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2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
Classics and Ancient History
Below are brief descriptions for the courses which deal with material in English translation.
Descriptions of Latin and Greek language courses can be found under the GREEK and LATIN
Discovering Ancient Civilizations(Cross-Listed:
ARCH 1323)
3 ch (3C)
Through the lens of archaeology, students explore the sites, monuments, and artifacts of
civilizations (in Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, Greece, Italy, and Roman
Britain) that shaped Western society. The Tomb of King Midas, the pyramids of Egypt, the
Greek theatre, and Roman amphitheatre are among the topics covered.
The Ancient Greeks
3 ch (3C) [W]
An illustrated introduction to the religion, literature, art and philosophy of the ancient
The Romans
3 ch (3C) [W]
A survey of the political, military, literary, and architectural achievements of the Romans.
Introduction to Mythology: The Gods and Heroes of
Greece and Rome
3 ch (3C)
A survey of the myths which helped to shape the life and thought of the classical civilizations
of Greece and Rome. Emphasis will be placed on myths describing the gods and their powers,
the beginnings of the world, the earliest humans, the tales of the heroes, and miraculous
experiences in the lives of ordinary persons. Students who have successfully completed
CLAS 3503 may not enrol in this course.
Greek and Latin Roots of Scientific Terminology
3 ch (3C)
Designed for anyone with an interest in the origin of words, this course introduces the student
to basic scientific terminology, especially that of the life sciences, through the Greek and
Latin sources of these words. This course aids in the understanding of these modern terms by
exploring their basic meanings, the connections between these words, how they came to be
created, and the rules that govern the formation of new terms.
2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
"To Dig is to Explore": Approaches to Classical
Archaeology (Cross-Listed: ARCH 2333)
3 ch (3C)
This course includes a brief survey of the history of archaeological investigations and the
scientific methods used in identifying and excavating a site and analyzing the material
remains. Representative examples that illustrate the above scientific advances are drawn from
major Mediterranean civilizations: Mesopotamian, Anatolian, Egyptian, Persian, Greek,
Etruscan, and Roman. A lab component includes cataloguing ‘ancient shards’ from Greece
and Turkey, and copies of Greek and Roman vessels.
Ancient History: The Greeks from the Bronze Age to
the Persian Wars (A)
3 ch (3C)
Focuses on the Birth of Ancient Greece and traces its development to the end of the Archaic
period. Includes: Greek prehistory, the early historical period, the origin of democracy and
the crucial defeat of the Persian invasions of 490 and 480 B.C.
Ancient History: Greece in the Classical Age (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Studies the social and political history of Greece in the 5th and 4th centuries B.C., including
Athens' rise to cultural and political brilliance, her rivalry with Sparta, and the Greeks'
ultimate failure to resolve their internal conflicts in the face of the Macedonian threat.
Ancient History: Alexander and the Hellenistic World (O) 3 ch
The social and political impact of Alexander the Great, his empire and his successors on the
Mediterranean world, down to the Roman conquest.
Ancient History: The Rise of the Romans (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Rome from its village origins to the conquest of the Mediterranean world. Examines the link
between Rome's diplomacy and wars of expansion, and her internal politics--the early kings,
the tensions and balances of the Republic, and the role of Julius Caesar and others in its
collapse by 31 B.C.
Ancient History: The Roman Empire (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Rome as the capital of western civilization, from the emergence of the imperial system under
Augustus to its final decline in Western Europe in the 5th century A.D. Considers the impact
of the Roman army, administration, culture and law on ancient and modern thought.
2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
Ancient Greek Warfare (O)
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course examines the history of warfare in the ancient Greek world, from the Bronze Age
to the Hellenistic period and the rise of Rome. Topics include the development of military
theory and practice through the eras of heroic combat, the hoplite phalanx and naval warfare,
and the innovative armies of Alexander the Great and his successors; and the social and
cultural factors of importance to ancient Greek military history.
Ancient History: Jewish Civilization from the Babylonian
Exile to the Great Revolt (A)
3 ch (3C)
An examination of the social, cultural, intellectual and political history of the Jews during the
period of the second temple (516 BCE - 70 CE).
The Byzantine Empire
3 ch (3C) [W]
A historical analysis of Byzantine civilization from its emergence from the Late Roman
Empire to its medieval zenith under Basil II (r. 976-1025). Topics include the development of
a distinctive Byzantine culture, its interaction with Western Europe, confrontation with Islam
and its civilizing role in Eastern Europe.
