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DNA and Genes
Modified Chapters 10, 11, & 12
DNA verse RNA….Review
DNA and RNA are nucleic acids
◦ DNA – genetic information
◦ RNA – used to build proteins
Built by nucleotides
 Can be single stranded or double
 Bases
 Bonds
DNA verse Gene??
◦ Nucleic acid
◦ Comprised of
◦ Every person
genetically unique
◦ Segment of DNA
◦ Carries instructions
for products to be
◦ Every person has
same genes, but each
DNA Replication
Complete set of genetic
instructions must pass
from one generation to
the next
 Begins at specific sites
on a double helix
 Proceeds in both
1. Strands separate
a. New nucleotides
b. Result: 2 DNA copies, each:
1 new & 1 old chain
2. DNA polymerase
3. Leading strand
4. Lagging strand
5. Primer
Flow of Genetic Information from
DNA to RNA to Protein
Information contained in DNA is stored in
blocks called genes
◦ genes code for proteins
◦ proteins determine what a cell will be like
DNA stores information in nucleus
◦ instructions are copied from the DNA into messages
comprised of RNA
◦ these messages are sent out into the cell
 direct the assembly of proteins
Flow of Genetic Information from DNA to
RNA to Protein
The path of information is often referred to as the
central dogma
DNA  RNA  protein
Gene expression :
◦ Transcription
 messenger RNA (mRNA) made from a gene within the DNA
◦ Translation
 Using the mRNA to direct the production of a protein
First step
◦ Occurs in nucleus
◦ Genetic information
transferred from DNA to
◦ Important players:
RNA polymerase
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
Introns removed
Exons spliced together
Second step
 Occurs in cytoplasm
 Conversion from the
nucleic acid language to
the protein language
 Important players:
◦ Messenger RNA (mRNA)
 mRNA is “read” in threenucleotide units called
◦ Transfer RNA (tRNA)
The genetic code (RNA codons)
There are 64 different codons in the genetic code!!!!
Genes gone bad…
◦ Any change in the
nucleotide sequence of
◦ Can result in changes in
the amino acids in proteins
◦ Often harmful, but are they
Mutations may result
◦ Errors in DNA replication
◦ Physical or chemical agents
called mutagens
How are Genes Regulated??
In cellular differentiation:
◦ Certain genes turned on
and off
◦ Cells become specialized in
structure and function
In gene expression:
◦ A gene is turned on and
transcribed into RNA
◦ Information flows from
genes to proteins, genotype
to phenotype
How do we use DNA to our
 Recombinant DNA
Cloning Plants and Animals
Nuclear transplantation
◦ Involves replacing nuclei of egg cells with nuclei from
differentiated cells
◦ Has been used to clone a variety of animals
Scottish researchers cloned the first mammal
in 1997
◦ Dolly!!
◦ Reproductive cloning
Recombinant DNA Technology
Set of techniques for combining genes
from different sources into a single DNA
 genetically modified (GM) organism
◦ organism that carries recombinant DNA
Recombinant DNA technology is applied in
the field of biotechnology
◦ Biotechnology uses various organisms to
perform practical tasks
Genetically Modified (GM) Foods
Replacing traditional
plant-breeding programs
Corn has been
genetically modified to
resist insect infestation
Recombinant DNA Techniques
 To work with genes
in the laboratory,
biologists often use
bacterial plasmids
◦ Small, circular DNA
Recombinant DNA Techniques
◦ Can easily incorporate
foreign DNA
◦ Readily taken up by bacterial
◦ Act as vectors
 DNA carriers that move
genes from one cell to
Can help biologists
produce large quantities
of a desired protein
Cutting and Pasting DNA with Restriction Enzymes
To combine the
plasmid and gene:
◦ piece of DNA must be
spliced into a plasmid
 Accomplished using
restriction enzymes
 cut DNA at specific nucleotide
 cuts produce pieces of DNA
called restriction fragments
 May have “sticky ends” that
are important for joining
DNA from different sources
Transformation of Insulin Gene
human insulin gene isolated and cut from its
location on the human chromosome
◦ using a restriction enzyme
plasmid is cut using the same restriction
desired DNA (insulin gene) and plasmid DNA
can be joined using DNA ligase
plasmid now contains the genetic instructions
on how to produce the protein insulin
Bacteria can be artificially induced to take up
the recombinant DNA plasmids and be
◦ successfully transformed bacteria will
contain the desired insulin gene
transformed bacteria containing the insulin gene
can be isolated and grown
As transformed bacteria grow they will produce
the insulin proteins coded for the recombinant
◦ Insulin harvested and used to treat diabetes
DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic Science
DNA technology has
rapidly revolutionized the
field of forensics
◦ scientific analysis of
evidence from crime scenes
Victim identification
Evolutionary research
 Study ancient pieces of
 Cheddar Man!!!!
Tracking the Anthrax Killer
In October 2001, Florida man died from
inhalation anthrax
◦ By the end of the year, four other people had
also died from anthrax
Investigators analyzed the genome of the
anthrax spores used in each attack
◦ Able to establish that the spores from all of
the cases were identical
 Suggested a single perpetrator of the crime
 Able to match the anthrax with one laboratory
 The Ames strain
Betty Anne Waters
◦ Ayer, MA
1982 – brother arrested for murder
Waters went to CCRI
◦ Associates
◦ Went to Roger Williams to get Bachelors and
Law degree
Became brothers lawyer
◦ Witnesses lied****
◦ DNA evidence in 1990’s
◦ Innocence Project
Released in 2001 after serving 18 years in prison
◦ $3.4 million dollar settlement