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Welcome to
Today’s Topic:
With your Favorite Host…
Ms. Ings
If a boy is colorblind, he
inherited it from…
• A) His mother
• B) His father
• C) Both his mother and father
• D) Unable to determine
Your phenotype is based on
• A) Your DNA
• B) Your Genotype
• C) Your Environment
• D) Both DNA and Environment
If you crossed two
heterozygous individuals, their
offspring would have
• A) 0% Homozygous recessive
• B) 25% Heterozygous
• C) 75% Dominant Phenotype
• D) 50% Recessive Phenotype
Independent assortment
and crossing over increase
• A) The number of offspring
• B) Genetic Linkage
• C) Sex-linked traits
• D) Genetic Diversity
Genes located on the X or Y
chromosomes are referred to as
• A) Alleles
• B) Recessive
• C) Sex-linked
• D) Autosomal
A Red flower is crossed with a
white flower, the offspring are
pink, this is an example of
• A) Co-Dominance
• B) Incomplete Dominance
• C) Sex-linked
• D) Multiple Genes
Using this pedigree, individuals
with the arrows are
• A) Heterozygous
• B) Homozygous Dominant
• C) Homozygous Recessive
• D) Genotype unknown
For a female to have
hemophilia, she must have
• A) a Y chromosome
• B) an inactivated allele
• C) two recessive alleles
• D) two dominant alleles
Roan cows are an example of
• A) Co-Dominance
• B) Incomplete Dominance
• C) Sex-linked
• D) Multiple Genes
Most human traits are …
• A) Dominant
• B) Recessive
• C) Either Dominant or Recessive
• D) Complex and still not fully
Number 2 is
• A) Homozygous dominant
• B) Heterozygous
• C) Sex-linked
• D) Homozygous Recessive
Two parents have the genotype Gg
for a dominant genetic disorder.
What are the chances their
offspring will have the disorder?
• A) 25%
• B) 50%
• C) 75%
• D) 100%
An individual who is
heterozygous for a ______
disorder is called a carrier.
• A) Allele
• B) Albinism
• C) Recessive
• D) Dominant
Seed color and pod size are
examples of
• A) Genotypes
• B) Phenotypes
• C) Heterozygous
• D) Heredity
The alleles from your mother
and father separating into
different gametes is seen in
• A) Law of Dominance
• B) Co-Dominance
• C) Law of Independent Assortment
• D) Law of Segregation
The ______ can only result in
one _____.
• A) Trait, Allele
• B) Genotype, phenotype
• C) Phenotype, Allele
• D) Phenotype, Genotype
Both parents have widow’s peak.
Their children should have…
• A) All Widow’s peak
• B) No Widow’s peak
• C) Half widow’s peak and half no
widow’s peak
• D) Not enough information
F2:F1 :: F1:___
• A) F2
• B) P2
• C) P
• D) F1
This diagram demonstrates
• A) Test Cross
• B) Pedigree
• C) Dihybrid Cross
• D) Karyotype
II4 is what relation to III3?
• A) Aunt
• B) Father
• C) Uncle
• D) Nephew
For two heterozygous individuals
the phenotype ratio is _____ and
the genotype ratio is _____.
• A) 3:1, 1:2:1
• B) 1:2:1, 2:2
• C) 1:1, 3:1
• D) 3:1, 2:2
If a family has 4 girls, what are
the chances of their next child
being a boy?
• A) 0%
• B) 25%
• C) 50%
• D) 100%
Mendel’s discoveries came
from his…
• A) Careful microscopic evaluation of
chromosomes and genes
• B) Dissections on how fertilization
occurs in pea plants
• C) Breeding experiments with many
generations of fruit flies
• D) Analysis of offspring from several
crosses of pea plants
Alternate forms of a gene are
called _______.
• A) Traits
• B) Alleles
• C) Chromosomes
• D) Heredity
Which of the following has a
heterozygous genotype?
• A) RR
• B) rr
• C) Rr
• D) Rg
Color blindness is recessive and
sex linked. On average there are
more color blind males because
• A. Women need two alleles to be
• B. Men require two alleles to be colorblind
• C. Women have two X chromosomes and
it is inherited on the Y chromosome
• D. Men are more likely due to chance
A man with hemophilia marries a
woman that is a carrier. What
percent of their sons will have it?
• A) 0%
• B) 25%
• C) 50%
• D) 100%
Two roan cows are crossed.
What are the phenotype ratio of
the offspring?
• A) 3:1
• B) 75%:25%
• C) 50% : 50%
• D) 1:2:1
BbRr x BbRr are crossed. What
are the phenotype ratio of the
• A) 3:1
• B) 1:2:1
• C) 1:1:1:1
• D) 9:3:3:1
What is the pattern of
inheritance for this pedigree?
• A) Dominant
• B) Recessive
• C) Sex Linked
• D) Cannot Determine
Parents, one heterozygous for two
traits and the other homozygous
recessive for two traits,
produce_______ offspring that are
homozygous dominant for both traits
• A) 100%
• B) 75%
• C) 25%
• D) 0%
A pedigree cannot be used to
• A) Determine whether a trait is
• B) Show how a trait is passed from
one generation to next
• C) Determine whether a trait is
dominant or recessive
• D) None of the above
If a girl is colorblind, …
• A) Her mother must be colorblind
• B) Her father cannot be colorblind
• C) Her mother cannot be colorblind
• D) Her father is colorblind
Straight hair is recessive and curly hair
is dominant. In co-dominance, the
heterozygous condition would be
• A) Curly
• B) Straight
• C) Wavy
• D) Some straight hairs, some wavy
Which of the following is a
dominant trait?
• A) Ability to taste PTC
• B) Hitchhikers thumb
• C) Cystic Fibrosis
• D) Albinism
In a pedigree, a circle
represents a …
• A) Child
• B) Parent
• C) Male
• D) Female
When an organism has a
heterozygous genotype, the
dominant trait is seen. This can
be explained by …
• A) Law of Dominance
• B) Law of Segregation
• C) Law of Independent Assortment
• D) Law of Combination of Traits
A person has a widow’s peak.
All of the following EXCEPT ____
can be the genotype.
• A) WW
• B) Ww
• C) W_
• D) ww
Mendel crossed the P generation
and produced the ___
• A) P
• B) F1
• C) F2
• D) P2