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Traces the more important changes which overtook the Roman world from the late third to
the seventh centuries AD. The course concentrates on the Roman experience at the court and
in the provinces, and considers some of the dramatic upheavals that swept the empire in this
period, which include the change of the principate into an autocracy, the intrusion of the
government in to all aspects of life, the decline of the cities, the politicization of Christianity,
and the loss of the western provinces.
Field School in Classical Archaeology (O)
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course is an introduction to archaeological field techniques through participation in a
field research project in the Classical lands. It introduces students to survey methods,
excavation techniques, documentation/recording of field procedures, recovery of artifacts,
and their preparation for storage.
Byzantine Art and Archaeology (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course presents an overview of the principle monuments and artistic forms of Byzantium
from AD 324 to the fall of the empire in AD 1453 and examines how these cultural
manifestations reflect contemporary political and religious attitudes.
2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
Greek Art and Archaeology (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
A survey of the major monuments of the art and architecture of the Greeks from the Bronze
Age to the Hellenistic period.
Classical Archaeology: Method and Theory
3 ch (3C) [W]
In this course students examine the evolution of the discipline of classical archaeology and
the scientific approaches to the study of material remains from the classical world:
Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Egypt, Greece, Italy and Britain. A pottery lab component will
complement this course.
Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: CLAS 2333, or ARCH
2333, or CLAS 3334.
Roman Art and Archaeology (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
A survey of the major monuments of the art and architecture of the Etruscans and the Romans
from the Iron Age to late Antiquity. Students cannot receive credit for both CLAS 2313 and
CLAS 3343.
Pompeii and Herculaneum (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of the physical remains of the area around Mt Vesuvius, concentrating on Pompeii,
Herculaneum and the nearby villas. Topics discussed include: town planning, architectural
development, local politics, Roman wall painting, domestic and public space.
The Comic Theatre of Greece and Rome (O)
3 ch (3C) [W]
The development of comedy from the kômos in Greece; the reading, in English translation, of
an Old Comedy by Aristophanes, a satyr-play by Euripides and a New Comedy by Menander;
the development of comedy in Rome through the reading of plays by Plautus and Terence.
The history of the theatre, its changing structure, conventions, the production of plays and
their performance and the festivals at which they were performed.
The Tragic Theatre of Greece and Rome (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
The history of the Theatre of Dionysus in Athens and a survey of the origins of Greek
tragedy; the reading in English translation of a representative sample of the plays of
Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides; the dramatic festivals at which they were performed, the
production and performance of the plays, the dramatic conventions. The role of the serious
theatre in Rome; a tragedy of Seneca, in English translation, is read.
2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
The Ancient World on Film (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
The course aims to help students understand and enjoy the reception of Greek and Roman
civilization in Hollywood and European films. History will be studied via cinematic versions
(such as Troy, Alexander, Spartacus, Life of Brian, Fellini’s Satyricon, Gladiator, etc.) and
Greek and Latin literature in translation. Attention will be given to the ways in which
filmmakers adapt historical subjects and how classical literature is recast as films, offering an
exciting commentary on our relationship with our classical heritage. By introducing students
to some of the literature and films about the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, it will
encourage them to address questions of how they shape our views about the past. The focus
will be on analyzing and discussing literature, film, and culture within a historical context.
History of Modern Greece
3 ch (3C) [W] [O]
An introductory survey course of the history of Modern Greece beginning with the Greek
War of Independence in 1821 to World War II. Special attention will be paid to various
events and themes (such as the Asia Minor Catastrophe in 1922 and the Greek Diaspora etc.)
by utilizing literature and other historical sources and documentaries in order to present the
society, culture and politics of Greece and gain a better understanding of the modern Greek
identity. There are no prerequisites.
Introduction to Modern Greek Literature
3 ch (3C) [W] [O]
An introductory survey course of Modern Greek literature in translation. Emphasis will be
placed on the history and development of literature from the 19th and 20th centuries by
examining a selection of poetry, short stories and novel/s. Included in this survey are the
Nobel prize winners George Seferis and Odysseas Elytis. There are no prerequisites.
The Greek Gods and Their Cults (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
The Greek myths of creation and the Greek gods and their mythology. The historical origins
of the gods, the development of Greek religion from pre-historic times. Parallels are adduced
from Middle Eastern mythologies. Major Greek religious sites are illustrated.
The Trojan War: Myth and History (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Fought over the theft of a woman, the Trojan War has been a part of popular culture for 3000
years. It has been told and retold by poets since Homer, depicted in the arts of ancient Greece
through the Middle Ages and Renaissance into modern times, sparked the romantic
imaginations of early archaeologists, and most recently been interpreted on the screen in films
such as Unforgiven and Troy. This course will explore the Trojan War through literature,
historical texts, archaeology, the visual arts, drama and film.
