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Session Intro
PSI Forum, June 2009
Dave Galvin
Local Hazardous Waste Management
Program in King County (Seattle, WA)
A timely subject…
Anti-depressants (SSRIs)
Hormones, estrogen
replacements, BC pills
• Chemotherapeutics
• Stimulants
• Etc.
Drugs are showing up in the
• Ibuprofen, valium,
prozac, antibiotics,
steroids, hormones
• Found in 80% of U.S.
streams tested by
• Found in drinking
water supplies in
many U.S. cities
Drugs also present poisoning
and abuse hazards
• Most homes have
many medicines on
the shelves
• Common source of
childhood poisonings
• Common source of
teenage and adult
Evolution of the Issue
• Christian Daughton @U.S. EPA: “father” of this issue?
– Lone voice for years beginning in the 1990s; “PPCPs”
• Charlotte Smith @PharmEcology Associates in Wisc.:
– Founded first RD firm in 1990; founded P.E. in 2000
• U.S. Geological Survey’s seminal study (Kolpin et al.):
– Published in ES&T in 2002
• Maine Benzodiazepine group: First Unused Medicine
Return Conference in Maine in 2004
– Stevan Gressitt, Len Kaye – concerned about drug abuse
• Formation of national Pharmwaste listserv:
– Laurie Tenace @Florida DEP – 2004 NAHMMA conference
• First EPA Conference on Pharms in Environment:
– 2005 in Las Vegas
Evolution (cont’d)
• Take-backs began at grass-roots:
– Indiana
– Florida
-- New England -- Washington
-- California
• Complex problem identified
– Environmental concerns, also safety/abuse
• Complex legal arena for handling left-overs
• Product stewardship take-back approach
seems like a key piece of answer
In sum…
• An important, timely focus for PSI
• Strong public support for a solution
• Lots of activity on take-back, state
legislation, source control, federal
regs and law changes
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