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National Cancer Survivorship Initiative
Central Hall, Westminster
Monday 21 September 2009
Assessment and Care Planning
Two Million Survivors
But how many have a care plan
for survivorship?
“My cancer experience was really stressful as
I’m self-employed and have had a lot of work
worries. I’ve finished treatment but the hardest
part about the cancer now is how it has affected
me mentally.’ I’m convinced that every ache or pain that I
get is the cancer returning.”
Anthony. Testicular cancer 2007
Assessment and Care Planning
Assessment and care planning at key
stages in the cancer journey ensures that
patients needs are identified and met.
“I’ve learnt that survivorship is all about
living with the emotional and physical
effects of a cancer diagnosis.” Beth,
cervical cancer in 2005
What has the workstream been doing?
• Developed the assessment and care
planning framework
• Developed and testing Treatment
Summary Record for acute teams to
complete and send to GPs
• Auditing effectiveness of GP 6 month
cancer review
Next Steps
• Select test communities
• Explore changes to follow up systems
• Expand testing of treatment summary
• Develop resources to help GPs ensure the
effectiveness of their 6 month cancer
Our aim is to ensure two million
survivors have a care plan
• If you are interested in
becoming a pilot site
• Or currently use a
careplan for survivorship
we are interested in
hearing from you –
please contact
Noeline Young
[email protected]
Two Million Survivors
But how many GPs are aware of the
treatment that their patients have
and their survivorship care plan?
Assessment and Care Planning
• Through mapping GPs have identified a
need for more information about care and
– Details and Staging of disease
– Consequences of treatment
– Risk stratification and possible symptoms of
– How people can get back into the system
What has the workstream been doing?
• Developed a Treatment Record Summary
– To be sent on the completion of treatment
from the treating clinician to the patient & GP
– Currently at pre-pilot stage
Two Million Survivors
But how successfully does the GP
Cancer Care review meet their needs?
What has the workstream been doing?
• Auditing the impact of the Cancer Care
– which GPs carry out with patients 6 months
after receipt of diagnosis.
– To inform the effectiveness of the review
Two Million Survivors
But how does Follow Up care need to
change to meet their needs?
What has the workstream been doing?
• Reviewed the current forms of follow-up
• Considered follow-up care in relation to
risk stratification
• Reviewing pilot sites and hospitals offering
alternatives to follow-up care
• Currently considering the benefits of a
post treatment clinic
• Plan to pilot post treatment clinics in 2010
Post Treatment Clinics
• A post treatment clinic would provide the
opportunity to inform and educate patients
about the clinical aspects and the ongoing
management of their disease
• It would provide information about local
facilities and support groups
• Access to support and information related
to returning to work, financial benefits and
social support