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WARM UP #6 3/22
1. Hollow ball of cells
2. Forming of the 3 germ layers
3. Cell division
4. Cells in the blastula that have not
become specialized yet. (hint un__)
5. Undifferentiated cells that can become
any cell and possibly used for curing
Ch 13 NOTES #5
Birth Defects
If problems happen while 1st developing
early on with systems or organs – can
cause miscarriage.
20% pregnancies end in miscarriage
Spontaneous Abortion
 When the baby is involuntarily expelled before it is
able to survive on its own.
 Usually nature’s way of eliminating an abnormal
 15% (1 in 6) of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.
 25-50% of miscarriages are a result of chromosomal
 Most occur in the first 3 months.
Problems in development before birth
- Mental retardation, deformities, health problems,
- 3% born in US have problems
Biggest cause is premature birth (6 months or
• Every year, about 7.9 million infants (6%
of worldwide births) are born with serious
birth defects.
With the causes of over 50% of birth defects
2 causes 1. GENETIC – * DNA mutations, passed
What were some we studied?
EX: Downs, sickle cell, Fragile X,
colorblindness, Klinefelters, Marfan etc.
( see Chapter 11)
2. ENVIRONMENTAL - * outside factors
affecting the development
What are some examples?
EX: chemicals, alcohol, medicines,
radiation, smoke, pollution, nutrition, lack
of vitamins, antibiotic, infectious
diseases, mother illness
• Some birth defects can be diagnosed
before birth using one or more prenatal
tests, including ultrasound and
Congenital heart disease
• #1 birth defect in US
1 out of every 125
Heart defects originate in the early weeks of
pregnancy when the heart is forming.
About 6,800 babies are born with cleft lip/palate each year
CEREBRAL PALSY affects muscle tone, movement, and
motor skills. Cerebral palsy can also lead to other health issues, including
vision, hearing, and speech problems, and learning disabilities.
Random mutations in genes that control brain development
Maternal infections
Fetal stroke
Lack of oxygen to the brain (asphyxia) related to difficult
labor or delivery
Infant infections that cause inflammation in or around the
Traumatic head injury to an infant from a motor vehicle
accident, fall or child abuse
Spina Bifida
occurs at the end of the first month of pregnancy when the
two sides of the embryo's spine fail to join together,
leaving an open area. In some cases, the spinal cord or
other membranes may push through this opening in the
A high fever during pregnancy may increase a
woman's chances of having a baby with spina
bifida. Women with epilepsy who have taken the
drug valproic acid to control seizures
Deafness, blindness
#1 preventable birth defect
Fetal Alcohol
Mostly brain
learning disabilities, ADHD,
vision problems, behavior
problems, etc.
• 1957 to 1962 in UK, Canada, Germany,
Japan - not FDA approved
• prevented morning sickness
• 12,000 babies who survived, with
phocomelia (flipper-like arms or legs)
RADIATION exposure
The first two weeks of pregnancy occur after the start of your last period
and before there is any risk to the baby from radiation
During the third week of pregnancy, the baby should be
unharmed. There is a tiny chance that radiation could result in a loss of
During weeks 4-10, the organs of the baby like the heart, lungs, skin, and
muscles are starting to develop. Radiation at this time has a very small
chance of interfering with this development and causing birth defects.
During weeks 10-17, the nerves and the brain are growing. Large doses of
radiation at this stage can cause brain damage and mental retardation. The
risk is small for most x-ray or nuclear medicine exams.
During weeks 18 until birth, radiation is unlikely to cause birth defects or
other severe health effects, unless the doses are very large.
At anytime during pregnancy, there is a very slight increased risk of
cancer later in the baby's life.
Missing limbs and deformities
• This toddler has severe limb deformities
and birth defects due to radiation
contamination from a 1986 nuclear plant
• He has been deformed since birth from what may be the
effects of the defoliant Agent Orange used by US army
during the Vietnam War
Uranium and white phosphorus, which US military has admitted firing on
insurgents in heavily populated Fallujah
• Birth defects
seen in many
Chernobyl Raised Mutations 600%
No drugs should be taken by a pregnant woman,
unless prescribed by a physician.
90% of over-the-counter drugs available have
never been tested for their effects on the unborn.
No pregnant woman should take any illegal drug
because of the high rate of birth defects.
Men planning for future fatherhood, should not
use illegal drugs because of the effect upon the
Marijuana crosses the placenta and is also
found in breast milk.
Small birth weight and decreased learning
Alcohol with marijuana increases the
potency of the alcohol.
May cause extremity deformities.
Low birth weight babies.
20-40% of low birth weight babies are related to
maternal smoking.
Maternal smoking increases the risk of SIDS.
Increased risk of spontaneous abortion, fetal
death, low implantation of the placenta,
premature separation of the placenta, bleeding
and pre-term delivery.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) includes brain
injury, growth impairment, facial deformity and
congenital heart defects.
A small head is seen in many of these infants
and reflects the brain growth.
Occurs with only 2 ounces of alcohol/day.
Significant neurological impairment can occur
with only 1 ounce per day.
Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) are seen in infants
whose mothers drank moderately.
Extra or missing parts
Cells that grow uncontrollably
1) radiation
2) chemicals
3) viruses
4 ) mutated genes
Mitosis of cancer cells is fast
INHIBITORS- normally when a cell divides
and it touches another cell it stops (so no
Cancer keeps dividing - makes
overcrowding – TUMOR.
leukemia (blood)
Can be any where
How detect: MRI or ultrasound or
TREATMENTS * surgery
* medicines
* chemotherapy - radiation
Damage of the lungs begins early in smokers, and all cigarette
smokers have a lower level of lung function than nonsmokers..
Chronic bronchitis -- a disease where the airways produce excess
mucus, which forces the smoker to cough more often -- is a common
ailment of smokers.
Cigarette smoking is also the major cause of emphysema -- a
disease that slowly destroys a person’s ability to breathe. Shortness
of breath (especially when lying down), a chronic mild cough (which
is often dismissed as "smoker’s cough"), feeling tired, and
sometimes weight loss are early symptoms of emphysema. People
with emphysema are at risk for many other complications resulting
from weakened lung function, including pneumonia
• Smoking can also lead to lung cancer which cannot be cured!