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Chapter 5
Computer Architecture
CIS 120
Computer architecture
The design and construction of a
computer that is the basis for
designating its platform.
CIS 120
Chip package
The housing for an integrated circuit, a
chip package can be a single DIP or
PGA, or it can include a circuit board as
in a DIMM or SEC.
CIS 120
Integrated circuit (IC)
A thin slice of silicon crystal containing
microscopic circuit elements such as
transistors, wires, capacitors, and
resistors; also called chips and
CIS 120
The circuit board in the computer that
houses the chips that control the
processing functions.
CIS 120
Analog device
A device that operates on continuously
varying data, such as a dimmer switch
or a watch with a sweep second hand.
CIS 120
Digital device
A device that works with discrete
(distinct or separate) numbers or digits.
CIS 120
American Standard Code for
Information Interchange
A code that represents characters as a
series of 1s and Os. Most computers
use ASCII code to represent text,
making it possible to transfer data
between computers.
CIS 120
Binary number system
A method for representing numbers
using only two digits, 0 and 1. Contrast
this system to the decimal system,
which uses ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, and 9.
CIS 120
Character data
Letters, symbols, or numerals that will
not be used in arithmetic operations
(name, social security number, etc.).
CIS 120
Numeric data
Numbers that represent quantities and
can be used in arithmetic operations.
CIS 120
(Extended Binary-Coded
Decimal Interchange Code)
A method by which digital computers
represent character data.
CIS 120
Address lines
The circuitry on the data bus that carries
a signal indicating the location or
address of data.
CIS 120
Data bus
An electronic pathway or circuit that
connects the electronic components
(mainly the processor and RAM) on a
computer's motherboard.
CIS 120
Data lines
The wires in the data bus that carry the
signals that represent data.
CIS 120
Electronic circuit components that store
an electrical charge; in binary code, a
charged capacitor represents an "on"
bit, and a discharged one represents an
'off" bit.
CIS 120
(Random Access Memory)
A type of computer memory circuit that
holds data, program instructions, and
the operating system while the
computer is on.
CIS 120
RAM address
Like the address on a house, a RAM
address identifies a specific area in
RAM that can hold data.
CIS 120
Short for dual in-line memory module, a
DIMM is a small circuit board that holds
RAM chips. A DIMM has a 64-bit path to
the memory chips.
CIS 120
Virtual memory
A computer's use of hard disk storage to
simulate RAM.
CIS 120
CMOS memory
A type of battery-powered integrated
circuit that holds semi-permanent
configuration data (acronym for
complementary metal oxide
CIS 120
Read-only memory; one or more
integrated circuits that contain
permanent instructions that the
computer uses during the boot process.
CIS 120
A small set of basic input/output system
instructions stored in ROM, which cause
the computer system to load critical
operating files when the user turns on
the computer.
CIS 120
Plug and play
The ability of a computer to
automatically recognize and adjust the
system configuration for a newly added
CIS 120
Millisecond (ms)
A thousandth of a second.
CIS 120
A measurement of the size of an
integrated circuit, one mil is .001 inch.
CIS 120
A part of the ALU that holds the results
of processing operations until they can
be sent to RAM.
CIS 120
ALU (arithmetic logic unit)
The part of the CPU that performs
arithmetic and logical operations on the
numbers stored in its registers.
CIS 120
An integrated circuit that contains the
circuitry for processing data. It is a
single chip version of the Central
Processing Unit (CPU) found in all
CIS 120
A sort of "scratch pad" area of the ALU
and control unit where data or
instructions are moved so that they can
be processed.
Control unit The part of the ALU that
directs and coordinates processing.
CIS 120
Instruction pointer
A sort of placeholder that the CPU's
control unit uses to keep track of the
location of the instructions that are
scheduled for processing.
CIS 120
Instruction register
A location in the CPU's control unit that
holds a processing instruction retrieved
from RAM.