2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
The Mythology and Religion of the Romans (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of the legends surrounding the foundation and growth of early Rome and of the
Italian gods. Roman religion is studied under such headings as prayer, sacrifice, divination,
the religious year and calendar, priests and emperor-worship. [Not open to students who
received credit for CLAS 4023 .]
Remembering War in Ancient Greece (O)
3 ch [W]
A course taught on location in Greece that considers the phenomenon of ancient Greek
warfare through onsite investigation of the topography and archaeology of several important
battlefields and fortifications within central and southern Greece, as well as the art-historical
and material evidence of warfare and its commemoration on display in Greek museums. In
addition to reconstructing the context and events of key battles, this course consider how the
realities of the battlefield and the commemoration of warfare on physical monuments shed
light on ancient Greek politics, society, and culture.
Socrates and the Intellectual World of Classical
Athens (O)
3 ch (3C/S) [W]
Examines the central intellectual, political, religious and social controversies of the Golden
Age of Greece (450-350 BC), by focusing on Socrates in conflict with the citizens of Athens,
the writers of comic theatre, and the new professional teachers, the “Sophists.”
Ancient Science (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
An examination of the development of scientific theory and practice among the ancient
Greeks and Romans.
Ancient Philosophers (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
A survey of the various forms of philosophical literature produced in the classical
civilizations of Greece and Rome.
The World of Jesus (O)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines the social, literary, philosophical, and religious milieu of Judea in the time of
The Early Church (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
The history of Christianity from the apostles to the fifth century: its organization and
doctrinal development, and its interaction with Roman civil authority and paganism.
2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
Women in Ancient Greece (O)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines the portrayal of women in ancient Greek literature and the realities of women’s
lives as reconstructed from the historical, legal, and archaeological records.
Love and Sexuality in Greece and Rome (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of Greek and Roman attitudes towards love and sexuality. Literary and artistic
evidence will be used to explain why scenes of erotica were widely on display within the
ancient home and in the public realm. Analysis of these attitudes in their own context will be
combined with a discussion of how they relate to modern values and gender issues. Topics
include social morality, homosexuality, marriage and adultery, erotic art, fertility rituals, and
Roman Law (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
A survey of the development and practice of the Roman legal system, upon which all modern
civil law systems are based. Topics include: sources of Roman law and legal institutions;
legal procedure; Roman legal concepts (persons, property, obligations, succession); equity
and social change in legal reform; survival and modern revival.
Sports and Recreation in Greece and Rome (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
An examination of sport and recreational activities among the ancient Greeks and Romans,
the ancient values they reflect and their influence on modern sport in such matters as
organization and policing of events, professionalism, athletes as celebrities, and 'blood' sports.
Students cannot receive credit for both CLAS 2903 and CLAS 3933.
Cesar Augustus: Architect of the Roman Empire
3 ch (3C) [W]
A seminar dealing with the controversial career of Caesar Augustus, from his unexpected rise
to power to his establishment of the Imperial system of government at Rome, through
systematic analysis of the primary sources, using the Res Gestae, Augustus' own public
statement of his achievements, as a starting point.
Prerequisite: 60 ch, or permission of the instructor.
Exploring Ancient Athens (A)
3 ch (3S) [W]
This course traces the birth, development, and eventual decline of one of the most important
city states of Greek antiquity: Athens and its environs. By exploring the archaeological and
2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
Exploring Ancient Athens (A)
3 ch (3S) [W]
written records, students work towards an understanding of the topography and monuments
of the area from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity.
Topography and Monuments of Rome (A)
3 ch (3S) [W]
A seminar on the topography and monuments of Rome from the Iron Age to Late Antiquity,
based on the archaeological, literary and epigraphic sources.
Prerequisite: 60 ch, or permission of the instructor.
Living in the Ancient World: Greek and Roman
Housing (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course focuses on Greek and Roman dwellings from a socio-historical, archaeological,
and anthropological perspective. Students will examine domestic plans, interior decoration
(mosaic pavements, wall paintings, sculptural adornment, etc.) household contents, and
ancient literary records in order to explore the religious beliefs of the occupants, the social
dynamics of family organization (women, children, and slaves), and the role of the household
within the private and public spheres.
Greek Sculpture (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course examines Greek sculpture, free-standing and relief, from the Archaic period
through the Classical and Hellenistic. Special emphasis will be placed on the development of
the human form and the representation of pose, as well as the problems of pedimental
construction. Material from contemporary arts, such as pottery, will also be used to illustrate
the course.
Prerequisite: 60 ch, or permission of the instructor.
