Download 3.2 Dominant, Recessive, Heterozygous, Homozygous

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Dominant, Recessive, Heterozygous,
 Toby has a deep voice.
 Is
this genotype or phenotype?
 Paula
has one allele for being tall, and one allele for
being short.
 Is
this genotype or phenotype?
Write in complete sentences!
Don’t talk during the Catalyst!
By the end of today, all SWBAT…
 Differentiate
between homozygous and
heterozygous genotypes
 Determine the phenotype of an organism,
based on its genotype
Quick Review
All living organisms have two alleles for every gene
 Gene
controls one trait
 Allele = version of a gene
Genotype = which alleles you got from parents
Phenotype = physical expression of the genotype
New Vocabulary
Key Point #1: Genotypes are either heterozygous
or homozygous.
 What
do you think these words mean?
 Homo
= “same”
 Hetero = “different”
 Homozygous
= two of the SAME alleles
 Heterozygous = two DIFFERENT alleles
 Tierra
has two alleles for brown eyes. She is homozygous
for eye color.
 Reginald has one allele for green eyes, and one allele
for brown eyes. He is heterozygous for eye color.
Check for Understanding (CFU)
Joshua has one allele for a widows peak, and one
allele for a straight hairline.
 Homozygous
or heterozygous for hairline shape?
Check for Understanding (CFU)
Caleb has two alleles for curly hair.
 Homozygous
or heterozygous for hair type?
Check for Understanding (CFU)
Zach has two alleles for hairy forearms.
 Homozygous
or heterozygous for amount of forearm
Check for Understanding (CFU)
Lynda has one allele for straight hair, and one
allele for wavy hair.
 Homozygous
or heterozygous for hair type?
Principle of Dominance
Key Point #2: If an organism is
heterozygous, a dominant allele will mask
the recessive allele.
 Example:
 The
hair color (gene)
brown allele is dominant, the blonde allele is
 Katlyn has two blonde alleles. Her hair color is blonde.
 Alex has two brown alleles. His hair is brown.
 Amber has one brown allele and one blonde allele. Her
hair is BROWN!!!
Check for Understanding (CFU)
Long fingers is dominant, short fingers is recessive
 Asia
has two dominant alleles
 What type of fingers does she have?
Check for Understanding (CFU)
Long fingers is dominant, short fingers is recessive
 Tonya
has one dominant allele and one recessive allele
 What type of fingers does she have?
Check for Understanding (CFU)
Long fingers is dominant, short fingers is recessive
 Brice
has two recessive alleles
 What type of fingers does he have?
Check for Understanding (CFU)
Long fingers is dominant, short fingers is recessive
 Jaron
has one dominant allele and one recessive allele
 What type of fingers does he have?
But Mr. LY, I’m Lazy!
Let’s abbreviate things.
Key Point #3: There are three rules for
abbreviating genotype
Dominant allele = capital letter
Recessive allele = lowercase letter
BOTH alleles use the first letter of the dominant trait
Long tails in dogs are dominant, short tails are
Long = L
Short = l
Dominant and Recessive Genotypes
For every gene you have two alleles, and each of
those could be dominant or recessive.
So a dog could have THREE different GENOTYPES
for tail length:
(homozygous dominant)
Ll (heterozygous)
ll (homozygous recessive)
Dominant and Recessive Phenotypes
But dogs could only have two different tail lengths.
Remember that a dominant allele will mask a
recessive one. So for this genotype you get….
(long tail)
Ll (long tail)
ll (short tail)
Let’s Practice More
Pea plants can have two alleles for the gene for
height: tall and short. Tall is dominant to short.
letters would represent
the two alleles?
What would be the genotype
of a heterozygous flower?
What would be the phenotype
of a flower that is tt?
What would be the phenotype
of a flower that is Tt?
T and t
Whiteboard Practice!
Guided Practice
The bunnies of the forests of Louisiana
can either be brown or black. Brown is
dominant over black.
 Write all the genotypes possible for a
brown bunny.
Guided Practice
The bunnies of the forests of Louisiana
can either be brown or black. Brown is
dominant to black.
 What is the genotype AND phenotype
of a bunny that is heterozygous?
Guided Practice
The bunnies of the forests of Louisiana can
either be brown or black. Brown is
dominant to black.
 What is the genotype AND phenotype of a
bunny that is homozygous recessive?
Guided Practice
People can have
either free or attached
earlobes. Free is
dominant over
 What letters would
you use to represent
EACH allele?
Guided Practice
People can have either
free or attached
earlobes. Free is
dominant to attached.
 What genotype AND
phenotype of someone
who is homozygous
Guided Practice
People can have either
free or attached
earlobes. Free is
dominant to attached.
 What genotype AND
phenotype of someone
who is heterozygous?
Guided Practice
Chickpeas can be either green or yellow.
Yellow is dominant over green.
 List all the possible genotypes for a yellow
Guided Practice
Chickpeas can be either green or
yellow. Yellow is dominant over green.
 What is genotype AND phenotype of a
chickpea that is homozygous recessive?
Guided Practice
Chickpeas can be either green or
yellow. Yellow is dominant over green.
 What is genotype AND phenotype of a
chickpea that is heterozygous?
Independent Practice (IP)
Key Point Wrap-Up
Key Point #1: Genotypes are either heterozygous
or homozygous.
Homozygous = two of the SAME alleles
 Heterozygous = two DIFFERENT alleles
Key Point #2: If an organism is heterozygous, a
dominant allele will mask the recessive allele.
Key Point #3: There are three rules for abbreviating
Dominant allele = capital letter
Recessive allele = lowercase letter
BOTH alleles use the first letter of the dominant trait
Exit Question
The gene for fur color in mice has alleles
for brown and white. Brown is dominant
to white.
 What
letters are used for the alleles?
 Write the genotype AND phenotype for a
mouse that is homozygous recessive.
Write in complete sentences!
Don’t talk during the Exit Question!