Download Part 2 - Alleghany County Schools

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Q 11
Q 16
Q 21
Q 12
Q 17
Q 22
Q 13
Q 18
Q 23
Q 14
Q 19
Q 24
Q 10
Q 15
Q 20
Q 25
Question 1
This has a definite end but is
infinite in the other direction
Answer 1
What is – a ray ?
Question 2
This is a solid with NO vertices .
Answer 2
What is – a sphere ?
Question 3
These lines cross each other
at 90 degree angles .
Answer 3
What are – perpendicular lines ?
Question 4
These lines will never intersect .
Answer 4
What are – parallel lines ?
Question 5
This solid has a square base
and triangle sides .
Answer 5
What is – a pyramid ?
Question 6
This is a line from the center
of a circle to the edge .
Answer 6
What is – the radius ?
Question 7
This line connects a point on a
circle to another point on the
circle (not through the center) .
Answer 7
What is – a chord ?
Question 8
This line goes from one
side of a circle to the other
through the center .
Answer 8
What is — the diameter ?
Question 9
This word refers to the
perimeter of a circle .
Answer 9
What is — circumference ?
Question 10
The radius of a circle with
a diameter of 12 cm .
Answer 10
What is – 6 cm ?
Question 11
A five sided polygon .
Answer 11
What is – a pentagon ?
Question 12
A quadrilateral with only
ONE set of parallel sides .
Answer 12
What is – a trapezoid ?
Question 13
A nine sided polygon .
Answer 13
What is – a nonagon ?
Question 14
A six sided polygon .
Answer 14
What is – a hexagon ?
Question 15
A quadrilateral with 4 right
angles and 4 equal sides .
Answer 15
What is – a square ?
Question 16
Simplify 12
Answer 16
What is – 3
4 ?
Question 17
Simplify 7
Answer 17
What is – 1
Question 18
Simplify 15
Answer 18
What is – 3
5 ?
Question 19
Simplify 9
18 .
Answer 19
What is – 1
2 ?
Question 20
Simplify 6
15 .
Answer 20
What is –
2 ?
Question 21
The numb3er of cups in 12
pints .
Answer 21
What is – 24 cups?
Question 22
The numb3r of meters
in 5 kilometers .
Answer 22
What is – 5000 m?
Question 23
The numb3r of ounces
in 4 pounds .
Answer 23
What is – 64 oz. ?
Question 24
The numb3r of grams in
2300 milligrams .
Answer 24
What is – 2.3 g. ?
Question 25
The numb3r of feet in 24 inches.
Answer 25
What is – 2 ft. ?