CIS 120
Computer code that tells the computer
to perform a specific arithmetic, logical,
or control operation.
CIS 120
Instruction set
The collection of instructions that a CPU
is designed to process.
CIS 120
Op code
Short for operation code, an op code is
a command word that designates an
operation, such as add (ADD), compare
(CMP), or jump (JMP).
CIS 120
An operand is the part of an instruction
that specifies the data, or the address of
the data, on which the operation is to be
CIS 120
Instruction cycle
The steps followed by a computer to
process a single instruction; fetch,
interpret, execute, then increment the
instruction pointer.
CIS 120
Special high-speed memory that gives
the CPU more rapid access to data
(also called RAM cache or cache
CIS 120
Megahertz (MHz) is a measure of
frequency equivalent to one million
cycles per second.
CIS 120
System clock
A device in the computer that emits
pulses to establish the timing for all
system operations.
CIS 120
Word size
The number of bits the CPU can
manipulate at one time, which is
dependent on the size of the registers in
the CPU and on the number of data
lines in the bus.
CIS 120
CISC (complex instruction set
computer) is a general-purpose
microprocessor chip designed to handle
a wider array of instructions than a
RISC chip.
CIS 120
A technology that allows a processor to
begin executing an instruction before
completing the previous instruction.
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RISC (reduced instruction set computer)
is a microprocessor chip designed for
rapid and efficient processing of a small
set of simple instructions.
CIS 120
Parallel computer
A computer that has more than one
processor and can process more than
one instruction at a time. Also called
non-von-Neumann machines.
CIS 120
Parallel processing
A technique by which two or more
processors in a computer perform
processing tasks simultaneously.
CIS 120
Expansion bus
The segment of the data bus that
transports data between RAM and
peripheral devices.
input/output The circuitry that allows a
computer to collect data (input) and the
transportation of the results to display,
print, or storage devices (output).
CIS 120
Expansion card
A circuit board that is plugged into a slot
on a PC motherboard to add extra
functions, devices, or ports.
CIS 120
Expansion slot
A socket or "slot" on a PC motherboard
designed to hold a circuit board called
an expansion card.
CIS 120
A device that sends and receives data
to and from computers over telephone
CIS 120
Sound card
A circuit board that gives the computer
the ability to accept audio input from a
microphone, play sound files stored on
disks and CD-ROMS, and produce
audio output through speakers or
CIS 120
Short for accelerated graphics port, an
AGP is a type of interface, or slot, that
provides a high-speed pathway for
advanced graphics.
CIS 120
(Industry Standard
A standard for moving data on the
expansion bus. Can refer to a type of
slot, a bus, or a peripheral device. An
older technology, it is rapidly being
replaced by PCI architecture.
CIS 120
(Peripheral Component
A method for transporting data on the
expansion bus. Can refer to type of data
bus, expansion slot, or transport method
used by a peripheral device.
CIS 120
Expansion port
A socket into which the user plugs a
cable from a peripheral device, allowing
data to pass between the computer and
the peripheral device.
CIS 120
Boot process
The sequence of events that occurs
within a computer system between the
time the user starts the computer and
the time it is ready to process
CIS 120
Power-on self-test (POST)
A diagnostic process that runs during
startup to check components of the
computer such as the graphics card,
RAM, keyboard, and disk drives.
CIS 120
Bootable floppy disk
A disk that contains essential operating
system files and that can be used to
boot a computer.
CIS 120
Default drive
The drive that a computer attempts to
read from or write to unless an alternate
drive is specified.
CIS 120
Windows Registry
A crucial data file maintained by the
operating system that contains the
settings needed by a computer to
correctly use any hardware and
software that has been installed on the
CIS 120
Safe Mode
A menu option that appears when
Windows is unable to complete the boot
sequence. By entering safe mode, a
user can gracefully shut down the
computer, then try to reboot it.
CIS 120
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Prepared by James Q. Jacobs
CIS 120