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Philippines comparisons
with Australia
By Izzie
Capital: Manila
Capital: Canberra
Population: 94 million
Population: 22,628,650
Area: 300,000 km2
Area: 7,617,930 km2
Government: Republic
Government: constitutional
Currency: Pilipino peso
Currency: Australian dollar
Languages: Pilipino and English
Religion: Christian (90%), Muslim
(5%), Buddhist and other (2%)
Languages: English
Religion: 64% Christian, including
26% as Roman Catholic and 19%
as Anglican, 19% "No religion“,
Buddhism (2.1%), Islam(1.7%),
Hinduism (0.8%), and Judaism
Although primary education is free
and compulsory, many children are
not able to go to school because
their parents cannot afford to buy
school supplies and sometimes
children have to work on the family
farm or business. Classrooms are
often crowded and hot and have
few teaching resources. Many
children are malnourished and find
it difficult to study effectively.
Despite these obstacles, 96% of the
population aged 15 and
over can read and write,
considering the importance
of education.
School attendance is compulsory
throughout Australia. All children
receive 11 years of compulsory
education from the age of 6 to
16 (Year 1 to 10), before they
can undertake two more years
(Years 11 and 12), contributing
to an adult literacy rate that is
assumed to be 99%.
The Philippines has a tropical
climate and is usually hot and
humid. There are three seasons:
tag-init or tag-araw, the hot dry
season or summer from March to
May; tag-ulan, the rainy season
from June to November; and taglamig, the cool dry season from
December to February.
Australia has lots of
different weather from
cyclones to boiling hot 42
degrees. Australia has four
main seasons summer the
very hot season, spring the
warm season, autumn the
warm and cold season,
winter the very cold season.
There is great unevenness in the
distribution of wealth in the
Philippines. A small percentage of
the population is very wealthy
while the majority of the people
are very poor. The Philippines has
a GDP of $351.4 billion and a PPP
of $3,500 living below the poverty
line. In rural areas, most farmers
do not own the land that they
work and are required to give a
percentage of their crop to the
landowner as rent. Nearly 10% of
GDP is from Filipinos working
Australia is wealthy country with
a GDP per capita of $882.4 billon
and a PPP of $41,000. Australia
imports and exports a wide range
of products, but does particularly
well in farming crops, mining,
cotton, fisheries, sugar, wool,
wine, horticulture, grain, forestry
and food.
Various sports are popular in
the Philippines including
basketball, boxing, volleyball,
football, badminton,
taekwondo, billiards, ten-pin
bowling, chess, and sipa.
Motocross, cycling, and
mountaineering are also
becoming popular to. Basketball
is played at both amateur and
professional levels and is
considered to be the most
popular sport in the Philippines
Australia has strong international
teams in cricket, field hockey,
netball, rugby league and rugby
union, having been Olympic or
world champions at least twice in
each sport in the last 25 years for
both men and women. Australia
is also powerful in track cycling,
rowing, and swimming, having
consistently been in the top-five
medal-winners at Olympic or
World Championship level since
The tropical rainforests and coral
reefs of the Philippines are home
to many wonderful plants and
animals - the world's largest fish,
the Whale Shark; the world's
second-largest eagle, the
Philippine Eagle; the world's
smallest primate, the Tarsier; and
the world's longest snake, the
Reticulated Python. On the other
hand uncontrolled deforestation
and soil erosion in rural areas, air
and water pollution in Manila and
pollution of the fish breeding
grounds in the coastal mangrove
swamps are major environmental
issues facing the Philippines.
Australia has a wide rage of
marsupials, including the
kangaroo, koala, and wombat,
and birds such as the emu and
the kookaburra. Australia is
home to many dangerous
animals including some of the
most venomous snakes in the
world. The dingo was
introduced by Austronesia
people who traded with
Indigenous Australians around
3000 BCE. Many plant and
animal species became extinct
soon after first human