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Chapter 12
Hunger, Eating, and Health
Why Do Many People Eat Too
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Control of Eating
Is there a “set point” for the body’s energy
reserves that determines when we eat?
The prevalence of eating disorders suggests
that this may not be the case
Over half of the adult population in the U.S.
meets clinical criteria for obesity
The average American consumes 3,800 calories
per day – about twice the average requirement
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Digestion, Energy Storage,
and Energy Utilization
Purpose of eating is to provide the body with
molecular building blocks and energy
Digestion – breaking down food and
absorbing its constituents
Energy storage in the body
Lipids (fats)
Amino acids (proteins)
Glucose (carbohydrates)
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Energy Storage in the Body
Energy delivered to the body as lipids,
amino acids, and glucose
Stored as fats, glycogen, and proteins
Fats are most efficient for energy storage
One gram of fat stores twice as much energy
as one gram of glycogen
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Three Phases of Energy
Energy metabolism: Chemical changes
that make energy available for use
Cephalic phase – preparation for eating
Absorptive phase – energy absorbed
Fasting phase
Withdrawing energy from reserves
Ends with next cephalic phase
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Three Phases of Energy
Metabolism (continued)
Controlled by two pancreatic hormones
Insulin – high during cephalic and
absorptive phases
triggers glucose use as fuel by body cells
triggers conversion of bloodborne energy to fat,
glycogen, and protein
triggers energy storage in adipose cells, liver, and
Glucagon – high during fasting phase
triggers change of stored energy to usable fuel: fat to
free fatty acids and then ketones; protein to glucose
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Hunger and Eating: Set Points
vs. Positive Incentives
The Set-Point Assumption:
Despite lack of evidence, most believe that
hunger is a response to an energy need; we
eat to maintain an energy set point
Glucostatic and lipostatic theory
Positive Incentive Theory
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Problems with Set-Point Theories of Hunger and Eating
Epidemic of eating disorders
Contrary to evolutionary pressures that
favored energy storage for survival
Reductions in blood glucose or body fat do
not reliably induce eating
Do not account for the influence of external
factors on eating and hunger
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Physiological Research on
Hunger and Satiety
Role of blood glucose levels
Myth of hypothalamic centers
Role of the GI tract
Hunger and satiety peptides
Serotonin and satiety
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Role of Blood Glucose Levels
in Hunger and Satiety
Blood glucose drops prior to a meal as
preparation to eat – not a cue to eat
Must decrease blood glucose by 50% to
trigger feeding
Premeal glucose infusions often do not
suppress eating
Reduced blood glucose may contribute to
hunger, but changes in blood glucose do not
prevent hunger or satiety
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Myth of Hypothalamic Hunger
and Satiety Centers
Experiments suggested two hypothalamic centers
Ventromedial (VMH) – a satiety center
Lateral (LH) – a hunger center
Lesions of VMH produce hyperphagia
Lesions of LH produce aphagia and
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Myth of Hypothalamic Hunger
and Satiety Centers (continued)
VMH lesion rats maintain a new higher
LH lesion rats will recover if kept alive by
tube feeding
Hypothalamus – regulates energy
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Myth of Hypothalamic Hunger
and Satiety Centers (continued)
VMH lesions increase blood insulin
Lipogenesis (fat production) increases
Lipolysis (fat breakdown) decreases
All calories are quickly stored so the rat
must eat more to meet immediate needs
Same results seen with lesions of
noradrenergic bundle or paraventricular
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Myth of Hypothalamic
Hunger and Satiety
Centers (continued)
Location of
nuclei that
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Role of the Gastrointestinal
Tract in Satiety
Cannon and Washburn (1912)
Studies suggested stomach contractions led to
hunger, distension to satiety
But – hunger is still experienced with no
Blood borne satiety signals?
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Hunger and Satiety
Gut peptides that decrease meal size:
cholecystokinin (CCK), bombesin, glucacon,
alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone,
Must first establish that peptide does not
merely create illness
CCK causes nausea at high doses, but
suppresses food intake at doses insufficient
to induce taste aversions
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Hunger Peptides
Usually synthesized in the
hypothalamus – neuropeptide Y,
galanin, orexin-A, ghrelin
Many different signals control eating
(not just glucose and fat)
Hypothalamus plays a central role –
microinjections of some peptides have
major effects on eating
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Serotonin and Satiety
Serotonin agonists consistently reduce
rats’ food intake
Even intake of palatable food is affected
Reduces amount eaten per meal
Preferences shift away from fatty foods
Similar effects seen in humans
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Serotonin and Satiety: PraderWilli Syndrome
Possible key to understanding neural basis of
Food-related: insatiable appetite, extremely slow
metabolism; eventual death in adulthood from obesityrelated diseases
Other symptoms: weak muscles, small hands and feet,
triangular mouth, stubbornness, feeding difficulties in
infancy, tantrums, compulsivity, skin picking
Damage or absence of a section of chromosome 15
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Why Is There an Epidemic of
Evolution favored preferring highcalorie food, eating to capacity,
storing fat, and using energy
Cultural practices and beliefs promote
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
The five stages of a typical weight-loss program.
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Why Do Some People Become Obese and Some Not?
Energy input differences
Craving for high-calorie foods
Cultural norms
Large cephalic-phase response to sight and
smell of food
Energy output differences
Diet-induced thermogenesis
NEAT (nonexercise activity thermogenesis)
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Leptin and the Regulation of
Body Fat
Leptin – a negative feedback fat signal
ob/ob mice are three times normal weight
Hormone released by fat cells
Leptin receptors found in the brain
Homozygous for a mutant gene ob
Lack leptin
Eat more, and store fat more efficiently than
Human leptin research
However, most obese humans have high leptin
levels. Leptin injections help the few ob/ob humans
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Insulin, Leptin, and the
Arcuate Melanocortin System
Insulin brain levels reflect visceral fat;
leptin levels reflect subcutaneous fat
Both insulin and leptin receptors found
in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Serotonergic Drugs and the
Treatment of Obesity
Serotonin appears to increase short-term satiety
signals associated with the consumption of a meal and
urge to eat high-calorie foods
consumption of fat
intensity of hunger
size of meals
number of snacks and bingeing
Early serotonin agonists produced heart disease in
some patients, was withdrawn, and not yet replaced
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
Voluntary self-starvation
Fatal in 10% of patients
Bulimia – bingeing and purging
Similar symptoms, difficult to distinguish
Distorted body image
Strike educated, affluent young females
Associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder
and depression
Copyright © 2009 by Allyn & Bacon