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Bailey and Julia Presents:
The Noble Gases
All of these elements are gases… that’s
why their called the Noble Gases!
The Noble Gases are located in what we
like to call AIR.
If you would like to know…the noble gases
are located right beside the Halogen
Also the Noble Gases are found where the
non-metals are.' Cause their either gases
or non-metals
High Or Low?!
The Noble Gases Reactivity is very low so
a world wide web says……
Did you know that the number of Valence
electrons The Noble Gases is 8!
Where in the world are you elements?
I found Helium! I found him on the sun.
Oh yeah, well I found Neon… in the air
I found Argon in Volcanic Gases
Well I found Krypton on a meteorite
Xenon is found on Meteorites also
Radon is found in underground deposits
Argon is used for Light Bulbs
Krypton is used for the lights on the airport
Xeon is used for strobe lights
Neon is used for high voltage indicators
Helium is used for filling balloons as it is
safer than Hydrogen
Radon is actually not used for commercial
Did you know that Radon is the second
cause for lung cancer?
Sir William was the first British chemist to
successfully isolate the Noble Gases.
Radon is the heaviest Noble Gases
Bailey and Julia thank you for watching..
Make sure you check out other films of the
periodic table
Stay safe
Don’t do drugs
Be Happy