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Zoology II
Introduction to
Human Nutrition
A Calorie is:
• The amount of heat energy required to
raise the temperature of one gram (1ml) of
water one degree Celsius.
• Example: it would require 10 calories to
raise the temperature of one gram of water
10 degrees Celsius, or 10 calories to raise
the temperature of 10 grams of water one
degree Celsius.
Metabolism: The Chemical
Reactions of Living Organisms
• When we talk about Metabolism……….we
are usually referring to the RATE at which
the chemical reactions occur within an
individual……….such as a “Fast
Metabolism” or a “Slow Metabolism”.
To determine the number of calories
you need to maintain your present
• Take your present weight and multiply
it by 15.
• Wt. (in lbs.) ______ X 15 = ______ cal.
• Example: 150 lbs. X 15 = 2,475 calories a day to maintain your
present weight.
To Gain or Lose Weight
• Gaining, or losing one pound of Lean Body Mass
(LBM) requires a change of 3,500 calories in your
daily diet.
• Two pounds would be equal to 7,000 calories, 3,500
calories for each pound.
• If you increase your intake 1,000 calories a day for
one week (7,000 total calories)….. Your should gain 2
lbs………If you decrease your intake 1,000 calories a
day for one week (7,000 total calories)….. Your should
lose 2 lbs.
• Weight Gain, or Loss should
exceed Two pounds a week.
Target Weight
Weight your desire
• To achieve your target weight you adjust
your daily caloric intake to:
• Target weight X 15 ______ = ______ target calories/day
Example 1: if your target weight is 200 lbs.
you need 3,000 calories/day
Example 2: if your target weight is 150 lbs.
then you need 2,250 calories/day
The Role of Exercise in Diets
• Exercise requires energy……. The energy
used is in the form of calories….. (The same
calories you get from your diet)………
so…….. As you exercise you use up your
• If, in a day, you expend more calories than
you consume… you can possibly lose weight
(not that simple)… if you consume more than
you expend… you can possibly gain weight.
Total Caloric Intake in a Day
Total Caloric intake equal to:
• The Total number of calories consumed minus the total number of
calories used (expended) in physical exercise.
• Example: weight : 150 lbs. + you run 5 miles at an average pace of
5 mph for 1 hr…… Your Caloric Expenditure = 400 calories
(I got this information from an internet site)….So….
You eat 1,500 calories and expend 400 calories exercising…
Total Caloric Intake for that day is 1,500 – 400 = 1,100
Determining Your Daily Caloric
Intake to gain or lose weight
• If you want to lose weight you should reduce
your daily intake by 1,000 calories/day….. That
would be 7,000 calories/week and would be
equivalent to 2 lbs. a week…. You should lose 2
lbs that week.
• If you want to gain weight you should increase
your daily intake by 1,000 calories/day….. That
would be 7,000 calories/week and would be
equivalent to 2 lbs. a week. …. You should gain
2 lbs that week.
Putting Diet and Exercise Together
• If you want to lose weight you should reduce
your daily intake by 1,000 calories/day….
You can accomplish that one of two
ways……… one; reduce your caloric intake
by 1,000 calories/day or, two (for example)
reduce your caloric intake 500 calories and
exercise a sufficient amount to expend 500
calories…. Both approaches accomplish the
same thing… 1,000 fewer calories.
Putting Diet and Exercise Together
• Gaining weight is a little tougher. Most people, at
your age, who want to gain weight are involved
in athletics. Those “athletics” use up at lot of
• Example: You want to weigh 200 lbs… so you need 3,000
calories/day, and you expend 1,200 calories/day while exercising.
• You eat 3,000 calories a day right??? That’ll do it! NO…. Your total
caloric intake for the day is only 1,800 calories.. If you weigh over
120 lbs…. You will LOSE weight.
• What you really need to do is eat 4,200 calories a day…. 3,000
calories under normal conditions and, an additional 1,200 calories to
make up for the calories burned while exercising.
• Now all you have to do is eat the right foods.
What your diet should be:
(for a typical body, with a typical metabolism)
• 60 % of your diet should be Carbohydrates
(mostly starches)
• 20% of your diet should be Proteins
• 20% of your diet should be Fats
Determining the number of
calories/day for each food group
• Let’s say your target weight is 3,000 calories.
• Carbohydrates = 3,000 X 0.6 = 1,800 calories/day…
this is 60% of you diet.
• Proteins = 3,000 X 0.2 = 600 calories/day
• Fats = 3,000 X 0.2 = 600 calories/day
Determining the number of
grams/day for each food group
• Each gram of carbohydrates has an
energy equivalence of 4 calories.
• You need 1,800 calories of
carbohydrates…..1,800/4 = 450 grams/day
• Each gram of protein has an energy
equivalence of 4 calories.
• You need 600 calories of
protein..…..600/4 = 150 grams/day
• Each gram of fat has an energy
equivalence of 9 calories.
• You need 600 calories of
protein..…..600/9 = 67 grams/day
Diet Summary
for a 3,000 calorie diet
• 450 grams carbohydrates
• 120 grams protein
• 67 grams fats
Supply Energy
• Avoid Sugars…. Sugars provide instant
energy. However, the blood sugar level
drops rapidly creating a craving for more
sweet food along with fatigue and possibly
nervousness, dizziness and headache.
• You want Starches
• Starch is stored as Glycogen… and can
be converted to sugars as you need them.
used to build tissues and enzymes
• Your body makes most of the 20 amino acids
you’ll ever need. The amino acids your body
doesn’t must be supplied by diet. These
unsupplied 8 amino acids are called the
“Essential” amino acids. Foods that contain
all 20 of the amino acids are called
”Complete” proteins…. Egg whites and
gelatin are great protein sources.
• Your body will assimilate proteins every 4
hours… so… if you want to gain weight you
should eat every 4 hours (or close to it)
energy source, required for vitamin usage
• Saturated – solid at room temperatures
• Unsaturated – liquid at room temperatures
• Excess amounts can lead to various heart
diseases and the possibility of obesity,
along with diabetes.
• Can trigger a slowing of metabolism…
leading to more weight gain.
Vitamins & Minerals
• Not an energy source!!!!
• If you feel you need extra vitamins and
minerals, and I’m not sure why you
would, take 1 “one-a-day” vitamin each
day…. Too many people use the MEGA
vitamin packs…. Their urine glows a
bright yellow… that’s because they are
losing most of the vitamins they
Fluid Replacement
as you exercise you lose water and
electrolytes (salts) in the form of sweat.
• The best fluid replacement is Water.
** “The colder the water, the faster it is absorbed”
• A great option to water is a drink
called “Quick kick”
(developed at the US Olympic Training Center)
1 tablespoon lemon extract + 1 quart cold water
Electrolyte Replacement
• Gatorade, Powerade, etc………. are
designed to replace Sodium and
Potassium…. However, they contain 4-5
times more sugar than you need….
That makes these drinks
undesirable….. If you dilute these
drinks, 4 parts – 1 part drink, you will
better off.
Salt Tablets??
•You Gotta be