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Buddhist Scriptures
The Dhammapada was arranged and classified in
its present form (in oral tradition) at the First
Council. It is a major part of Buddhist scriptures.
It consists of:Approx. 420 verses
Arranged in 26 chapters
Each one is accompanied by a story about the
persons circumstances related to the story.
Buddhist Scriptures
The Jataka stories are a collection of
about 540 stories of the previous lives
ofSiddhartha Gautama when he was born
as a Bodhisattva.
Most of the stories are connected with
Buddhist ideas of karma and rebirth.
Buddhist Scriptures
The Mahayana School of Buddhism regards the
Lotus Sutra to be the most important of their
In part 1. of the Lotus Sutra, we see the nature of
people and their existence.
In part 2. of the Lotus Sutra, we see the nature of the
In addition, it also sets out the duties of a teacher of the
Dharma i.e.
Buddhist Scriptures
Quotes from the Dhammapada
“A fool who thinks he is a fool is for that reason a wise
man: the fool who thinks that he is wise is called a fool
indeed” (v63)
“One should give up anger; one should abandon pride….”
“Self conquest is indeed far better than the conquest of
all other folk” (v104)
“One who speaks or acts with a pure mind will have
happiness follow him like a shadow that never leaves…..”
“In those who do not harbour such thoughts, hatred will
cease….” (v4)
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