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Challenges to Biomed
Analyze the Role of Transgenic
Animals – Early Beginnings
Bio - means "Li
Techno - means "tools”
-ology means "the study of.“
collection of scientific
techniques that use living
cells and molecules to
make products and
solve problems
Analyze the Role of Transgenic
Animals – Early Beginnings
• Transgenic Organisms
• Organism that contain
another species’ genes
within their
The practice of
cutting, pasting, and
copying DNA of one
species into another
Analyze the Role of Transgenic Animals –
Early Beginnings
• Historically – used in selective breeding
of livestock, controlled plant pollination,
and microorganisms to bake bread, brew
beer and make cheese
An early example of the use of
biotech is:
A. Using cream to make butter
B. Using microorganism to make beer
C. Using wood to make paper
1700’s - 1800’s - Today
What is another example of
selective breeding?
A. Lividity or hypostasis
B. Mutation
C. Eugenics
Transgenics is done by transferring specific
genes from one species to another
Analyze the Role of Transgenic
Animals – Early Beginnings
Transgenics: broken down it means
A. Across origins
B. Through origins
C. Into origins
(original beginning)
First transgenic organisms were
Reproduce quickly and grow easily in the lab
Pharmaceutical companies use transgenic
bacteria to produce insulin, human growth
hormone, and interferons
As bacterium goes, E. coli is a public
health scourge, but a lab favorite.
• It’s one of the most
thoroughly studied
microbes out there, and
so one of the most easily
manipulated for genetic
engineering. Scientists
can tweak its metabolic
pathways to produce
insulin , antibiotics and
anticancer drugs; they
can increase its ability to
make ethanol or even
engineer it to
Pharmaceutical companies use bacteria to
produce all of the following except:
A. Bread, cheese, beer
B. Antibiotics, insulin,
C. Anticancer drugs and interferons
(antiviral-part of the immune system)
Analyze the Role of Transgenic
Animals – Early Beginnings
• Scientists around the
world use customized
transgenic animals for
their own research
• Species include
sheep, goats, cows,
chickens, pigs, mice,
rabbits, rats, chickens
and fish
Benefits of Transgenic
• Animal models
• Mice are the most often
used transgenic
research animal
• Use transgenic mice to
study cancer, multiple
sclerosis, muscular
dystrophy, Alzheimer’s
disease and immune
Benefits of Transgenic
• Pharmaceutical production
• “Pharming” is the use of transgenic
animals to produce insulin and other
substances used in medicine
• Introducing the gene into a large farm
animal produces more product and is
more economical than using bacteria
in the lab
A goat at GTC Biotherapeutics’
The New York Times, February 8,
2009, by Andrew Pollack — The 21st
Century opens onto a new era in
farming and pharmaceuticals, the
Food and Drug Administration on
Friday approved the first drug
produced by livestock that have been
given a human gene.
The drug, meant to prevent fatal blood
clots in people with a rare condition, is
a human protein extracted from the
milk of genetically engineered goats.
At the same time, the F.D.A. also
approved the goats used to make the
drug, the first such animals cleared
under guidelines the agency adopted
only last month to regulate the use of
transgenic animals in the nation’s drug
and food supply.
An example of pharming is:
A. Sharing drugs obtained from parents
B. Using transgenic animals to produce
substances used in medications
C. Improving livestock with transgenic
What animal is the most commonly
used animal in research?
A. Rodents
B. Rabbits
C. Monkeys
Organ donors
– Xenografts – organs from other species used in human
– Limited success because of rejection
An awestruck world knew her only as Baby Fae. The
true identity of the two-week-old infant who made
medical history on October 26, 1984 was kept strictly
confidential by officials at California's Loma Linda
University Medical Center, where the successful
transplant of a young baboon's heart was performed
to keep the baby alive. Dr. Bailey hinged his hopes
for Baby Fae on cyclosporine and the fact that an
infant's immune system is not fully developed. The
baboon heart gave Baby Fae twenty one more days
to live, making her the longest surviving recipient of
an animal heart. She died on November 15 when her
kidneys failed and her heart stopped beating. Her
funeral was a nationally televised event.
Researchers producing transgenic
Organs “look” similar to human’s –not
attacked by immune system
Need alternatives to human organ
transplants due to the need for organs
Cloned Pigs as Organ Donors?
Kristen Philipkoski 01.03.02
“The five piglets were cloned with
thoughts of animal-to-human organ
transplants dancing in scientists'
heads, but not necessarily in the near
future. Most researchers believe that
such "xenotransplantation," if it ever is
successful, will take many years.”
Scientists Clone Pig For Human Organ Transplant
Posted on: Wednesday, 22 April 2009, 15:34 CDT
• “Scientists in South
Korea have cloned a
pig whose organs can
be transplanted into
The biggest challenge to using pig
organs for human transplant was:
A. Rejection
B. Expense
C. Protest by animal rights groups
Livestock improvement
Transgenic research being used to
improve livestock but the process is
Consumers resist eating genetically
engineered produce
As reported by Maria Gallagher, in the June 26, 2002 issue of the Philadelphia
Inquirer, by reading the PLU code, you can tell if the fruit was genetically modified,
organically grown or produced with chemical fertilizers, fungicides, or herbicides.
Here's how it works:
For conventionally grown fruit, (grown with chemicals inputs), the PLU code on the
sticker consists of four numbers.
Organically grown fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 9.
Genetically engineered (GM) fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 8.
For example,
A conventionally grown banana would be: 4011
An organic banana would be: 94011
A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be: 984011
– Production of transgenic animals
– The transgene (which contains the DNA the scientist
wants to transfer) is introduced into a single-cell embryo
– The embryo is transferred to a surrogate mother of the
same strain
– Success rate is low (10%-30%) in mice
– Success rate decreases in mammals
Scientist produce transgenic
animals by:
A. Injecting a transgene intravenoulsy
B. Breeding two different organisms with
each other
C. Injecting a transgene into a single cell
Care of transgenic animals
» Most do not require special care
» Some develop a susceptibility to disease