Download 2015 CBBI Renewal Slide

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Name: Insert your name here
Mentor(s): Insert your mentor’s name here
Core Discipline: choose from chemistry or biology-related disciplines
Anticipated PhD defense: month and year here
External Fellowships Applied: fellowship name and status here
CBBI: □ 2nd yr □ 3rd yr
Completed: □ Ethics
□ Research Internship
□ Chemistry
□ Biology-related Courses
Publications from ND Training
Cross-Disciplinary Training Plan Next Cycle
• Identify the tools/techniques outside your core discipline
that you will learn in the next cycle
• List discipline, then tool/technique, for example:
• Chemistry: SRM to measure drug levels in blood
• Biology-related disciplines: H & E staining
• Minimum 12 point font size
• Include ONLY publications (published, in press, in review)
resulting from Notre Dame training
• Include all authors, title, journal, year, volume, pages
• 12 point font size minimum
• If more space needed, attach additional page
Presentations and Honors
Cross-Disciplinary Training
Enter description of major training
activity; insert or delete rows as
Enter description of major training
activity; insert or delete rows as
Enter description of major training
activity; insert or delete rows as
• Include presentations (oral, poster) at
national/international meetings in the past year; include all
authors, title, meeting name, meeting city, meeting month
and year
• Include honors received in the past year only
What Makes Your Research Cool?
• In one short sentence describe what makes your research
cooler than anyone else’s
• 12 point font size minimum
Quantitative & Professional Development
• In one short sentence describe how you will obtain
quantitative training
• In one short sentence list one professional development
goal for the next year
Benefit of Additional Year of Support
• In one short sentence describe why should you receive an
additional year of support
• 12 point font size minimum
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