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Noadswood Science, 2011
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
To know what is involved with mining for metals, and the advantages and
disadvantages of this process
What is the definition of a metal ore?
A metal ore is a mineral (a solid element or compound found naturally in
the Earth’s crust) or minerals which contain enough metal in them to
make them economically viable to mine and extract the metal from them
Minerals and ores are
limited – finite resources
which will eventually run
Metals are extremely useful in a wide range of contexts, and the fact they
are finite means eventually we will run out of them
This makes recycling metals extremely important for the future…
Some common metals and their uses include:  Iron – building materials, tools, vehicles and a catalyst in the
manufacture of ammonia etc…
 Titanium – fighter aircraft, artificial hip joints, pipes in nuclear power
stations etc…
 Copper – electric cables, water pipes etc…
 Nickel – coins, catalyst in the manufacture of margarine etc…
 Silver and gold – do not corrode in air or water so very useful as
jewellery, circuit boards and electrical contacts etc…
Quarrying for metals and other materials has huge social, environmental
and economic impacts locally, nationally and internationally
You task is to research the advantages / disadvantages of quarrying and
produce a poster representing a balanced argument for and against
Consider the following:  Environmental issues (pollution / loss of habitat etc…)
 Jobs
 Ways we use metals
 Other alternatives to metals
 Ability to recycle to prevent new quarrying
 Importance to economy
 Etc…