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Differential Gene Expression in the Male and Female Olympia Oyster (Ostrea lurida)
Hannah Wear and Steven Roberts
School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington
Differential Gene Expression in Male compared to Female
The emergence of the epigenetics field is allowing new insights to how
organisms respond to their environment on the genomic level. Transcriptomic
data provides information about gene expression, which can aid in conservation
of species with high vulnerability, such as the Olympia oyster.
Research Objectives: Expand existing annotated O. lurida
transcriptome resources and determine which genes have the greatest
difference in expression between male and female O. lurida.
1. Transcriptome Annotation: BLAST O. lurida contigs to known gene sequences using multiple genetic and
protein databases; assess results with gene ontology (GO) terms
2. Expression Analysis: RNASeq analysis to determine highly expressed contigs from O.lurida broodstock
data; DESeq analysis to compare male and female differential gene expression; DAVID and REVIGO analysis
to enrich significant differentially expressed genes using GO terms
The two figures show a comparison of male
and female gene expression. The graph on
the left shows direct comparison of gene
expression levels from RNASeq analysis.
The DESeq analysis graph on the far right
shows the fold change of male expression
levels, where positive fold change indicates
a gene expressed higher in males and vice
versa. Red dots represent differentially
expressed genes with a significant p-value
(<0.05). DESeq results show 1789 genes
expressed significantly higher in female and
495 genes expressed significantly higher in
RNASeq Analysis
Biological Processes
Cellular Components
O. lurida Transcriptome Annotation
DESeq Analysis
Enrichment of Genes and Pathways
Genes with significant differential expression from DESeq
analyses were enriched using DAVID analysis and categorized by
GO terms into three categories: biological processes, cellular
components, and molecular function. Females showed
significantly higher expression in the N-glycan biosynthesis
Molecular Function
Gene Ontology associated with UniProt/Swissprot annotated Transcriptome
GO enrichment of significantly expressed genes
Cellular Components
Biological Processes
Molecular Function
Biological Processes
Cellular Components
Molecular Function
Theses findings and tools expand the existing public genomic resources on O. lurida
and provide baseline data for conservation of the Olympia oyster and related species.