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by Theodore J. Lowi, Benjamin Ginsberg, and
Kenneth A. Shepsle
Chapter 13: Public Policy
and the Economy
Public Policy Defined
Examples of public policies include:
Public policies
are authoritative
statements backed
by rewards and
acts of Congress
executive orders
court rulings
Public Policy can
be defined as a
Public Response
to a perceived
Public Problem
Politics is the
process we use to
determine that
policy response.
Bureaucracies also shape policy as they
implement it.
It is through implementation that the
punishments or rewards of a given policy are
made concrete and tangible to citizens.
There are three types of public policies to consider.
Promotional policies promote desirable behavior.
Regulatory policies discourage undesirable
Redistributive or macroeconomic policies seek to
change individual behaviors by altering the overall
economic context in which people act.
Promotional policies provide
incentives (“carrots”) for private
actors to engage in behaviors the
government deems desirable.
Examples of promotional techniques
include licenses, grants, and
government contracts.
Regulatory policies
provide punishments
(“sticks”) to increase the
costs to private actors
engaging in undesirable
Regulatory techniques
criminal and civil law
administrative regulation
(e.g., EPA, OSHA)
“sin” or excise taxes
Macroeconomic and redistributive
policies often are aimed at redistributing
the resources of a society.
The progressive income tax (whereby
the more an individual makes in income,
the higher the percentage of income tax
he or she pays) is a central component
to most redistributive policies.
How Does Government Make a Market
Economy Possible?
Though many think of markets as the natural
order of things and take a capitalist economy for
granted, our market economy is a political
economy established, fostered, and otherwise
affected by government policies.
At the most basic level, governmental involvement
makes it possible for the economy to function by:
establishing law and order
defining rules of property
enforcing contracts
governing rules of exchange
setting market standards
providing public goods
creating a labor force
ameliorating externalities
promoting competition and countering
tendencies toward monopoly
What Are the Tools of Economic Policy?
American economic policy is the result of many
different economic institutions and policy tools
that direct, shape, and fine-tune the economy.
The government
employs regulatory
tools designed to
behaviors it deems
The government has instituted
antitrust policies to discourage
monopolistic practices and other
threats to market competition.
The government also employs
administrative regulations that
impose restrictions and penalties
on private actors to discourage
other undesirable behaviors like
pollution or indecency.
Monetary policies are the
government’s efforts to
regulate the economy
through the manipulation
of the supply of money and
The Federal Reserve
System of twelve
Federal Reserve Banks
regulates member
banks to affect the
supply of money and
credit in order to fight
inflation and deflation in
the American economy.
The Federal Reserve affects monetary policy through:
– the interest rates it offers member banks
– setting the reserve requirement of how much
cash banks are required to hold at any given time
– open-market operations (the buying and selling
government securities)
– setting the federal funds rate, an interest rate that
banks charge each other
The Aims of Social Policies
Part of the aim of government is to
devise and implement policies that
improve society.
Social policies aim:
to protect people against the risks
and uncertainties of life
to promote equality of opportunity
to alleviate poverty
The United States Welfare System
Compared to many European and especially
Scandinavian governments, the United States has a
small “welfare state.”
Compared to such “cradle to grave” systems, a
culture of individualism and a small American “state”
has led to a limited role for the American government
in providing for social welfare.
Many political scientists
argue that America is
“exceptional” among most
comparable democratic
governments in its
disposition toward “big
government,” particularly in
the area of social policy.
Although America spends a
great deal on military and
defense, it has an
exceptionally small
domestic policy state and,
as a result, an exceptionally
low tax burden.
Tax Receipts as Percentage of GDP, Selected Countries, 2002
Sw eden
Norw ay
United Kingdom
United States
Source: OECD in Figures: Statistics on the Member Countries 2005 edition (