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Trans-Crisis Solution
Shift towards a
New Global Society Model
Globplex project
orientation diagram.
System and
inducing participation
extensive tools and intensive events
Sine-qua-non Root Solutions 2012 > 2020
= higher judgment than most of current leadership
* Deepening of current crisis.
* Incompetence of manyelites.
GlobFil: gb0206.10.aan
* Local violence generalized > dictatorship.
* Dictatorship failing > terminal world war.
The whole project
can easily be self-financed
by the results
of the proposed rationalizations.
No financial credit required.
Creation of work-for-all inherent.
Food and Water Availability
Human Health
Material Wealth
Human Relations
Cultural Development
Holistic Logic and
Complexity Awareness
unavoidable and feasable
Panergetic Index ( expressing real value, replacing GDP, etc.)
Panergetic Price ( total lifecycle impacts )
No-Money Economy ( 25 % of total )
Local-Global SubsidiarySociety Organization
Convivial Finance System ( Interest-free )
Food: Local Natural Semi-Vegetarian ( - 50 % Animal Food )
Transport: Carshare ( - 50 % Individual Cars and Car-Kms )
100 % Transparency Public Affairs and Documents
Massive Tree and Forest Planting ( current areas x5 )
Construction Space and volume to restrict ( max. 30 m2 / person )
add more ...
Key-Obstacles and Challenges:
* People and entities profiting from problems
and lack of systemic solutions.
* Blocking power of habits.
* Societal apathy and inercy of majority of population.
> Inducing proactive societal participation and non-wrong-doing
> opening collective intelligence,
e-Societal Impacts
decisive improvements
Global e-Society Complex is a SYSTEM, that can be applied by all people and entities in pursuit of a viable society.
Global e-Society Complex
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