Download I. Different Types of Volcanoes

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I. Different Types of Volcanoes
A. Shield Volcanoes
B. Cinder Cone Volcanoes
C. Composite Volcanoes
Types of Volcanoes Video Clip
Nat Geo Volcanoes
A. Shield Volcanoes
Shield Volcanoes are
built of layers of lava
released from
repeated non
explosive eruptions.
Example Hawaiian
volcanoes are
examples of shield
B. Cinder Cone Volcanoes
Cinder cones are
made up of pyroclastic
 Have
 Erode
steep slopes
Example: Mexico’s
C. Composite Volcanoes
Contains alternating
layers of pyroclastic
material and lava.
 Broad
Examples: Mt Fuji, Mt
St. Helens, and Mt.
Review Question
Which type of volcano usually erupts
violently and forms because of alternating
layers of ash, cinders, and lava?
How does a shield volcano form?
Shield Volcano
Cinder Cone Volcano
Composite Volcano
Where do most Volcanoes Occur?
At Tectonic Plate Boundaries
Hot Spots
Hot spot: a volcanic active area of Earth’s surface far from a
tectonic plate boundary.
Hot Spot Volcano Tracks
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