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Owen, Max, James, Zach
Sources of water Pollution
 Sources of water pollution come from lawn resources
that get runoff into the lakes. Also it comes from
industries in Detroit that use chemicals that can get
into the lakes and river in Michigan. Water pollution
can come from cow poop and pet wastes.
How to Prevent Water Pollution
 To prevent pollution be careful of what you throw
down your sink like any kind of litter.
 Use Environmentally household products such as
washing powder, household clean agents and toiletries
 Prevent over use of pesticides that you use on your
 Don’t throw litter into lakes , rivers or oceans. Help
clean up any litter you see on beaches or in rivers and
Point and Non-Point Pollution
 Point pollution is any single source of pollution from
which pollutants are discharged (such as ditches,
pipes, ship or factory smokestacks.)
 Non-Point Pollution comes from diffuse sources unlike
point pollution.( Oil grease and toxic chemicals from
urban runoff)
Water protecting Industries Near
Birmingham Michigan
Some industries that help protect water are like water
treatment plants such as the Southeastern Oakland
County Water Authority. Another industry is the
Detroit Water and Sewerage Department that helps
provide fine drinking water for the Detroit area.
Land Uses to Pollution
Different types of land uses can pollute water
differently. For example pet wastes bacteria and
nutrients and get into the groundwater and runoff into
rivers or streams nearby. So different pollutants came
come differently (Bacteria, Toxic Chemicals ,Salt , and
Land Uses
 There are many different types of land use. Land use is
a parking lot a farm or a neighborhood. Land use is
every like new construction and cities even.