn’t know what the book is about.)
The relevant context (What does the reader need to
understand? Historical context? Greek mythology? Definition
of American Dream? History of oppression?)
The transition to your thesis.
THESIS. (Include author and title of work.)
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The invariable
mark of a dream is to see it come true.” Of Mice and
Men written by John Steinbeck explores the idea of
the American Dream and the desire of the characters
in the book to achieve it. George and Lennie, the
main characters in the story, search for meaning in
their life and are forced to seek low paying jobs to
make ends meet. Ultimately the men want to “live off
the fatta the land,” and make their dream, which
many Americans had at the time, come true. The
American Dream became this idea that all people
could succeed through hard work. During the 1930s,
when Of Mice and Men was written, many people
believed in this idea and hoped that one day their
American Dream would come true. However, the
harsh reality was that the dream often did not come
true for many people. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and
Men, the author uses the characterization of George
and Lennie in order to show man’s inability to achieve
the idealistic American Dream of the 1930s.