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1. George Candea, Shinichi Kawamoto,
Yuichi Fujiki, Greg Friedman, Armando
Fox, “Microreboot – A Technique for
Cheap Recovery”, Proceedings 6th
Symposium on Operating Systems
Design and Implementation (OSDI’04),
pp 31 – 44.
The Problem
• Software has bugs
– Memory leaks, race conditions, environment
– Many bugs that appear in production have no fix at
the time of failure
– Enterprise scale systems application level failures are
more frequent
• Modern Operating Systems are comparatively more reliable
– Desktop system OS continue to have problems
• Testing eliminates some of the bugs, but not all
the bugs
Recovery - Urgency
• Enterprise failures focuses the operators on the
need to recover from failure and restoration of
– Diagnosis is for later – no time for real-time diagnosis
– Studies show that rebooting often is adequate even if
the cause of the failure is unknown
• Server clusters increase reliability – redundancy
to withstand failure
– Isolate failed node
– Reboot the failed node
– Reintegrate the recovered node into the cluster
Recovery using reboots
• There is high-confidence that reboot will
reclaim stale or leaked resources
• Does not require correct functioning of the
rebooted system
• Easy to implement and automate
• Returns the system to a “best” (most)
tested state
Recovery using reboots - 2
• Unexpected reboots can result in data loss
and unpredictable recovery times
– Data recovery and process recovery are not
– Example: write back buffer caches
• Data for persistent storage is kept in volatile
• Unexpected reboot will loose the buffer contents,
i.e. the files would not be updated
• Individual rebooting of fine-grain application
• Potentially the same results as a system reboot,
but much faster and less loss of work
• Safe microreboots require
Well isolated
Stateless components
Application state is saved in specialized state stores
Consequence: isolation of data recovery from
process recovery
• Rejuvenate the system without shutting it down
Microrebooting: High Availability
• Try microrebooting first
– Even if false positives are expected
– Even if the failure is not expected to be fixed
by microreboot
• Even if the system reboot is required, the
microreboot adds only small amount of time to the
• In server clusters, microrebooting should
be tried before fail over
– Avoids loading of non-failed server
Microrebootable Internet Services
• Many relatively short tasks
– Work lost because of microrebooting is small
– Few requests lost per day
• Design goals
– Fast and correct component recovery
– Strongly localized recovery
– Fast and correct reintegration of recovered
Microrebootable Internet Services
Software -2
• Fine grain components
– Program logic and start up time
– Software tools can help build such systems
• State segregation
– Consistent state across microrebooting
– Keep state info in state stores outside the application
• Transaction databases
• Session state managers
– Isolate data recovery from application recovery
Session Persistence: Sticky
User 1
User 2
User 3
User N
Load Balancer
Traffic Distribution, Session Persistence, SSL Termination
Server 1
Server 2
Server 3
Server N
Server Clusters
User 1
User 2
User 3
User N
Load Balancer
Traffic Distribution, Session Persistence, SSL Termination
Server 1
Server 2
Persistent db
• Disk, memory resident.
Shared memory
Server 3
Server N
Virtual Server Implementation:
Session Replication
User 1 User 2 User 3
User N
Load Balancer
Traffic Distribution, Session Persistence, SSL Termination
Server 1
Server 2
Server 3
Server N
• Virtual servers are
short lived.
• Persistent db is easy.
• Multi casting
– Additional network
– Reduce traffic through
smaller clusters.
• Shared memory is
not recommended.
Storing Session State
• FastS is an in-memory storage in the
JBoss embedded webserver
– In case of failure of JVM session state is lost
• SSM maintains state in a separate
– Slower but session state is retained even if
JVM fails
Microrebootable Internet Services
Software -3
• Decoupling of components helps to gracefully
– Direct references, e.g. pointers are stored outside the
• Retryable requests
– Timeouts
• Leases
– Persistent state would have longer term leases
– CPU execution time: hanging computations would
lead to non-renewal of leases, and program will be
terminated by microreboot
Crash Only Design
• Programs that can be safely crashed in whole or by parts
and recover quickly every time
• Fine-grain components
– Fast restart and reinitialization
• State segregation
– E-Commerce handle 3 types of state
• Presentation (http, gif, jsp, etc – stateless)
• Session Persistent (session related – lost on session end)
• Long term data persistence (db – customer info)
• Isolation and decoupling of EJBs
– Compiler enforced interfaces
– EJBs cannot use each others internal variables
– Microreboot all the “connected” EJBs together
Evaluation Framework
• Test application: EBid
– Ebay type of auction
• Client Emulator
– Human clients are modeled with a 25 state Markov chain
• Example states: Login, BuyNow or AboutMe
• In between URL clicks – model user think time
– Exponential with a mean = 7 seconds and a max of 70 seconds
Evaluation Framework - 2
• Failure Detection
– Network level error (File not found, Service
not available,…http 4xx or 5xx)
– Text analysis and look for key words like
“error”, “failed”, “exception”
– Application induced error
• Request logon when user is logged
– Compare system under test with a known
good instance: much more complex
Evaluation Framework - 3
• Fault diagnosis and Recovery Manager
(RM) – recursive recovery policy
– RM Microreboots or reboots as required
– RM monitors the failure reports
– Try the cheapest reboot first
Evaluation Framework - 4
• Application availability is measured
– User operation: login to logout
– Each session consists of multiple user actions
– Each action is a sequence of operations (http
requests) that ends in a commit point –
indicates successful completion
– All operations must succeed for the action to
be marked success; any operations is marked
as a failed action
Evaluation Questions
• Are microreboots successful in recovering
from failure?
• Are microreboots better than JVM restart?
• Are microreboots useful in clusters?
• What is the performance overhead?
What faults to induce?
• Key question but very little supporting evidence
on critical software faults in production systems
• Anecdotal reports of faults
Deadlocked threads
Leak-induced resource exhaustion
Bug-induced corruption of volatile metadata
Incorrect handling of Java exceptions
• Compare to CVE, CWE. Malicious vs internal
Faults injected
• Set value to null – NullPointerException on
• Invalid value that passes type check –
UserID of size greater than Max UserID
• Wrong value – valid for application but
• Recover using recursive recovery policy
Microreboot successful
Resuscitation – resume request
processing, without fixing db
Recovery – resume + 100%
correct db
•Microrebooting not
•Additional effort – more
coarse operation or manual
Microrebooting vs Full Reboot
• Availability – assessed by requests denied
during down time
• Microreboots instead of JVM restarts reduced
failures by 98%
– Width of the dip estimate failed requests see Figure 1
• Microreboots recover faster – see Table 3
• Microreboots reduce funtional distruption – see
depth of dip in Figure 1 (more requests lost),
and analysis in Figure 2
• Microreboots reduce lost work
•Entity Group – 5 EJBs:
Category, Region, User, Item
and Bid
•Restarting EBid does not restart
all the EJBs
•Initialization dominates the time
Microrebooting in Clusters
• Failover under normal load
– Sticky session servers
– Number of failed requests depends on number of
failed sessions
– More requests failed with JVM restart
– More nodes per cluster reduces the microrebooting
Microrebooting in Clusters - 2
• Behavior under
changing load
– Peak maybe several
times average
– In experiment peak =
– Consumers
distracted if the
request response
more than 8 seconds
Performance Impact
• Impact of microrebooting on steady state
fault-free throughput and latency
• Throughput changes are small
• Latency increase is more serious
– Human perceptible delay is 100 ms