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Cervical Cancer Screening
October 2011
What do you know about
cervical cancer screening?
Where is the cervix?
What is a Pap test?
• Can find abnormal changes on the
• Treating early changes can prevent
cancer of the cervix.
• The Pap test is free.
What causes abnormal
changes on the cervix?
• HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
• HPV is a common sexually
transmitted infection (STI)
• You can pass this virus without
knowing it to men or women
• HPV can cause abnormal changes on
a woman’s cervix
• Sometimes abnormal changes can
become cancerous.
• A Pap test can find these abnormal
changes before they turn into
Pap test…
Do I need a Pap test?
• All women who have ever been
sexually active (sexual intercourse
and intimate touching), regardless of
sexual orientation, should have
regular Pap tests.
When should I have a Pap test?
• Pap testing should begin 3
years after first sexual
• Most women need a Pap
test every two years.
What should I do before a Pap test?
• Schedule your Pap test
– after your period has stopped
– Two weeks after treatment for any
cervical or vaginal infection.
• Do not use tampons, douches,
creams and/or foams for 48 hours
before your Pap test.
What should I do before a Pap test?
• Try not to have sexual intercourse
for 24 hours before the test.
• If you need a repeat Pap test, you
should wait at least 3 months in
order to allow cells on the cervix to
grow back.
What is the HPV vaccine?
• The HPV vaccines protect against
certain types of HPV which cause
cervical cancer.
• The vaccines do not treat existing
HPV infections.
• If you receive the vaccine, you still
need regular Pap tests.
Where can I go for a Pap test?
• Ask your doctor or nurse
• Contact your local health centre
• Visit our website under “Where can I
go for a Pap test?
• Most cervical cancers can be
prevented if women have regular Pap
tests with follow-up for abnormal
Any questions?