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Buddhism Compared
to Christianity
1st hour
World History
Makayla Jo Dixon
Similarity between Buddhism and
Golden rule:
Both Religions base there teachings on the
“golden rule”
Buddhism: Buddha based His
ethics on the “golden rule” for the welfare of
human beings.
Christianity: Jesus taught His
ethics on the “golden rule” for the well being of
His people.
There are a lot of similar objects and items used in both
Buddhism: Includes monasticism,
ringing bells, bowing, use of incenses and rosary,
prayers and meditation.
Christianity: Use of monasticism,
confession, cult images, ringing bells, use of rosary and
Differences between Buddhism and
Buddhism had no set godly figures at first,
but Christianity did.
Buddhism: Had no set
godly figures at first, but later a few were
Christianity: In Christianity
there is only one God, Jesus.
Buddhist believe one must work for there
salvation, But Christians believe salvation is a
free gift to all who accept Jesus as there one
Buddhism: One must work for
there salvation
Christianity: Salvation is free to
all who will accept Jesus as there one God.
Concept of the World
Buddhism doesn’t believe in the beginning
or end, but Christianity believes God
created the world from nothing.
Buddhism: Doesn’t believe
in the beginning or end.
Christianity: Believes God
created the world from nothing.
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