Roman Sculpture (A)
3 ch (3CS) [W]
This course looks at free-standing and monumental sculpture of Ancient Rome, both as an art
form and as a socio-political phenomenon. Special attention is paid to imperial portraiture and
questions of ideology in both the public and private realms.
Prerequisite: 60ch or permission of the instructor.
Directed Studies in Classics
3 ch (3C) [W]
A detailed study of a specific area of Classical Studies. Uses primary sources (in translation)
to illuminate the chosen topic.
2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
Directed Studies in Classics
3 ch (3C) [W]
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
Topics in Classical Archaeology
3 ch (3C) [W]
Students are introduced to various research methods and skills in Classical Archaeology by
working in groups on a specific time period (Bronze Age, Classical, or Hellenistic periods),
developing individual projects in consultation with the instructor, and delivering in-class
presentations. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
The Roman Army
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course examines the history of warfare in the ancient Greek world, from the Bronze Age
to the Hellenistic period and the rise of Rome. Topics include the development of military
theory and practice through the eras of heroic combat, the hoplite phalanx and naval warfare,
and the innovative armies of Alexander the Great and his successors; and the social and
cultural factors of importance to ancient Greek military history.
Rome: The Eternal City I (O)
An introduction to the history of Rome from ancient times to the Renaissance. Taught on
location in Italy. Students may not receive credit for both CLAS 2643 and 3643 . Travel costs
not included in tuition.
The Art and Architecture of Greece I (O)
3 ch [W]
A study of the art and architecture of Greece organized around visits to important
archaeological sites and major museums in Greece. Travel costs not included in tuition.
Ancient Athens (O)
3 ch [W]
A practical workshop introducing students to the Greek and Roman remains found at
archaeological sites and museums in and around Athens. Taught on location. Travel costs not
included in tuition.
Mythology and Archaeology I (O)
3 ch [W]
The mythology and cults of the Greek gods, seen in the context of the archaeological remains
of some of their major cult centres, and the Mycenaean origins of the sagas of the Greek
heroes from the focus of this course. Travel costs not included in tuition.
2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
Remembering War in Ancient Greece (O)
3 ch [W]
A course taught on location in Greece that considers the phenomenon of ancient Greek
warfare through onsite investigation of the topography and archaeology of several important
battlefields and fortifications within central and southern Greece, as well as the art-historical
and material evidence of warfare and its commemoration on display in Greek museums. In
addition to reconstructing the context and events of key battles, this course consider how the
realities of the battlefield and the commemoration of warfare on physical monuments shed
light on ancient Greek politics, society, and culture.
The Art and Architecture of Imperial Rome
3 ch [W]
A study of the art and architecture of Classical Rome organized around visits to important
monuments, archaeological sites and museums in Italy. Travel costs not included in tuition.
Rome: from Ancient Times to the Renaissance (O)
3 ch
A study of the ancient and mediaeval history of the city of Rome, through on-site
examination of the material remains. Students may not receive credit for both CLAS 2643
and 3643 . Travel costs not included in tuition.
Mythology and Archaeology II (O)
3 ch [W]
Directed study of selected topics in the mythology and cults of the Greek gods undertaken
through study of the archaeological remains of major cult centres in Greece. Travel costs not
included in tuition.
Religion in Ancient Rome (O)
3 ch [W]
A study of religion in Rome from its pagan origins to the rise of Christianity in the late
Empire, based on first-hand examination in Rome of temples, altars, churches, sculpture,
inscriptions and other material on site and in museums. Travel costs not included in tuition.
Ancient Cities and Civilizations of Western Turkey: Myth,
Cult and Ancient History (O)
3 ch
A study of the history and civilizations of western Asia Minor, in particular the Hittite,
Lydian and Graeco-Roman. Myth, cult and history are introduced in varying degrees as
appropriate to the various sites visited during the tour. Particular attention is paid to the Greek
cities of the Aegean coast, their sanctuaries, public buildings and theatres. Travel costs not
included in tuition.
2017 -2018 Calendar Proof
The Art and Architecture of Asia Minor: Hellenistic,
Roman and Early Christian (O)
3 ch [W]
A survey of the art and architecture of Asia Minor, organized around visits to important
archaeological sites and major museums in Turkey, and studying selected remains from the
Hellenistic, Roman and early Christian periods, including sculpture, temple architecture, and
examples of the early Christian basilica. Travel costs not included in tuition.
Roman Britain (O)
3 ch [W]
A study of ancient Roman presence in Britain based on firsthand examination of Roman
remain, including visits to Roman cities, villa and bath complexes, museum collections in
London elsewhere, and Hadrian's Wall and other military instillations. Travel costs not
included in tuition.