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Plate Tectonics
many lithospheric plates are there
on the earth?
are 10 plates
kind of rock are the oceanic
plates made of?
two kinds of rock are the
continental plates made of?
and Andesite
type of plate is more dense?
Oceanic Plates
kind of plate boundary is
found between two plates that are
Plate Boundary
kind of plate boundary is found
where two plates collide?
plate boundary
kind of plate boundary is found
where two plates slide past each other?
Fault Boundary
an oceanic plate meets a
continental plate, which one will subduct
and why?
 The
oceanic plate will subduct below the
continental plate because it has more density
then the continental plate.
kind of geological formation
happens at a divergent plate boundary?
kind of geological formation
happens at a convergent plate boundary?
A Trench
two continents collide, what type
of geological formation will result?
A mountain
mountain range was formed
when Indo-Australian plate collided
with the Eurasian plate about 20
million years ago?
The Himalayas
is the newest crust
on the earth found?
the mid-ocean ridges
kind of event happens when two
plates slide past each other at a
transform fault boundary?
is the transform fault
boundary that is located between the
Pacific Plate and the North American
Plate in California?
San Andreas
How does studying fossils help us to
support the theory of
continental drift?
Since fossils of the same animals exist
on different continents, it tells us that
the continents were once connected.
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